

This was published 7 months ago


‘I like a show!’: From producing The Voice to directing funerals

Julie Ward is a long-time executive producer of hit TV shows such as The Voice, and is now working as a funeral director in the not-for-profit funeral sector on the South Coast. Last month, she floated ashes away in a papier-mâché turtle ...

Fitz: Julie, I want to get your fascinating work in the – and here’s a phrase you don’t hear often – “not-for-profit funeral industry”. But first tell me of what got you interested in producing things in the first place, including prime-time TV shows?

JW: I lived near Channel Seven when I was growing up, and I used to go and be in the audience of TV shows like Celebrity Squares and the Super Flying Fun Show. And I would watch what was happening all around me as much as what was happening on the stage – what the cameras and stagehands were doing, all the behind-the-scenes stuff. One thing led to another, and I literally got a job pretty much straight out of high school at Channel Ten – and learning everything on the job, from news to sport, entertainment, shows like Good Morning Australia. Five years later, I was at Channel Nine working with people like Graham Kennedy, Clive Robertson, Ernie Sigley and Denise Drysdale.

Former executive producer of The Voice Julie Ward with Seal and Adrian Swift in Los Angeles.

Former executive producer of The Voice Julie Ward with Seal and Adrian Swift in Los Angeles.

Fitz: And I know from there you rose to be executive producer on things like The Voice, Australian Idol, So You Think You Can Dance? and Ninja Warrior. Hollywood, here you are! When working with the stars on things like The Voice, did they have demands like only pink jelly beans in their dressing room, but every tenth one had to be red, sort of thing?

JW: (Laughing.) Not really. They were much simpler, and it was a lot of fun working with big names like Seal, Keith Urban and Joel Madden. When we first cast them, I remember flying to LA with the talent manager; took them out to a dinner in a private room of a restaurant on Sunset Boulevard. We had an open chequebook for the dinner, but Seal was on his healthcare kick where all he had was lemon juice with cayenne pepper – some sort of cleansing thing that he would do for weeks on end – Keith doesn’t drink, nobody ate much, and the bill was $230! It was a little more complicated when we were shooting and set up trailers for them and their spouses, Heidi Klum, Nicole Kidman and Nicole Ritchie – and even had a WAGS room – but we all loved it.

Julie Ward, then director of entertainment at Shine Australia, on the set of The Voice in 2013.

Julie Ward, then director of entertainment at Shine Australia, on the set of The Voice in 2013.Credit: Marco Del Grande

Fitz: So, at what point do you go from the heights of television production to wanting a simpler life down south?

JW: Well, at my busiest I was doing The Voice, The Voice Kids, Australia’s Next Top Model and So You Think You Can Dance all in one. And then it was a really, really busy time and I found myself super stretched. And so at the end of that I took a bit of a break and got a country escape and discovered permaculture. I came back, and one night at 2am I was doing Ninja Warrior – with hundreds of crew and hundreds of audience and competitors – and, yet, I was looking at photos of my eggplants growing and had a deep yearning and thought: “there’s something a little wrong with this”. And that’s when I decided to leave and, with my husband, moved from Sydney to a place near Kangaroo Valley.

Fitz: It’s still a big leap from there to doing funerals?


JW: It’s all about honouring unique life and stories. A lot of my TV work was bringing out people’s stories, or developing their stories on air in reality TV. And about five years ago I was driving from Berry and I listened to Richard Fidler’s Conversations on the radio with Jenny Briscoe-Hough, and she was talking about this community funeral home that she had founded in an old fire station the community had bought at Port Kembla. And she talked about a group coming together to start exploring this model of communities looking after their own at end of life. I was transfixed and thought, “that’s incredible”. It was founded on the idea that they wanted to do affordable and meaningful services for their own community. And, you know, one of the things she said – that will always stick with me and I share with people – is the advice that, if someone you love passes away at home, or anywhere, “put the kettle on: there’s no great rush”. I reached out to her and the organisation, Tender Funerals. I was transitioning out of a very demanding industry, not knowing to what, and I liked the idea that I could get involved in things that weren’t about career and making money – and really being a part of something different and very nurturing.

Fitz: And a whole new world opened up?

JW: The mother of a local friend at Kangaroo Valley passed away and her funeral at the Kangaroo Valley Hall was a revelation. A local band played, one of their friends did all the catering, and her coffin was there while everyone ate because she loved eating, and she’d be furious if she wasn’t allowed to stay. And so it was like this idea that you could do things differently – and that really resonated with me. And I guess it’s a bit like a production, isn’t it? You know: that sort of sense that honouring someone’s life in whatever way the family wants to do, and telling their story, is something that’s really rewarding.

Founder of Tender Funerals, Jenny Briscoe-Hough, with a range of coffins, in Port Kembla.

Founder of Tender Funerals, Jenny Briscoe-Hough, with a range of coffins, in Port Kembla. Credit: Janie Barrett

Fitz: This is fascinating to me because I’ve been to a few funerals lately, and they’ve actually been good events where stories are told, songs are sung, photos are shown. There’s no mumbo jumbo. And you come away wanting to live a better life yourself.

