

This was published 12 years ago

New legislation fixes Vic affidavit issue

By Carl Dickens

The Victorian government has gone for a quick fix to address the problem of police affidavits not being sworn correctly, lawyers say.

The government is pushing a rare, retrospective bill through parliament to salvage thousands of prosecutions in danger of collapsing because police failed to swear affidavits correctly, potentially thwarting drug kingpin Tony Mokbel's bid to withdraw his guilty plea on serious drugs charges.

Serious issues about the admissibility of evidence have arisen from incorrectly sworn affidavits, and the problem could have led to massive disruption of the criminal justice system, according to Victoria's attorney-general Robert Clark.

Failing to follow formalities in the swearing or affirming of affidavits would no longer exclude evidence obtained from legal proceedings, Mr Clark said on Tuesday.

The legislation would affect about 6000 existing cases before the Magistrates Court and about 300 cases before higher courts, Mr Clark said.

"The government is not prepared to stand by and let the justice system grind to a halt as a result of these problems," he told reporters.

"The community simply cannot afford to have cases being delayed, growing demands on the court system and potentially serious offenders walking free from court simply because police or others have failed to comply with proper procedural formalities."

Law Institute of Victoria president Michael Holcroft said the legislation dealt only with the consequences, not the causes, of police shortcomings.

"The government's legislation today is a quick fix, forced upon them by the widespread failure of Victoria Police to follow proper procedure in swearing affidavits," Mr Holcroft said in a statement.

He said the legislation did not address the issue of accountability, as anyone who failed to swear an incorrect affidavit would not be held responsible and could not be prosecuted for perjury.


The legislation will apply only to affidavits made before November 12, 2011, the day after a Court of Appeal ruling on the affidavit issue.

Mokbel is seeking to rescind his guilty plea to major drug trafficking charges after several police involved with his case admitted they did not swear affidavits.

Mokbel's case has been adjourned until March 13 after he suffered a heart attack in jail on Sunday.

Asked if the legislation was a direct response to Mokbel's plea-change bid, Mr Clark said he would not comment on individual cases.

Melbourne lawyer Rob Stary, who represents Mokbel, would not discuss the legislation's impact on his client's case, but he also voiced concerns about prosecutors' accountability.

"We need to be satisfied that (affidavits) police have relied on have been, or are, legitimate and authentic," Mr Stary told AAP.

"We need to be satisfied that police who then re-adopt those (incorrectly sworn) affidavits have done so properly."

The bill will make it illegal for a person to make a false or misleading statement about the swearing or affirming of an affidavit, with fines of up to $1220.

The legislation was being introduced to parliament on Tuesday, and the opposition said it would enable its passage.

But opposition spokesman for scrutiny of government Martin Pakula attacked the government for using its majority in both houses of parliament to rush the bill through without proper scrutiny, despite knowing about the problems with affidavits since October.

"I've got no doubt that some smart lawyer will be already poring over this bill, looking for problems. Problems that wouldn't emerge if this bill had its proper scrutiny and proper passage through the parliament," he said.

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