

This was published 4 years ago

'He won the game': Milat takes secrets to his grave

By Harriet Alexander and Jenny Noyes

The lead detective into the arrest of Ivan Milat says the serial killer was responsible for at least three other deaths and went to his grave believing "he was in charge" of his fate.

Milat, 74, who had been in prison since 1994, died at Long Bay jail hospital at 4.07am on Sunday, Corrective Services NSW said. He had been undergoing chemotherapy since being diagnosed with oesophagus and stomach cancer in May.

He was convicted in 1996 of the murders of seven backpackers between 1989 and 1993, each of whom had been variously stabbed, sexually assaulted or shot. One of the victims was decapitated. Their bodies were dumped in the Belanglo Forest near Mittagong in the NSW Southern Highlands.

But it is the unsolved murders that will continue to haunt families and investigators, with former detective Clive Small confident Milat killed at least three others.

"As long as he didn't confess to anything he thought he was in charge," Mr Small said. "In terms of me, so to speak, he thought, 'I've got it over Small because he still wants to ask me questions and therefore I'm still the boss.'

"Even with him dying, I've got no doubt that in passing there was some satisfaction in 'I still have the answers and they don't.' "

Author and criminologist Amanda Howard, who has corresponded with Milat in prison for more than 20 years, said his final months played out exactly how he wanted them to.

"He has prepped how this was all going to go down … how we would all be running around after him and wanting confessions. He knew so well that it wasn’t going to happen, but we all sat with bated breath hoping that [he would] admit to some of his crimes.


"He’s done it exactly how he wanted to. He won the game."

Milat maintained his innocence throughout his trial and numerous appeals, refusing to be drawn on unsolved murders. Two days before he died, he was still railing against his conviction when visited by his nephew Alistair Shipsey in Long Bay prison hospital.

"His state of mind was good," Mr Shipsey said. "All he did was talk about his case. He was pointing out the lies. That's all we ever talked about – the lies, no case, no proof. "To tell you the truth I'm glad he's out of pain ... He's no murderer."

A jury found Milat had stabbed to death Melbourne hitchhikers Deborah Everist and James Gibson, both 19, on December 30, 1989, likewise German backpacker Simone Schmidl, 21, a year later. In 1991 he tied up and decapitated German woman Anja Habschied, 20, and shot her partner Gabor Neugebauer, 21, in the head.


British backpackers Caroline Clarke, 21, and Joanne Walters, 22, were respectively shot and stabbed.

Is a second killer at large?

Among the mysteries that surround the disappearance of backpackers from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s is whether Milat worked with an accomplice, with Justice David Hunt commenting in his sentence remarks that it was "inevitable" he had not worked alone.

Ms Howard agrees. "There is definitely a second killer out there, no doubt about it," she said.


"With the killers I've interviewed and researched, you don't find one person abducting two people and using two different ways to kill them. It just doesn't happen. It's not logistically possible."

Evidence pointed to the possibility of an accomplice. British backpacker Joanne Walters was clutching several strands of hair that did not match Milat's DNA. Modern testing later proved it belonged to Walters. There was also the appearance of cigarette butts beside the spot from which the killer had taken pot shots at Caroline Clarke. Milat did not smoke.

But Small, who discounts theories Milat worked with an accomplice, said Clarke was the smoker in the forest that night. She smoked half a pack of cigarettes while her friend was raped and murdered, before she herself was shot.

Who else did Milat kill?


Small is convinced he was responsible for the death of Peter Letcher, whose body was discovered in Jenolan State Forest in 1988 with five gunshots to the head, one year after he set off hitch-hiking from Sydney to Bathurst.

"I've got no doubt that Ivan murdered him and I say that on the basis that the bullets used to kill him were fired from the same gun that were used in the backpacker murders, so that's that," Mr Small said.

There was also "a good chance" that Milat killed two other women, who were murdered in 1971 and 1990 in a similar fashion to his other victims, Mr Small said. "And there's a whole lot of other unsolved murders that I couldn't say one way or the other whether he did it."

Ms Howard fears with the death of Milat, many cold cases will be dropped on the assumption that he was the killer.

"There are killers that are going to get away with things, purely because it's easier to close it and say a dead killer has done it."

But "there's no doubt that there are more victims, I believe there’s probably 10 or 11," she said. She hopes that with the publicity around his death, people will come forward with information that can provide closure.

"There's people that know things," she said.

Milat’s body will be released to his family following a coronial inquest into his death. The inquest is mandatory where the death of an individual occurred in the custody of Corrective Services.

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