

This was published 18 years ago

Libs eye dam plan to plug water fall

By Mathew Murphy

CONSTRUCTION of a new dam near Melbourne is being considered by the state Liberal Party in a bid to help ease Victoria's water crisis.

The proposal for a storage on the Maribyrnong River at Arundel, six kilometres upstream from Keilor, has also been adopted by the Nationals, whose support would be needed if the conservative parties win enough seats at the state election to form a coalition government.

With water becoming a hot issue in the lead-up to the November election, the project would provide a clear difference in policy to Labor.

Premier Steve Bracks has ruled out building any new dams for Melbourne, saying there is not enough water to fill existing dams.

Geoff Crapper, a former Melbourne Water engineering expert, who is proposing the project, says it would save millions of litres of water, limit flooding to the Lower Maribyrnong River and increase environmental flows.


Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu has met Mr Crapper to discuss the project, as have his environment spokesman David Davis and former water spokesman Tony Plowman.

The proposal is to build a 37-metre wall connected to a siphoned spillway at about 45 metres. The dam has been designed to a capacity of 37,000 megalitres to prevent floods that descend on Maribyrnong every 25 years, but would generally hold up to 11,000 megalitres.

The proposal was originally recommended by the Melbourne Board of Works in 1976 and 1986 as the most cost-effective way to prevent flooding.

Mr Crapper said a pipeline would pump water from the proposed site to the Rosslynne Dam, near Gisborne, which would help fill the depleted storage, currently at 6.8 per cent of capacity.

Mr Crapper said the whole project could be completed for about $80 million. "It is a win-win project where you've got the best of everything. You are stopping all the big floods from happening, you are saving excess water making its way down, you can then pump the water back to Rosslynne and increase environmental flows, you are helping out Port Phillip Bay by taking the sludge out of the first flush of water and you could even make the river a recreational destination," he said.

Mr Baillieu last night confirmed the Liberals were looking at the project before releasing its water policy for Melbourne, due within weeks.

"We are trying to find a long-term solution to the water crisis," he said. "As part of that we are examining (the Arundel Dam) option."

Nationals MP Damian Drum, who is standing for the new upper house seat of Northern Victoria, is strongly backing the plan, which has formed part of his party's water policy.

Mr Drum said the Government had become entrapped in its own "dam ban" and would not agree to the proposal despite its merit.

"This is one of the most commonsense water proposals that I have ever seen," he said. "You also have water authorities who point blank tell you this should be done, but they have been hamstrung by an ideologically bound State Government who refuse to look at anything that looks like a new dam, irrespective of the benefits."

But the project has angered green groups. Paul Sinclair from Environment Victoria said building a new dam would just encourage people to use more water.

"Building dams are great for engineers. There are many other creative solutions to our water crisis," he said. "A $20 shower head saves 12,000 litres of water, a front-loading washing machine saves 20,000 litres — they are still not mandatory."

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