

This was published 3 years ago


It’s time to consider booster jabs for healthcare workers

By Steven Hamilton and Richard Holden

Having not experienced a health crisis of this scale in more than a century, we’ve been flying largely blind as to how the COVID pandemic will evolve and the best policy responses to it. Staring into the unknown, we can form an uncertain view about the path ahead based on theory and what little existing data we have. But we must be prepared to rapidly and frequently update this view as new data emerges. Indeed, so many of our pandemic policy failures have resulted from our failure to stay ahead of the curve in this way.

Vaccine effectiveness is a prime example. Back when all we had were the results from phase-three trials, the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna appeared to be significantly more efficacious in preventing infection than the viral vector vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

Healthcare workers deserve maximum protetion.

Healthcare workers deserve maximum protetion.Credit: Kate Geraghty

With only those data available and a desire to limit transmission it was appropriate to favour the mRNA vaccines, while keeping an open mind as new data became available. It would have been premature to denigrate AstraZeneca on the basis solely of those early data. And as billions of jabs have been administered around the world for almost nine months, new data has emerged that should lead us to update our prior beliefs.

The latest such emergence is a likely waning in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine that Australia has come to rely heavily upon. Because Israel relied solely on Pfizer and did so far earlier and faster than other countries, it offers a valuable indicator of where we might find ourselves in the months ahead.

Information released by the Israeli health ministry suggests the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine declines significantly over the first six months. Accordingly, Israel has seen cases, hospitalisations, and deaths increase more rapidly in its recent wave than in Britain, which relied heavily on AstraZeneca. In addition to this aggregate evidence, a number of early but high-quality studies performed in a variety of countries all point in this same direction.

A study from Israel found the effectiveness against infection of Pfizer declines to around 55 per cent after six months. Another study from Southern California found effectiveness declines to around 53 per cent beyond the four-month mark. Yet another study from the UK shows the probability of a breakthrough infection triples within three months.

While one might pick apart any single study for being preliminary or idiosyncratic, the sheer consistency of the broad swathe of evidence offers a compelling basis on which to change tack. And remember – during a pandemic, we don’t have the luxury of waiting.

It’s important to note these studies show Pfizer’s effectiveness against hospitalisation and death holds up far better than against infection, waning only mildly at least initially. So while they do break down in terms of infection and transmission, they appear to offer good lasting protection of health. Interesting too is that the efficacy of AstraZeneca appears to wane far more slowly than Pfizer such that the two technologies are similarly effective after three months.


What are the implications for Australia? The US FDA and CDC have now approved third-dose booster shots six months after the second dose. And Canada has approved mixing and matching different kinds of vaccines, which could provide both greater and longer-lasting protection. Meanwhile, in Australia, and true to form, the TGA and ATAGI sit on their hands in the face of this new information.


The challenge is that our vaccine rollout has been so slow that some were jabbed six months ago while two-thirds are yet to be fully vaccinated. Approving boosters for those jabbed early inevitably deprives someone else of receiving either their first or second dose.

But consider Australia’s healthcare workers who face by far the greatest risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the current outbreak. Many were vaccinated with Pfizer in March and April under phase 1a, four to five months ago. Based on the evidence, their protection may already have reduced significantly, increasing the chance they’ll contract the virus and pass it on to others. And yet our medical-regulatory complex won’t let them receive a booster.

It’s worth noting that almost a quarter of all COVID deaths in NSW this year were among people who’d contracted the virus in hospital. The Liverpool Hospital cluster offers a cautionary tale of the risks of breakthrough infection, where the outbreak began among infected healthcare workers, all at least partially vaccinated. That cluster has now resulted in 11 deaths.

Waning effectiveness turns a fully vaccinated person back into a partially vaccinated one. With long-since-vaccinated healthcare workers now at significantly increased risk of both contracting and transmitting the virus, it’s difficult to conceive of more socially valuable recipients of our next doses. We need to update based on the best available evidence, and boost our healthcare workers today.

Steven Hamilton is an assistant professor of economics at George Washington University and visiting fellow at the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the ANU. Richard Holden is professor of economics at UNSW Business School and president-elect of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.

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