

This was published 20 years ago

Learning write stuff at Age library

The first library in Broadmeadows was unusually noisy yesterday. Swarming with 250 years 9 and 10 students from schools in the City of Hume, The Age Library - normally a subdued and serene environment - was abuzz with excitement.

The library, which opened to the public in May, yesterday was the venue for two seminars, where students workshopped with high-profile writers, including authors Isobelle Carmody and Scot Gardner.

"The students were so excited to have such wonderful access to these well-established journalists and authors, who were able to inspire them and give them some wonderful tips on writing," said Chris Kelly, manager of library services in the Hume Global Learning Village. "I think it was one of the highlights of the semester."

The workshops, a collaboration of The Age and the Australian Centre for Youth Literature, were one of many activities and services provided by the library at the village.

"It was just another example of the enormous amount of joy and valuable learning the community gets out of this wonderful new facility," said Ms Kelly. "It is hard to believe the community survived so long without it."


Premier Steve Bracks opened the Hume Global Learning Village, a $12.6 million education complex in Broadmeadows, in March. The Age Library opened two months later.

"People are really proud to have such an important facility in their community. We get some fabulous feedback from them," Ms Kelly said. "It was long overdue."

Since it opened, the library has averaged 31,000 visits a month. The library offers story time in English, Vietnamese, Arabic and Turkish and holds works in 10 languages.

The Age is a nominee for the Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Community Business Partnerships. The Victorian awards will be announced in Melbourne today.

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