JW: That’s exactly what Tender is trying to do. The important thing that everybody is supported to make their own choice, and if that includes religious ceremony, so be it. But it is for the families to decide what to do – and the first thing is to know there are no real hard, fast rules. You don’t even have to move the body from the home if you want. We offer a cooling plate, with refrigeration that sits under the sheets in a bed, and a small unit that plugs in, allowing you to keep your person at home for up to five days.

Former TV executive producer Julie Ward now helps grieving families plan sustainable and low-cost funerals. 

Former TV executive producer Julie Ward now helps grieving families plan sustainable and low-cost funerals. 

Fitz: What about coffins? I see they can sell for up to 20 grand, with normal expensive ones about $10,000 and standard ones perhaps $3000 – which always seems a lot, to me, for a wooden box that is about to be burned or buried.

JW: Essentially, you have to have a coffin of some description, but you need to know that you can choose to have a cardboard coffin, or a wicker coffin that’s like a picnic basket. What we offer is for people to get involved in as much or as little of the process as they like – and we find that once people understand that there really are a lot of options, they often choose the affordable, sustainable options like cardboard.

Fitz: How much do they cost?

JW: $145. And I’ve seen just beautiful things with that option, where, you know, families will come and decorate it, write on it, put photos – and it’s a really therapeutic thing. I’ve seen it unfold with small children who have lost their mums, drawing different colours on the coffin, with drawings and words: “Love you forever, Mummy”. It can be heartbreaking to see but can be really healing for them. One of the things we support is what is best for those left behind to acknowledge the love and the life of a person they’ve lost – and it’s interesting that it takes very many different forms, beyond set rituals imposed by others.

Fitz: Are you the one who takes the first phone call?

JW: Sometimes. And I often sit with people who’ve just lost someone or sit with couples, where one of them has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and go through everything – which can include them picking out their own coffin. But we try to help through the whole process – including the transfer of the bodies from the home and bringing those bodies into personalised care, where people are respected, their modesty is maintained all the time, wrap them in a sheet, put a pillow under their head and have their own individual care, as desired.

Fitz: A pillow? What’s the philosophy behind that?

JW: They’re community donated, sent in by people, and just gives a sense that they are cared for and being treated with dignity.

Fitz: And for the actual funeral, are you the celebrant?

JW: No, that is something I am contemplating training for – and sometimes families do want celebrants to facilitate. But what I’m mostly doing is producing it behind the scenes. One of the key things is supporting the family to lead as much as they want or feel comfortable with. We don’t wear uniforms, there’s no fancy hats or anything like that. It’s very much just being there in a support role. But I love hearing people talk lovingly about somebody who’s lived a life that is rich and interesting, and helping to facilitate a service that reflects that. I’ve often come away, inspired to live a better life myself.


Fitz: This feels like you are part of a revolution? When my brother died of epilepsy in the late 50s, the family story is that he was rushed through the doors of the emergency department at Gosford Hospital, and Mum and Dad never saw him again. Looking back, that feels to me devastatingly remote, whereas what you’re doing feels to me very, very human.

JW: The big thing is for people to get comfortable with the conversation. We don’t impose anything on anybody who comes to Tender. Some of what we do might be seen as alternative practices, but they’re actually age-old rituals that people have done for generations as communities say goodbye but, for whatever reason, that way has been sometimes lost.

Fitz: I’m also interested in different ways of burial and dispersal of the ashes. I’ve been reading in the Herald about people being buried with foliage and worms in certain sections of the rainforests around Mullumbimby, rather than being buried in formal cemeteries?


JW: Yes, there’s a lot of talk in that field, and a lot of people looking to do it. I know Wollongong just recently introduced a “natural death burial” section of one of their cemeteries, where everything is more sustainable. And yes, there’s a woman up in Byron, Zenith Virago, who has pioneered a lot of natural death care. She does a lot of training, and I’m going up in April.

Fitz: And what about with ashes?

JW: Whatever the families want. We had one recently where the ashes were put in a papier-mâché turtle, with a little GPS tracker in it, and floated out to sea. So once it sunk, they know where it is!

Fitz: Under the circumstances, you and your husband of 35 years must have discussed what you want for your own funeral, 40 years from now? I am guessing everyone in the Kangaroo Valley Community Hall might be on swivel chairs like the judges on The Voice? And as your coffin comes in to the sounds of your favourite song, they can whirl around before they compete for a minute each as to just what a great person you were – and the family votes as to who gave the best eulogy?

JW: (Laughing, uproariously.) Look, my big belief is that it’s not about me. It’s about whoever is left behind as a big part of the grieving process. I think that’s where the importance is, and it will be whatever my family wants. But, look, I have to admit I like ritual. I like ceremony. I like a show. And if Seal wanted to sing Kiss From A Rose at my funeral, I’d probably be OK with that!

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