

This was published 20 years ago

Kennett's blitz a decade on

Some see the upheaval of 10 years ago as a positive revolution, but others still mourn, write Royce Millar and Jason Dowling.

In 1994 the Chiltern shire offices had just 16 staff. Still, in a small town that was big business. The biggest, in fact.

At lunchtime the council workers bought pies from the local milk bar. After work some were known to have a beer in the pub. They were crucial contributors to Chiltern's modest economy. More importantly, perhaps, the council employees provided an unbeatable one-stop service.

Then in November 1994, Chiltern, population 1300, lost its biggest business. It also lost the right to govern itself. For some locals, that dented the sense of belonging that a small community provided.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Jeff Kennett's forced council amalgamations. Some will celebrate, some still mourn.


"Back then the sadness set in when I realised I couldn't go down the shire offices and discuss my issues," says Chiltern resident and volunteer worker Suzanne Grant. "They dealt with everything you wanted - a building permit, heritage advice and accounts. They could even recommend a good plumber or a plasterer."

Kennett's council changes are often described as a revolution. Others view them as more of a massacre. They certainly created conflict.

In a little over a year, the Kennett government sacked 1600 elected councillors and replaced them with handpicked commissioners. Most had Liberal or National Party allegiances. His government tore age-old boundaries to bits and rearranged them back on the map in foreign shapes that few understood; 210 municipalities became 78 (later to be 79 when the shires of Benalla and Mansfield split).

Kennett insisted on an across-the-board rate cut of 20 per cent and capped rate rises, irrespective of the financial predicament of individual councils, and ordered that at least 50 per cent of council services go out to tender.

In line with the government's "open for business" mantra, residents became "customers". When elections were held in 1996, councillors were told to keep out of day-to-day council affairs, especially planning. Do the steering, not the rowing, was the dictate.

To help keep the boat on course, the government vetoed the sacking of any commissioner - appointed chief executives by the new councils.

It seemed Kennett and his local government ministers, first former rural councillor Roger Hallam, then Rob Maclellan, were enjoying beating up the little guys. Critics say their cavalier attitude cost Kennett government. A decade on, have the changes improved local government? Was it worth the trouble? The agents of change are in no doubt.

Maclellan says: "I know that we breathed 100 years of life into local government. It was going to implode. No one could take it seriously in its its old form."

Says Kennett: "If we didn't reduce the number of councils that existed many of them would have gone broke. In hindsight most people would recognise it has been beneficial."

On this point at least Kennett is correct. Even arch foes concede local government has benefited from amalgamations in many ways. Larger councils enjoy economies of scale and enhanced financial and political power. They have greater resources to do better strategic planning and more sophisticated research and policy work.

Maclellan points to the successful merger in Geelong where five squabbling councils were rolled into one.

But some of Kennett's most bitter critics say that, in the debate about the municipal revamp, focus on amalgamation is a smokescreen.

Former Brunswick mayor and Labor stalwart Mike Hill points out that he, and many of his local government colleagues, were supporters of amalgamation before Kennett.

"The debate is not whether amalgamations should have happened. It's about the way it happened."

Hill went on to become the first mayor of Moreland (Brunswick and Coburg) and the founder of the Victorian Local Governance Association.

He says council amalgamations did not require sackings. "There is no earthly reason why you couldn't have allowed one democratic entity to flow into another.

"The suspension of democracy was really about bedding down compulsory competitive tendering, sacking staff, kicking unions and forcing a rate cut."

Former Footscray and Brimbank chief executive Rob Spence says suspension of democracy for a short period was inevitable. But commissioners remained for longer than was necessary.

Hill acknowledges competitive tendering led to efficiencies and some positive changes in work practices: "It had the effect of forcing councils to re-examine all of their services, to measure them and ask whether they are appropriate for that particular community."

But Hill and Spence, now head of the Municipal Association of Victoria, insist competitive tendering had a big downside. "It was incredibly brutal on employees," says an emotional Spence as he recalls losing 600 workers at Brimbank through amalgamation and tendering. "It was too brutal."

The Australian Services Union estimates 11,000 council jobs were lost by the late 1990s.

Initially, at least, the government was clever at selling its reforms. It pointed to savings for ratepayers from competitive tendering. And it appealed to the hip pocket by spruiking the 20 per cent rate cut.

In the early phase of the reforms Kennett's main opponents were councillors and community activists.

Hallam recalls hostility, citing the bush. "We went to one small rural council just out of Ballarat... and one of my staff relayed it afterwards. 'The bastards didn't take the cellophane off the biscuits, they waited until we were gone before they put the cup of tea on'."

Yet after the initial ruckus, says Local Governance Association chief Andrew Rowe, many sacked councillors were disappointed at the lack of community outrage.

Rowe says Kennett and Maclellan began to get complacent just as communities all over the state started to feel the practical impact of the changes.

Hill says the rate cut was a disaster. "It created the illusion that councils were fat cats. In fact, it made some councils technically insolvent."

Inevitably, reduced spending due to the cuts began to show, especially in gaping potholes on country roads.

Competitive tendering also had its problems.

Spence says that where councils traditionally bought goods from local businesses - tools from local hardware, sand from the local sand supplier - the large national and multinational firms that won council contracts did not.

"It was one of the things that damaged communities in rural Victoria. It was one of the issues that came back and bit Jeffrey on the bum."

To what extent the backlash over council restructuring contributed to Kennett's decline is not clear. But since coming to power Labor has made a point of not tampering unnecessarily with local government.

It has replaced competitive tendering with the less onerous "best value" policy and has cut ministerial intervention in planning matters.

Some Labor insiders would like to see boundaries revisited, especially to create a much larger inner-Melbourne council. But the Bracks leadership is in no mood for such risky adventures. Last week Local Government Minister Candy Broad dismissed such a review outright.

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