

This was published 20 years ago

Melbourne's 25 sexiest people

TV's home improver Suzie Wilks has it. Neighbours hotty Izzy Heyland (actress Natalie Bassingthwaighte) has it in spades. And believe it or not, we even think our loveably earnest leader Steve Bracks has it, too.

Call it the X-factor. It's not about being gorgeous, successful or having a great bod (although it can incorporate all those things).

It's that certain something that makes you sit up and take notice: sex appeal. Smart people with their clothes on (think Mary Kostakidis) are way sexier than dumb people with their clothes off.

A little mystery is sexy. Even the editor of Playboy, James Kaminsky, is contemplating using more "interesting" women in his mag, and letting them keep their togs on. ("But in a very sexy way," he says.)

Surprises are sexy: the mechanic reading David Foster Wallace or the pretty girl who knows more about sport than you do. "A woman smoking a cigar," says restaurateur Ronnie di Stasio. "Very sexy."

In the same way, those forgotten arts — grace, good manners, elegance of movement — are deeply sexy. As is flirting.

"Flirtation is frowned upon a bit in Australia," says casting director Maria Efthymiopoulos, who considers it a sex-appeal must-have. "It's seen as sleazy."

But is there anything lovelier than being flirted with, ever so gently?

"Being observed, being admired, can be intensely sexy," says Angus Fontaine, editor of Ralph magazine. "As can returning the look."

When compiling our list of Melbourne’s sexiest people we looked for candidates who somehow embodied those mysterious qualities that bestow sex appeal. We also wanted a cross-section of people from the worlds of business, media, sport, art, music, fashion, food and wine.


And Neighbours.

Accordingly, we took the challenge to dozens of people knowledgeable about these matters.

Some have a very clear idea of what it is that makes someone sexy — and who's got it. "Paul Licuria," says Fox-FM's Jo Stanley, without hesitation.

Some are less clear. "It's just the X-factor," says Associated Models booking agent Karen Angliss. "You just look at someone and think, yep, they've got it."

"Melbourne is a hotpot for sexiness," says model-turned-author Tara Moss. "Perhaps not an in-your-face, tanned-up, mini-skirted sexiness, but that more subtle, shimmering appeal."

Moss nominates Jane Turner and Mick Molloy for their humour, and "my fiance".

Nadine Makin of out-there lingerie purveyors Venuss Envy also takes the "X-factor" line, rather unhelpfully nominating "St Kilda people" as Melbourne's sexiest.

We do love those self-effacing types, and publicist Meredith King promptly nominates Readings' shy and retiring Mark Rubbo: "I had such a crush on him when I was younger. He's older now, but he's still got it. Those eyes!"

After consulting widely within Melbourne's food and wine scene, we found surprising consensus on Melbourne's sexiest chef — and it's another quiet achiever.

But we also wanted at least one larger-than-life character. Judy Romano, an events organiser responsible for many of Melbourne’s A-list parties would like both Sam Newman and his son Jack on the list (only one makes it – guess which).

Georgina Weir, of Le Louvre, is one of many who nominates landscape architect Paul Bangay. "We adore Pauley," she says.

We're a city obsessed with football, so one footballer wasn't enough — we had to throw in the whole team (apologies if you barrack for Essendon).

Sports generally gets a good run: Mark Philippoussis was an early contender in the nominations, except he now lives in San Diego and lost the Davis Cup in decidedly un-sexy fashion.

But swimmer Matt Welsh makes the grade. "You could nominate almost any swimmer in Australia!" laughs gallery owner Rob Gould, who stresses that sexy is so much more than a perfect body.

"A great sense of style can be just as sexy as a pretty face," he says. "Someone like Bettina Liano has that."

Any list of Melburnians has to include a lavish selection from the arts — we fancy ourselves as the most cultured city in Australia, with good reason.

We were spoilt for choice, and had to draw on the expertise of a variety of gallery, literary and theatre folk as well as the staff at the Australian Ballet to make our final selection: elegant dancers, clever authors, sultry artists, charming directors and one very sexy conductor are all represented.

Humour is sexy, says the editor of Cleo, Paula Joye — "Someone who makes you laugh is very sexy. Laughter is a great aphrodisiac" — which is why a comedian makes the list, even if he does spend much of his time on screen playing the fool.

Rock'n'roll is so Melbourne, and we're still producing some of the greatest, and sexiest, musicians around.

Francis Leach is best-known these days for his sporting commentary (most recently on SEN radio), but he's equally expert in the local music scene from his years on Triple J.

"Adalita, from Magic Dirt," is his unhesitating nomination. "Attitude, and a brain."

