

This was published 5 years ago

Landmark study reveals extent of gay conversion therapy in Australia, calls for sweeping reform

By Farrah Tomazin

Mary* was only 17 when she was sent away to a psychiatric hospital in the late 1980s because she told her parents she’d fallen in love with another woman.

She says she was forced to sit in an ice bath while Bible verses were read out to her. She was interrogated about her “sinful” attraction and warned that it would separate her from God’s love. And then she had electrodes attached to her genitals.

A major study into gay conversion therapy has called for sweeping reform.

A major study into gay conversion therapy has called for sweeping reform.Credit: AP

Mary is one of 15 survivors whose stories form part of the first major academic study into the nature and extent of gay “conversion” practices in Australia.

While hers is an extreme example, the research estimates that up to 10 per cent of LGBT Australians are still vulnerable to so-called conversion therapy, much of it taking the form of faith-based counselling or pastoral activities steeped in the belief that homosexuality is a form of “brokenness” that ought to be fixed.

Now the report, by La Trobe University and the Human Rights Law Centre, recommends new state laws banning conversion therapy against minors, and legislation preventing health practitioners, social workers and teachers from engaging in any activities designed to change or suppress a person’s sexuality or gender identity.

It also suggests that governments insert specific clauses into school funding agreements to prohibit conversion attempts by school chaplains, as well as tighter regulations for registered and unregistered counsellors who treat homosexuality as a disorder.


Decades after her experience, Mary remains profoundly haunted by the electro-aversion therapy she received as part of a disturbing attempt to stop her same-sex attraction.


“I remember going into another room,” she told La Trobe researchers recently, “with a surgical table, and being restrained … having an electrode attached to my labia, and images projected onto the ceiling and a lot of pain from the electrodes … and being left there from quite a long time afterwards, exposed and alone.”

Conversion therapy emerged in Australian conservative Christian communities in the 1970s, and according to the report, continues to be promoted “in the messages and teachings of many churches, mosques and synagogues, through print and digital media and through some Christian radio programs”.

But while much of this remains hidden from public view, the research found at least 10 organisations in Australia and New Zealand currently advertise the provision of gay “conversion” practices.

However, as a national debate rages over freedom of religion, the report makes it clear that adults who wish to seek faith-based guidance about their sexuality should be left to do so, because legislating against this would limit religious freedom and potentially drive proponents further underground.

The report comes amid a political firestorm over religious freedom after details of the federal government's Ruddock review were leaked last week.

The report comes amid a political firestorm over religious freedom after details of the federal government's Ruddock review were leaked last week.

This would mean that organisations such as Renew Ministries, Liberty Christian Ministries, and Courage International - some of the biggest groups purporting to help people struggling with same-sex attraction - would not face a legal crackdown if adults sought their services voluntarily.

Instead, the report suggests tackling faith-based groups by “raising awareness of the severity of these harms and supporting the development of improved pastoral practice with LGBT people''.


“However, once a practitioner is providing services as a professional, or purporting to, in our view it is appropriate for the state to step in to regulate the provision of those services,” the report says.

The findings comes after a Fairfax Media investigation revealed in March how LGBTI people remained at risk of conversion practices, including, in one case, a transgender student Evie Macdonald, whose Christian school gave her seven sessions of chaplaincy counselling - without her parents’ knowledge - in a bid to stop her from transitioning.

The participants in La Trobe’s study shared similarly troubling stories.

One Jewish woman, Beth*, recalled experiencing gender dysphoria at university, but did not have gender reassignment surgery until 2010 after 13 years of marriage. Before the surgery, she confided in her rebbe, the grand teacher who had led her synagogue for years, who told her it would be best if she lived somewhere else where no one knew her.

She also raised the possibility of attending her son’s bar mitzvah, to which she was told: “You could only attend if 'you dress as a man' - crossdress and stay in the men’s section".

Another participant, Frank*, had been part of a Melbourne church group in 2016, which met every two weeks to watch DVD testimonies from ex-gay church leaders such as American Christian pastor Sy Rogers. Members would also pray together, read different ex-gay testimonies, and discuss Bible passages that evangelical Christians used as evidence that homosexuality is a sin.

La Trobe researcher Tim Jones said: “Our hope is that through this research, religious communities will become aware of the severity of the harms LGBTI people of faith are experiencing, and work to provide better care for their LGBTI members."

Human Rights Law Centre director of legal advocacy Anna Brown.

Human Rights Law Centre director of legal advocacy Anna Brown.Credit: Eddie Jim

Human Rights Law Centre director Anna Brown agreed. “We urge governments across the country to respond to this harm, particularly the acute vulnerability of children and young people subjected to conversion practices without consent,” she said.

With an election in Victoria next month, all eyes also turn to the Andrews government, which has vowed to take a “zero tolerance” approach to gay conversion therapy and has been awaiting the findings of the La Trobe/HRLC study - as well as a separate inquiry by Victoria’s Health Complaints Commissioner - to pave the way for reform.

Federally, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he has no desire to get involved in a debate on gay conversion therapy, declaring it is not an issue for him and that people should "make their own choices about their own lives".

  • Names have been changed.

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