

This was published 21 years ago

Murder in the family

As murders go, police see the killing of Margaret Wales-King and her husband Paul as tragic yet simple — a classic domestic crime motivated by resentment and greed. To them, it is an open-and-shut case.

Margaret’s youngest son, Matthew, confessed and is due to be sentenced in the Supreme Court today, along with his wife Maritza, who has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. But despite its apparent legal simplicity Melbourne has been fascinated by the case dubbed "The Society Murders".

The story of the wealthy family, the intrigue and the internal squabbles has made headlines everywhere. Indeed, in the past 12 months, The Age has pub-lished more than 50 reports, including six on the front page, and the Herald Sun has run more than 70 articles, including 12 on page one.

The prosecution case is straightforward. Matthew Wales, the youngest of Margaret’s five children, poisoned and bashed his mother and stepfather because he resented her continued dominance and financial control over him. With their deaths, the struggling, former hairdresser was set to inherit more than a million dollars.

Meanwhile, the Wales family remains convinced there is more to the murders than has been exposed in court. They employed a public relations firm to help promote their assertion that while Matthew was the killer, his wife’s role has been vastly underplayed. She gave her husband a false alibi and was involved in the cover-up for more than a month, but the family maintains she is guilty of much more.


Margaret’s daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Wales, told 3AW’s Neil Mitchell on December 5: "We are all very unhappy with Maritza being charged with perverting the course of justice . . . and obviously she can’t be charged with anything else at this stage because there is not enough concrete evidence. But there are enough anomalies to make you wonder."

She openly lobbied for Maritza to be jailed. "If she gets away with a suspended sentence or a rap across the knuckles, then certainly we will be very unhappy."

But police say there is no evidence to support their theory and believe she may simply have been caught up in the web of greed, malevolence and violence. Matthew has denied claims of his wife’s involvement, telling police: "Maritza had nothing to do with this at all."

Margaret Wales was born on June 16, 1933, to Doreen May and Robert John Lord, a man who made a fortune through road construction. The couple later had another daughter. On June 17, 1957 — one day after turning 24 — Margaret married Brian John Wales, and a year later gave birth to their first child, Sally.

Four more children followed: Damian, Emma, Prue and Matthew, who was born on February 18, 1968. That same year, the couple met Paul King while on holiday at Brampton Island.

Brian was a commercial pilot who was often away from home. Paul and Margaret were to become friends and then lovers. Paul Aloysius King, who was five years older than Margaret, had lived in Sydney until the 1960s, when he moved to Melbourne to take up a job as advertising manager for a wool company. He had never married and lived alone in a small flat in Prahran.

In 1975, Brian and Margaret Wales separated and a year later they divorced. Soon after the separation, King moved in with Margaret. This created a split in the family, a scar that never really healed.

When they finally married in 1995, none of the children were invited. The four elder Wales children blamed King for their parent’s break-up. They dismissed him with such nicknames as "The Butler" and "The Shadow" because he was so subservient to Margaret.

But Matthew, who was only seven when his parents split, saw him as a father figure. This drove a wedge between Matthew and his brother and sisters. They also felt he was a spoiled brat. "Mum adored Matthew to the stage where we used to call him ‘Golden Boy’ — he could do no wrong in mum’s eyes," his sister Emma told police.

"Matthew was the baby of the family and I feel he was mum’s absolute masterpiece because he was so beautiful and she was so very into aesthetics."

But the beautiful child was flawed. With an IQ of 83 he struggled at school, told lies at home and grew into an uncontrollable teenager who was prone to violent outbursts. According to Emma, "He was very cruel to animals. I used to tell mum but Matthew would lie and get out of it."

His brother Damian told police, "Matthew was a prick of a kid — we were never close."

Matthew Wales left Caulfield Grammar for the John Morrey School of Hairdressing, where he completed his apprenticeship. In 1997, he opened a franchised hairdressing salon called Hairhouse Warehouse in the Knox shopping centre.

He had a small but loyal client list. One was an attractive girl from Boronia, Maritza Pizzaro. The youngest of three children, Maritza was 13 when she migrated to Australia from Chile with her parents, Mario and Honoria Pizzaro in 1976, and settled in Melbourne’s outer east.

She attended Aquinas College in Ringwood, where she completed year 10. She then went to work at The Age taking classified ads. She met Matthew at the Knox salon in 1998.

According to his sister Emma, Matthew often confided in her about his love life — "He was a real kiss-and-tell merchant."

She said Maritza asked Matthew to come to her house to do her hair. "When Matthew arrived at her door, apparently Maritza was wearing a see-through negligee and a G-string and apparently the hair-do went out the window, as did all caution . . . From that moment on, he was besotted with her."

A year later, in 1999, they married and 12 months later they had their only child, Domenik. While Matthew clearly loved Maritza deeply, some members of the Wales family felt he had simply swapped one dominant woman for another.

Emma told police she regarded her sister-in-law as a gold-digger. "She seemed like a vulgar little guttersnipe really … Maritza aspired to being rich, rich, rich, that’s all she wanted to be. I’ve never met anyone as blatant a liar as Maritza."

Matthew used money from the sale of a family house to help set up his new wife in a women’s fashion shop called Maritza Imports in High Street, Armadale. Emma would later tell police that her sister-in-law lacked the business and sales experience to succeed. She claimed Maritza’s brother once said his sister’s only retailing experience was to "wiggle her arse in a men’s shoe shop".