And no story about Melbourne could be complete without mention of Neighbours. Not one but two (!) babes from Ramsay Street get a spot, a current vixen and a former star who went on to bigger and better things (no, it's not Kylie).

We imposed no age limits, no celebrity-factor criteria. You didn't even have to be pretty.

And we ended up with a list that ultimately represents precisely what makes Melbourne such a fascinating (and sexy) city — its wonderful eclecticism.

Natalie Bassingthwaighte
Actor, plays Izzy Hoyland on Neighbours

Has there ever been such a source of hotties as this iconic soap? Bassingthwaighte joins a list of luminaries including Guy Pearce, Russell Crowe, Holly Valance and, of course, Our Delta and Our Kylie. And we reckon she's as sexy — if not more so — than all of them. For starters, there's a fabulous generosity about this girl's looks — no bony famine-chic here. She's luscious. And appropriately, Bassingthwaighte, 28, plays a marriage-wrecking vixen intent on pleasure-seeking at all costs. It may not be PC, it may not even be nice but, darn, it's sexy.

Matt Welsh
World-champion swimmer

Other swimmers get more of the limelight (you know who they are) but that's precisely why Welsh is so fascinating. With the face, and grin, of the kid next door and the body of a god, the 28-year-old suburban boy (these days you'll find him in the eastern suburbs) has been quietly blitzing his opponents for the past five years. He wins like a champion — two silver and a bronze in Sydney, two silver and a world-record gold in Manchester. He also loses like one. When he was disqualified in the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, he took it like a man. Great sportsmanship is sexy. And Welsh has it.

Jane Burton

As fit for the role of muse as she is of artist, 37-year-old Burton is a classic bohemian beauty: not so much pretty as compelling. Born in Brisbane, schooled in Tasmania and now entrenched in Caulfield, Burton has exhibited around Australia and her work has been acquired by both the NGV and Artbank in Sydney. Her photographs themselves are undoubtedly Melbourne: noirish, faintly gothic, bleakly romantic, but with a wry sense of humour. The same could be said of the artist, and what a sexy mix that is.

Adalita Srsen
Lead singer and guitarist with post-punk outfit Magic Dirt

Adalita is the latest in a long line of rock chicks who just get sexier as they get older (Debbie Harry, Chrissie Hynde, Chrissie Amphlett). Now in her early 30s, the Geelong-born riotgrrl has the pout and the bod to ignite a good few Big Days Out yet. And she's full of surprises. Sure, her favourite band is My Bloody Valentine, and she thinks songs by The Darkness count as poetry. But her favourite film is The Piano (of course, there are quite a few tatts in it). Even without the power and aura of leading one of Australia's hottest bands, she'd still be a babe.

Steve Bracks
Premier of Victoria

There's something immensely appealing about Steve Bracks. You only have to look at his popularity rating to see that. Born and raised in Ballarat, the erstwhile schoolteacher and Williamstown's most famous resident isn't your classic sex god. But something about the combination of his boy-next- door looks, goofily earnest manner and political smarts is profoundly attractive. Being boss of the state doesn't hurt, either. And we have nothing but admiration for a man who can admit wearing Speedos in public was a mistake.

Bettina Liano
Fashion designer

Now 43 and with two children, Liano is living proof that growing up doesn't mean leaving sex-appeal behind. Her catwalk shows are renowned for their sauciness. Her uber-feminine evening wear is sophisticated yet saucy. Her designer jeans (generally falling into the "spray-on" category of fit) are incredibly saucy. And the clothes make perfect sense when you consider the woman — sultry, curvaceous, occasionally giggly, utterly feminine and very, very sexy.

Phillipa Quayle, Elizabeth Del Carmen Allen Gutierrez, and Katerina Vackarova
Bar staff at Becco

There are many reasons for the success of this first-rate bar and restaurant. One of them is the delectable staff. Many Melburnians return again and again just to be tended to by this bevy of beauties — male and female. They're very good-looking. They have, without exception, a well-developed sense of humour. In a city that prides itself on service, this crew is a standout. And is there anything more seductive than someone whose raison d'etre is to satisfy your every whim? What's more, they seem to enjoy doing it. It's no wonder we love 'em.

Felix Riebl
Singer and guitarist, Cat Empire

This guy is, well, so cool. Born in Hawthorn, Riebl, 22, spent his primary school years in Europe, created a sensation back home at Scotch College when he turned up with dreadlocks, and now lives above a pub in Richmond. He was playing Melbourne's late-night music clubs when he was still a teenager, and he and his band (most of them mere babes) have already established an international reputation for their sophisticated jazz-inspired world music. Smart, so talented, and just a little bit shy, Riebl's a fascinating and very sexy blend of rock-star cool and jazz-fiend savvy. Keep an eye out for him tooling his skateboard down CBD laneways.

