

This was published 3 years ago

Jacqui Lambie on board for her Qantas fate

By Stephen Brook and Samantha Hutchinson

On Monday we noted the chilly relations between Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie and Qantas. But we didn’t realise the deep freeze between the two entities had reached Oymyakon* proportions.

Jacqui Lambie

Jacqui LambieCredit: John Shakespeare

We wrote that the airline had suspended the senator’s access to its prestigious invitation-only Chairman’s Lounge after several incidents. But that was only half the story.

We have now been told that the senator has been suspended for six months across all Qantas services, including airlines.

This followed an incident on March 25 at the front desk of the Chairman’s Lounge in Melbourne. Senator Lambie reacted adversely to being told she couldn’t access the lounge, dropping expletives and referring to “pussy power” and telling staff “your CEO is a poof”.

The whole thing was captured on CCTV.

After negotiations, a decision was made to institute a six-month suspension from early April.

For travel to and from her home state, Lambie will have to rely on Virgin services in and out of Tasmania. An airline that doesn’t have a chairman’s lounge.

*Oymyakon, the coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth, is in the Arctic Circle’s Northern Pole of Cold. In 1933, it recorded its lowest temperature of -67.7°C.

Mea culpa


Lambie told CBD she had lost her cool and had apologised to staff. But she would like to do so again.

“It was the end of a long week in Canberra. I’d backed into a car that morning, got a speeding ticket on the way to work, and my flight home was delayed.”

The senator said she wasn’t in her usual frame of mind after taking pain medication for an old back injury. “It was a bad day for me. But it was worse for the poor Qantas staff who had to stand and take my rant. It was totally uncalled for and totally unacceptable behaviour on my part. I have apologised to the staff for my actions, and I’d like to do so again.

“I’ll take whatever punishment Qantas throws at me. I’ve done the crime and I’ll do the time, because that’s what I deserve.”

A day after publication, the airline provided the following response: “While Qantas typically doesn’t comment on individual customer matters, the allegation of hate speech being used in our lounges requires a response. We have confirmed with our lounge staff that Senator Lambie did not make a homophobic remark as part of the incident for which she has apologised,” the airline said.
Lambie then issued a further statement on Friday, after her original apology.
“I never said it. I’d never say that. I’m not a homophobe, and I don’t know why someone is anonymously accusing me of being one. It never happened. What did happen was I blew my top at a Qantas worker who didn’t deserve it, and I apologised to them, I’ll apologise now, and I’ll wear the consequences.”

We would have been happy to include those comments in our original item, but they weren’t part of the Senator’s original response.

Mutual respect

Stonnington Council is rightly proud of its mutual respect charter, recently endorsed 9-0 by councillors.


The charter, something of a precedent in local government circles, is “based on the principle of mutual respect and co-operation and supports our values of providing a safe and respectful workplace”.

Good news after such a long period, as chronicled in CBD, of fraught relations between councillors leading to a broken, toxic and dysfunctional council before last year’s elections.

But it looks like history is repeating itself. CBD hears that relations between a small number of councillors are now so bad that a formal mediation process is underway. With councillors at odds over a nasty post-COVID rate hike proposed for business and residents alike, and a looming tough budget, it’s looking a little messy.

Some staff are pining for the days of what now looks like peace and love under the colourful and flamboyant former mayor. Come back, Steve Stefanopoulos.

Chief executive officer Jacqui Weatherill told CBD that “mediation is common in modern workplaces”.

“Stonnington Councillors have been encouraged to access mediation when necessary to strengthen the performance of the group.”

On the bright side, no matters among councillors had “reached the test for formal external arbitration as outlined in the Victorian government’s Local Government Act 2020 and therefore no external costs have resulted from this”.

Let’s hope the internal arbitration works out then. Weatherill’s previous gig running the Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust must have been much more fun than this.


Nimby notions

Labor’s federal member for the seat of Paterson, Meryl Swanson, used a caucus meeting in Canberra this week to voice her displeasure at the Opposition’s lack of cut-through with the voting public. This was days after the NSW Labor party had suffered an embarrassing defeat in a byelection right in her ’hood, so Swanson had every right to feel stung.

One of the concerns on Swanson’s gripe list in the closed-door meeting was her party’s criticism of major companies such as Harvey Norman, which reaped the rewards of the JobKeeper scheme but pointedly failed to hand back the $22 million windfall when its retail sales unexpectedly boomed during lockdown. “We sound like we’re whinging,” Swanson told the party room.

Harvey Norman is a retailer the MP has some affinity with, given her husband Nick Swanson is the franchisee of the Maitland superstore in Rutherford. Oh, and she also owns shares in the company.

But there’s another federal government policy Swanson has again broken ALP ranks on to voice her approval − the plans to put a $600 million gas-fired power plant at the aluminium smelter site in the Hunter town of Kurri Kurri. She says it will secure jobs and energy supply. Possible relevant fact: Kurri Kurri is the same town where the Swansons have an investment property, according to the parliamentary register of interests.

AAT attack

Sian Leathem, the $400,000 Registrar of the Administrative Appeal Tribunal, is back before Senate Estimates in Canberra this morning (Thursday) to defend the government agency that is often derided as a repository of cronies of whichever political party happens to be in power at the time.

CBD previously reported on Leathem’s pick of former BHP ethics and investigations principal Monique Adofaci as national director, a job with the brief to ensure tribunal bureaucracy works for the people it is meant to serve. Whatever that means.

Let’s hope she enjoys herself more than the previous executive director, Bernadette Ryan, who has taken to social media, describing her former employer as a “repository for LNP failures, staffers and mates”.

Ryan, who was responsible for overseeing support to members, has set up a consultancy, but CBD suspects she’s not expecting work from her old employer.

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This story has been updated to include a statement from Qantas and an additional statement from Senator Jacqui Lambie. The original version of the story did not contain denials because they were not provided by Ms Lambie or Qantas before publication even though the allegations were put to her/them.

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