

This was published 4 years ago

Inside the failed efforts to dismantle Australia's coronavirus response

By Michael Koziol

It was the first week of April, and John Roskam was frustrated. The boss of the Institute of Public Affairs, well connected to Liberals including federal Health Minister Greg Hunt, was aghast at the strict enforcement of lockdown measures in Victoria and NSW, where police were driving through Rushcutters Bay Park moving on sunbathers.

At the time, Roskam thought some fellow travellers in the Liberal Party were prepared to speak out about this perceived injustice. Federal MP Jason Falinski had publicly called the laws "an anathema to the country that we live in" and "a major infringement on a free and fair society".

Roskam then spoke of the "growing unease amongst Liberal MPs and in Liberal ranks" about the heavy-handed approach to coronavirus restrictions, especially in the two major states.

The national cabinet at a crucial meeting on Sunday March 22, when bars, pubs and restaurants were ordered to close.

The national cabinet at a crucial meeting on Sunday March 22, when bars, pubs and restaurants were ordered to close.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But that unease never materialised into something more than mild, occasional grumbling. Indeed, Prime Minister Scott Morrison's office had already ordered Falinski and other MPs to shut up and preserve unity. Despite the biggest infringements on individual liberty in the nation's history, as well as divided opinion among epidemiologists about what was necessary, mass opposition to the lockdown measures has not manifested.

The reasons for that may lie in a series of meetings and decisions made more than a week before Roskam's comments, on a Sunday full of fast-moving and confusing announcements. It was the day the state premiers foreshadowed the closure of non-essential services, before Morrison fronted the nation late at night to confirm pubs, restaurants and cafes would shut.

"That was the crucial weekend," says Nick Cater, head of the Menzies Research Centre, the Liberal Party's think tank. "That was when there were people arguing they should shut everything down."

At stake that day were entire industries such as manufacturing and construction, as well as retail outside of hospitality. There was a key call between Wesfarmers, the owner of Bunnings, and the government about protecting the thousands of jobs at their stores, as well as supplies for tradies.

"The mining industry was making very strong representations to the government," Cater says. So was the Menzies Research Centre. "We intervened very strongly, too, internally."

In Cater's view, the national cabinet's decision to eschew a full-scale lockdown for a gentler one, wherein people can still go shopping and see their partners, go to work if they still have jobs and keep some semblance of their normal lives, was critical to keeping the peace and staving off any potential rebellion. He says it could have easily gone the other way.


"I was very worried, as were a number of people in the government, that this was getting out of control, that we were about to make a momentous decision based on un-firm figures. That would have been a mistake in hindsight."

Meanwhile, the IPA started a campaign to wind back restrictions. On April 4, it released a video featuring policy director Gideon Rozner, who declared the shutdowns had "decimated our society, ruined thousands of lives and turned Australia into a police state". It was time to start reopening churches, bars and restaurants. "Do it safely ... but do it," he said. "Enough is enough."

Roskam, Rozner's boss, had already been lobbying Victorian opposition leader Michael O'Brien to start fighting Premier Daniel Andrews on the restrictions, without much success. Roskam labelled Andrews "a threat to democracy". Days later, the Liberal Party invited Victorians to "have your say" on the measures.

"It's important that we follow directions from government to maintain social distancing and to avoid activities that risk the spread of coronavirus," the survey said. "However, some lower-risk activities that have been banned in Victoria have not been prohibited elsewhere in Australia. We'd like to hear your thoughts on a few of these activities."

One such activity, golf, became a symbol for some MPs, who insisted the sport should be allowed. "This was never just about golf," Tim Smith, the member for Kew, tweeted, saying it was about Andrews grabbing "huge control over our lives". Sam Newman protested on the steps of the state Parliament. But Andrews brushed it all aside.

The loudest Victorian voice agitating for change was News Corp columnist and television presenter Andrew Bolt. Despite daily blog posts and regular columns on the matter, there was no concession to his complaints. And Hunt, who is not a member of the IPA, let down his friend Roskam gently. "While we've been close friends for 30 years, we've agreed to disagree on many of the elements in relation to the current pandemic response," Hunt told The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age.

In NSW, 2GB broadcaster Alan Jones began by calling the coronavirus a "health version of global warming", and the policy response "hysteria and alarmism". But he mellowed significantly as the virus tore its way across the globe, a change of tune which was widely noted in political circles. "Alan goes both ways on this, as we all do," says Cater.

Jones acknowledged his shift in an email to The Sun-Herald. "I'm not a fan of modelling," he said. "I have seen so much of it that is disastrous. There were people who wrote in the newspapers, Peter van Onselen and others, saying that 150,000 Australians could die. I was vilified, not that it bothers me, for the stance I took."

Jones said he still holds to that view, but believes it is important to rally behind Morrison at this time, just as Bill Clinton had urged him to rally his listeners behind George W. Bush after 9/11.

"That's not to say that the Prime Minister does not tolerate differences of opinion on certain issues," Jones said. "It is clear also that rogue premiers have ignored overtures from the Prime Minister on many issues. He advised against draconian lockdown laws. He argued, explicitly, as did his health advisors, that 'schools are safe'."

The difficulty for opponents of the restrictions is that there is no consensus along conventional political lines. Some left-libertarian commentators are sceptical about the measures, and right-wingers who are gung-ho for them. One Nation's Mark Latham, for instance, was among those calling for a complete nationwide lockdown, as per New Zealand under Jacinda Ardern.

Broadly speaking, the business community also locked in behind the government's plan, despite its devastating impact on the economy. Their focus has been on the recovery effort post-COVID, not undermining the current measures or calling for them to be curtailed.

That's not good enough for people such as Roskam. "The business community has been incredibly disappointing," he says. "A few individuals have spoken up but I think they've been compromised by the demonisation of big business in Australia over the last 10 years. Business leaders are afraid to become involved in public debate. The banks are perhaps the closest to the business devastation [but] they don't want to compromise their relationship with the government and they want to help shape any recovery plan."

The other intuitive and fundamental reason that opposition to the shutdowns has not gathered steam is that they have been shown to work. With high testing rates and very low case numbers, Australia is the envy of the world when it comes to managing the virus.

That can be a double-edged sword; with numbers staying low, opponents of the restrictions can argue they are excessive, as Bolt and others have done. But that argument has failed to ignite. Polling has revealed a high level of public support for the measures, including an Essential poll last week that found half the country believes it is too soon to even consider easing restrictions (though the number was lower for younger voters).

Polling was shown to Victorian Liberal MPs as a means of getting them to ease up on their criticisms of Andrews' approach. And Roskam laments that MPs who privately agree with him are not willing to fight the battle publicly because the polling is clear.

"This is where some critics have failed to take into account the fact that you have to bring people with you," says Cater. "People in Canberra who have got more knowledge about the virus than the average person might see that there is room to relax. But they have to bring people with them."

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