Suzie Wilks
Thirtysomething presenter with the Nine Network, best known as the host of seminal makeover show Changing Rooms

Suzie Wilks is sexy, she knows she's sexy, she loves being sexy — and we love her for it. Ponytailed, buxom, cheerful and always up for it — whatever "it" may be — Wilks is your classic good-time girl with a heart of gold. If confidence is one of the cornerstones of sex-appeal, Wilk's attractiveness is on solid foundations. And no one wears cut-offs and a tool-belt like this girl.

Paul Bangay
Gentleman gardener

Bangay turned 40 last December — that makes him a fiery Sagittarian. But you wouldn't know it from his softly spoken demeanour. This very civilised landscaped gardener is a darling both of the Brighton lovelies and Melbourne's A-Gay list, and no wonder. He not only looks like something from the cover of a Mills and Boon (he only needs longer locks to be a fair-dinkum Fabio) he's extraordinarily good at what he does. His elegant, highly structured garden designs have won him awards and praise throughout the Western world. He's also been active in AIDS charities, and designed two very beautiful gardens for people living with HIV (the Melbourne AIDS Memorial Garden and the Positive Living Centre Garden). The body of a farm labourer and the soul of a poet: it's a potent mix.

Grant Wharington
Skipper of Skandia, winner of the 2003 Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race

Every girl (and quite a few blokes) secretly loves a sailor. And this guy is the quintessential nautical type. Born, raised and still a citizen of the Mornington Peninsula, the 38-year-old family man looks like something from an aftershave commercial. Only instead of poncing around splashing on Old Spice, Wharington is the real deal, designing, building and racing world-class ocean-going yachts. And winning! It's an irresistible combination of smarts, skill and physical prowess. And did we mention that — before the sponsors took over — his yacht was called Wild Thing? Tommy Hilfiger, eat your heart out.

Shaun Micallef
Actor, comedian, erstwhile lawyer

You sometimes forget it when he's playing the fool, but 42-year-old Micallef is a very good-looking man. Tall, slender, silver-haired, if he wasn't such a klutz you might almost call him distinguished. On the other hand, it's that very foolishness that's at the heart of his attractiveness. Is there anything sexier than a man who makes you laugh? What's more, behind the mugging is a keen (if slightly warped) intellect. And — in Melbourne particularly — brainy is sexy, without question.

Rita Macali
Chef, Ladro

Remember Like Water for Chocolate, when they eat the quail with rose petals and start tearing their clothes off? Well, something similar is happening in Macali's Gertrude Street restaurant. Born and raised in Melbourne's Italian heartland (Carlton, Clifton Hill, Thornbury — so why is she a Kangaroos supporter?) the lusciously Latin 34-year-old has cooked at some of Melbourne's best-loved eateries, including Luxe and Caterina's. She's always been well-respected, but now she's opened a pizza joint and everyone's going crazy for her. Not only do several people very senior in Melbourne's food scene cross town to eat at Ladro, they're also nominating her as the sexiest chef in the city (in the world, according to one bon vivant). Maybe it's time to order one with the lot and find out what the fuss is all about.

Mark Rubbo
Director and co-owner of Readings Books

In Melbourne, books are sexy. And who better represents our literary scene than this gentleman? He's one of the founders of the Melbourne Writers' Festival, he runs one of our best-loved bookstores, and his Rolodex reads like a Who's Who of "writers I'd most like to meet". Now in his early 50s, Rubbo's like that Eng. Lit. professor you always had a crush on: handsome, erudite and somehow both imposing and self-effacing. The fact that he's faintly appalled at the thought of being found sexy (and worried what his wife thinks about it) only makes him more so.

Daniella Faella
Model, hairdresser, and girl-next-door

Oh, I don't know. We just figured a gorgeous, sultry, German-born blonde who's modelled all over the world, has a deliciously euphonious name, lives in Melbourne's second-grooviest neighbourhood (South Yarra — obviously St Kilda is the grooviest) and owns and manages a hair salon called Moist (!) should draw a wild-card on The List. Faella, 26, is the hot chick you've been eyeing off over breakfast at Blakes, or trying to chat up at Souk late on a Friday night. Sorry boys — she's getting married in three weeks.

