

This was published 5 years ago


If students can strike, why shouldn't they have the vote, too?

What does it mean to be a citizen today in Australia? Legally it means being a fully fledged member of a political community with certain rights and obligations. Politically and practically it means being an "active citizen" prepared to stand up publicly and debate the major issues of the day.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, 16, started a global campaign for student action.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, 16, started a global campaign for student action.Credit: DPA

On Friday thousands of Australian primary, secondary and university students exercised their rights and obligations as "active citizens". They left class and took to to the streets in Melbourne, joining millions of other young people across 500 other cities in over 50 countries in the Global #Climate Strike, many of them be accompanied by parents, grandparent and teachers.

These young people want to "save their future", demanding that our governments take responsibility and act on climate change. This movement owes much to a 15-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, who in mid-2018 wagged school to begin a lone protest outside Sweden's parliament in Stockholm as she called for her government to reduce carbon emissions.

On March 29, two weeks after the climate strike, Australia's Joint Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Matters delivers its report on an inquiry into a bill to reduce the voting age in federal elections and referenda to 16 years. The bill, introduced by 23-year-old Senator Jordon Steele-John, has ruffled more than a few feathers.

Opponents of the bill claim that people under 18 lack the political knowledge, ethical insight and capacity for good judgment needed to vote or to be a citizen. Among other things this argument assumes that everyone over 18 does have these abilities.

Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg leading a march of thousands of French students through Paris in February.

Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg leading a march of thousands of French students through Paris in February.Credit: AP

Assuming that older people have the ethical competence and knowledge to be citizens that many young people do not highlights why we now face an existential environmental threat and a deep crisis in liberal democracy.

The claim that adulthood means having political knowledge, ethical capacity and good judgment ignores overwhelming evidence to the contrary. For many decades, political, community and business leaders have been implicated in continuing tangles of corrupt and criminal conduct compounded by complicity, inaction, denial and bad judgement.

We need look no further than our governments as they embarked on disastrous and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, all sanctioned by Parliament.


Decades of neoliberal government policy also generated income and wealth inequality not seen since the 1930s, to say nothing of recent stagnant wages growth and continuing underemployment.

Added to this are decades of failed child protection systems shadowed by long-standing institutionalised sexual abuse perpetrated by and covered up by men claiming the mantle of godly authority.

We also now live with the results of decades of deregulation of the financial systems that encouraged bank managers and consultants to embark on systematic fraudulent and criminal conduct affecting hundreds of thousands of their customers.

We have witnessed falling investment in public schools and universities with measurable and drastic effects on literacy and numeracy.

Thousands of students protested in Melbourne at the first climate strike in 2018.

Thousands of students protested in Melbourne at the first climate strike in 2018.Credit: Benjamin Preiss

In spite of the fact that climate scientists have achieved near-unanimity about the threat to life on earth posed by C02 emissions, we have leaders of major political parties declaring climate science is "absolute crap", or bringing lumps of coal into the Parliament to mock advocates wanting to end fossil-fuel mining and exports.


This failure of public policy and good governance owes much to those political, community and business leaders who claim to have good judgment, political acumen and capacity for rational decision-making apparently lacking in young people.

Young people have cognitive and ethical capacity: they want clarity, they ask insightful questions, make good judgment and are often courageous. This is evident in the many countries where 16 year-olds already have the vote.

Moreover, in the past decades young people have mobilised anti-Austerity and anti-Fascist campaigns, energised climate-change activism, initiated pro-democracy movements and demanded gun control, using conventional and new, digital mobilisation and recruitment techniques.

In the USA Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest-ever congresswoman, is promoting a full-employment policy called the Green New Deal that links labour programs with interventions to avoid environmental catastrophe.

Of course young people don't have the life experience of older people. This is why we who are older have obligations to engage with young people.

We can all improve our understanding of science, history, culture, technology or whatever to make better more informed judgments.

Working in a culture of active citizenship also goes with acknowledging we are all different in our abilities and so have different needs. Thus, if a young person is less experienced, less well resourced, or smaller in size than most others, then such differences impose obligations on elders to help ensure the young person is supported to be informed, to make good decisions about what about they value and what actions they might take.

And, of course, young people have much to teach their elders.

The philosopher Hannah Arendt used the idea of "natality" to refer to the continuous flow of newcomers born as strangers into the world. It's an idea that highlights our perennial capacity for new beginnings. It also provides good reason for optimism now.

Every community is subject to this "constant influx of newcomers-strangers" wanting to transform or disrupt how things are done, who propose new obligations and claims and initiate new possibilities.

As millions of young people took to the streets of cities across the globe, they set in motion the possibilities of something new. In doing so they can encourage a broader realisation that it's time for urgent change in the face of an existential threat.

It is in such moments we see a demonstration not only of these young people's capacity as citizens, but also as leaders now and in the future.

Professor Judith Bessant, RMIT University, is the author of The Great Transformation, History for a Techno-Human Future (Routledge, 2018).

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