In December 2001, the simmering tensions between family members threatened to break out into open warfare. As always, it was about money, power and control. Margaret and her sister Dianna Yeldham controlled a trust that owned a Gold Coast unit bequeathed to them by their father. But the real owners were their children.

When Yeldham decided to sell, Margaret wanted her family’s share invested back into her trust fund, but she needed her children’s agreement. They initially resisted and the dispute went on for two months. The only person whose support the two sisters thought they could count on was Matthew’s — his mother gave him the consent documents and demanded his signature.

Margaret either believed that after all she had done for him she could rely on his loyalty — or thought he was too stupid to understand the legal technicali-ties. His brothers and sisters had become financially independent years earlier but Matthew still needed her help. He signed, but believed it was the final proof that he would always be treated as the runt of the litter.

In late March 2002, he went to his in-laws’ home in Kew and took some blood pressure pills that had been prescribed for Maritza’s mother, Honoria, from the kitchen cabinet. Matthew had already decided to poison his mother. He invited Margaret and Paul for dinner that week but the arrangement had to be cancelled when his baby son became ill.

But time was on his side. The dinner date was rescheduled for Thursday, April 4. Margaret was always punctual. The invitation was for between 6.30pm and 7pm. She rang and said they would arrive at 6.50pm. Margaret drove her silver Mercedes sedan into the driveway of the rented, double-storey town house in Glen Iris.

The house is enclosed by a large concrete-rendered fence. No one can see in from busy Burke Road, so no one would have observed Matthew hiding a piece of pine timber in the garden hedge before the arrival of his guests.

In early 2000, Paul King suffered a stroke. At one stage he was so ill that Margaret began making funeral arrangements. He survived with diminished speech capacity, but after a series of setbacks ultimately needed 24-hour care.

The chance for Margaret to visit family must have been a temporary relief for her. While Maritza played with Domenik, Matthew prepared the first course of home-made vegetable soup. In the kitchen he crushed his mother-in-law’s blood pressure tablets and the prescription painkiller Panadeine Forte and mixed it into Paul’s and Margaret’s soup bowls. He then served vegetable risotto with a Chilean red and an Australian white wine.

Police would later establish that at 9.45pm the drugged couple tried to go home. Drowsy and unsteady on their feet, they walked across the courtyard when Matthew picked up the piece of wood and hit his mother over the back of the neck "with great force".

She fell face-first to the ground, breaking her nose in the fall. He then struck the frail and helpless Paul King across the left arm and then the forehead. He also fell face-first. Within days the couple were listed as missing, although police were already convinced they had been murdered.

On April 9, five days after the murder, Matthew made a statement to police saying he had hosted a pleasant dinner party for his mother and stepfather, who had then headed home. He could shed no light on their disappearance.

On the same day, Maritza made a statement to police saying she didn’t know what had happened to her in-laws. But in a confession made on May 10 and never before published, she spoke to her lawyers who drafted a "can say" statement on the condition it couldn’t be used against her in court. It was the final piece of evidence against her husband.

"I only had a small glass of white wine that evening and I can recall Paul and Margaret drinking red wine," she said.

"During the course of the dinner I noticed Paul and Margaret appeared to be drowsy and Margaret appeared to be slurring her words. I simply thought this was due to the alcohol that was consumed."

Maritza Wales said she did the dishes and made them chamomile tea and honey while the three others went into the lounge room.

"At this stage Margaret appeared less affected by alcohol."

She said she went upstairs to change and feed Domenik. She was gone 30 minutes. When she came downstairs she found the house deserted and the lights off. She thought her guests had gone home without saying goodbye because they did not want to disturb Domenik.

"I noticed that the front door was open and I looked outside and found Paul and Margaret lying on the ground."

In her confession Maritza, then 38, recalled: "I said, ‘What happened?’ and Matthew told me to ‘get inside’. He was crying and shaking and said ‘I hit her.’

"I ran upstairs crying and was violently ill. I did not know what to do."

At first Matthew thought he would be arrested within minutes. He believed a woman whose upstairs window over-looked the yard may have seen him attack the couple and was already calling the police. He told Maritza, "There’s a girl up there who saw me".

But when there were no sirens, he decided to try and hide the bodies. According to Maritza, "Later, upstairs, I looked out the window and saw Matthew drag Margaret and Paul over to the fence. This was by the wall on the grass. I then saw him put two doona covers over them.

"Matthew then came upstairs looking white and pale and said to me, ‘Do you hate me for what I have done?’ I said, ‘I don’t know’. I felt sick. I said, ‘What are you going to do’? and he said ‘I’ll cover them and fix it. I can’t remember exactly when, but I asked him what he did and he said he’d hit his mother over the back of the head with piece of wood."

He told Maritza he planned to dump the bodies in the Yarra but changed his mind and buried them in a shallow grave near Marysville. Maritza confessed, "Matthew told me he was going to get a trailer. I went to work. Matthew told me later that he’d put Margaret and Paul in the garage. I didn’t look in the garage and I didn’t know what to do."

Two days after the murder he left with the bodies.

"About 11.30am he went out with the car and the trailer. I knew that Matthew was going to dispose of Margaret and Paul. He told me it was best if he didn’t tell me where. I can’t recall when, but within a few days he told me that he had buried Margaret and Paul at Marysville. I have never been there and didn’t know where it was," Maritza said.

The bodies were discovered by two Parks Victoria rangers off a track in forest east of Marysville on April 29. The day after Maritza made her statement her husband was arrested and subsequently confessed to the murder of his mother and stepfather.

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