Krista Vendy
Another of the Neighbours alma mater, and with a bit more class than most. Born and raised in Ballarat, 27-year-old Vendy looks like a bombshell but still has a gorgeous country-girlness about her that's irresistible. Best known for a two-year stint as Tess Bell in Neighbours, she's also very involved in charity work, including stints with the Spastic Society and Young Variety. Hot looks and good deeds make for a particularly enchanting combination.

Sam Newman
Ex-footballer, co-host of The Footy Show, fast-car-freak and man about town

Newman certainly isn't everyone's idea of sexy. But look at his credentials. The ex-Geelong Grammar and Geelong Football Club larrikin has dated most of the blondes under 30 in Melbourne. He hired a very attractive young architect (she hadn't quite finished her degree) to design his Albert Park house featuring a massive mural of Pamela Anderson. (The house later won a major architectural award.) He drives sports cars. And despite the fact that he's almost 60, he's still pulling the birds. Clearly, whatever the X-factor is, Newman's got it big-time. Sorry, but there it is.

Gabrielle Coyne
Managing Director, Penguin Australia

Youth, power and piercing blue eyes — 36-year-old Coyne is a compelling package. The Genazzano girl and Collingwood supporter is smart, driven, ambitious, efficient — your classic A-type personality. She's also witty, very stylish, and oh, that bed-hair. Cast over all of this the romance of running a major publishing house, and you have one very sexy woman.

Collingwood Football Club

The best-looking team in the AFL Sure, the AFL season is a great sporting event. It's also a major perve-fest. While some men are discussing goal-kicking averages the rest of us are arguing over which player has the cutest butt. This is an argument that lasts until the following draft. Given that the code is such a smorgasbord of wellmuscled men, we've chosen the five-star degustation menu. Whether your taste is for the rugged neanderthal (Nathan Buckley), smarts and talent (Shane Woewodin) or pretty boys (Chris Tarrant, Rhyce Shaw, Paul Licuria, Alan Didak, Tarkyn Lockyer — we could go on) there's something here for every taste. Extra points for having Michael Malthouse as coach: handsome, dapper, knows how to cry like a man, and could probably break your arm with his bare hands.

Virginia Trioli

The 40-year-old journalist has won two Walkley Awards (including one for her interview with Peter Reith on "children overboard"), written for both The Age and The Bulletin, and is the presenter of the Drive program on 774 ABC Melbourne. Feisty, funny and sharp as a tack, Trioli is your quintessential Italian- Melburnian (she travelled to Italy last year to get married). Smouldering mediterranean looks (That hair! Those eyes!) she loves her family, opera, pasta — and having politicians on toast. You could never quite be sure whether this fiery signora was going to slap you or seduce you. And we love that in a woman.

Angus Kennett
Fashion model and son of former premier Jeff Kennett

Tall. Dark. Handsome. It's a good start. And while actor John Wood may have described the 25-year-old as "moronic" after the publication of his "travel diary" in The Age in 1999, in fact he's just a delightfully unaffected young bloke who's happy to trade on his looks without taking them — or himself — too seriously. In an industry beset by bad attitude, Kennett junior's self-deprecating manner, combined with those killer looks, make for a very seductive package.

Sonia Orchard
Classical pianist, marine biologist, surfer chick and author of the poetic, if gruelling, non-fiction novel Something More Wonderful, Orchard, who divides her time between the surf coast and Fitzroy, has squeezed more into her 34 years than most of us manage in a lifetime. She's an alluring combination of sophisticate and hippy, reserve and exuberance, as likely to be found with a Bloody Mary in a Brunswick Street bar as running eco-tours off the Queensland coast. And you should see her in a wetsuit.

Markus Stenz
Chief conductor and artistic director, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

There's something intrinsically sexy about conductors. Maybe it's the way they control a hundred temperamental musicians and make them purr. Maybe it's the music itself — passionate, romantic, intense. Maybe it's just the baton. Well, 38-year-old Stenz has all that, a significant international reputation and — sexiest of all — a sense of humour. We also reckon he's a bit of a looker.

Kirsty Martin and Andrew Killian
Dancers, the Australian Ballet

Martin, 27, is the newest principal dancer and Killian, 23, a star member of the corps de ballet with the Australian Ballet Why? Are you kidding? Have you checked out those bods? Along with swimmers (see Matt Welsh), dancers have the most beautiful physique nature and hard work can create. (In fact, you might see Killian doing laps at Fitzroy pool.) There's also an elegance about dancers that's irresistible (appropriately, Martin's dog is called Grace). Add to that the intelligence, creativity, passion, talent and determination required to make it at this level, and you’re talking seriously sexy. And these two have something else as well — a bit of attitude, a kind of sauciness, that makes you go Mmm. In other words, the complete package.

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