

This was published 2 years ago


Immigration will be the most contentious issue at Labor’s jobs summit

Immigration policy will be one of the most contentious issues at the forthcoming Jobs and Skills Summit. In response to massive skill shortages, business groups such as the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will argue the skill stream of the migration program be increased to 200,000 a year – a level never delivered in Australian history.

Their case has been supported by the new member for Wentworth, Allegra Spender, and an Australian Financial Review editorial. But a stream of 200,000 skilled migrants is an ambit claim with no underlying analysis of how it would be delivered and how risks would be managed, especially if there is a sharp economic downturn in 2023.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers with the Jobs and Skills Summit issue paper.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers with the Jobs and Skills Summit issue paper.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The government is already committed to a skill stream in 2022-23 of 110,000, which is 30,000 larger than planned for 2021-22. Skills Minister Brendan O’Connor says the government is considering an even larger increase.

Most of it will be through a much larger allocation of places for nomination by state and territory governments based on their particular needs and/or a larger skilled independent category, in which migrants do not have a pre-arranged job but face a four-year wait for social support. Only a very small portion will be delivered through employer-sponsored migrants.

Despite massive skill shortages, employer-sponsored visas are growing very slowly, partly due to design of these visas now being excessively bureaucratic with many unnecessary legal requirements, costs and lengthy processing times.

In a world where competition for skilled migrants will intensify as populations age further, it is essential that the design of employer-sponsored visas is internationally competitive, focusing on genuinely skilled migrants and minimising ineffective bureaucratic requirements such as labour-market testing.

Unions are urging caution in how far migration levels are increased, what occupations are targeted and how migrant workers will be protected from the exploitation which has been rife since well before the 2019 report of Alan Fels’ Migrant Worker Taskforce. The record $532 million in unpaid wages recovered in 2021-22 by the Fair Work Ombudsman would be just the tip of the iceberg, with many migrants too afraid to report wage theft and abuse.

Consensus on how to better protect migrant workers from exploitation must be an outcome of the jobs summit, including serious criminal penalties for egregious wage theft and labour trafficking. Enforcement of these penalties would need to be better funded plus a strong role for unions.


Many labour shortages are concentrated in industries with a history of low pay, such as nursing and teaching, or high levels of casualisation such as aged care, child care, tourism and hospitality, farm labour and the gig economy.

After two years of negative net migration, international movements of skilled migrants, students, working holidaymakers and other temporary entrants increased to over half pre-pandemic levels at end July 2022. We are likely to hit pre-pandemic levels by late 2022. This needs to be factored into thinking on immigration policy at the jobs summit.

The new government has indicated a preference for permanent over temporary migration and highlighted a backlog of 60,000 offshore permanent residence applicants. But few of these will be in occupations such as nursing, teaching or traditional construction trades where shortages are acute and will persist even in a weaker labour market and even with increased investment in training Australians.

The preference for permanent over temporary migration is an over-simplification of the immigration challenge we face. There are currently about 1.9 million temporary entrants in Australia and this number will continue to rise. The real policy challenge is to minimise the number of temporary entrants, including overseas students and working holidaymakers, who become locked in “immigration limbo” – unwilling or unable to go home and without a pathway to permanent residence.

The number of people in Australia currently in “immigration limbo”, despite the current skill shortages and negative net migration during the pandemic, has increased dramatically since 2015. This is not just the 130,000 people who are stuck in the asylum system, an unprecedented number that is growing at around 1000 a month and accelerating. Nor is it just the 340,000 people on bridging visas, another consequence of poor management of the visa system.


It also includes hundreds of thousands of students and temporary graduates who have undertaken courses that are of limited interest to employers and do not provide a satisfactory pathway to a skilled job or to permanent residence.

The previous government’s decision to provide students with unlimited work rights pleased some business groups but trashed the reputation of Australia’s international education industry, attracted unscrupulous education providers who are essentially in the business of selling work visas not education, as well as increasing fraud in the student visa caseload and increased reliance on cheating to pass exams and assessments.

Better design of student visas, a focus on high-quality education and clear employer sponsored pathways to permanent residence must be another outcome of the jobs summit. We need to stop pretending that successful overseas students seeking permanent residence is a bad thing.

Improving visa design and visa conditions will not be enough. The immigration function of the Department of Home Affairs is facing a massive cut announced in the March 2022 budget. Given the current state of government finances, addressing this cut will be a major challenge.

Visa-processing officers have one of the lowest levels of morale in the public service. This is the legacy of their role being treated as second-class by the department’s leadership.


Having been incorporated into an organisation where law enforcement is the dominant priority, the culture of many visa-processing staff has become one of spending inordinate amounts of time looking for petty reasons to refuse a visa rather than legal, efficient and transparent decision-making.

Finally, the new government needs to provide immigration staff, and indeed the Australian public, with a clear rationale for long-term immigration policy rather than it being used for political point-scoring.

The key is long-term policy development rather than short-term panic.

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