

This was published 19 years ago

Going's wet as racing hits 2km stone wall

Melbourne Cup 2012: As they round the home turn, it's Twister's Sister from Paloma Girrl just behind. Straightening out it's. . . oh my gosh, Paloma Girrl looks like she's bogged! Now Delta Star's in the wet . . . swimming!

That, or something like it, is the Victoria Racing Club's nightmare scenario - hundreds of millions of dollars that flood into Australia's richest race, washed away by the murky waters of the flooding Maribyrnong River.

Its solution, backed by the State Government, is a two-kilometre wall, 2.5 metres high, between the track and the river.

But local resident Shane Trewin - flooded in 1984 and in 1993 - sees the wall as his own nightmare. Like local councils and several water specialists, he believes it would remove 1.2 million square metres of flood plain, forcing the water into new housing developments and industrial estates along the valley floor. "Are horses more valuable then humans?" he says.

Flemington racecourse was built on the Maribyrnong flood plain; spring race meetings have been held there since 1854. In May 1974, the entire course was under water, and since then the river has broken its banks eight times, most recently in September 1993. Specialists warn that flooding of the river within two months of the first Tuesday in November could mean the cancellation not only of Cup Day, but also Derby Day, Oaks Day and Stakes Day.


This would be international news, all bad for Melbourne. Upset would be more than 350,000 punters and fashion enthusiasts; threatened would be $250 million of spending; damaged would be Melbourne's international events credentials. "This is a very real and ongoing threat to the Melbourne Cup Carnival each year and cannot be ignored," says Dale Monteith, the VRC's chief executive.

Which brings us back to the wall - seemingly a simple and effective way for the VRC to protect its asset against the once-in-a-hundred-years mother of all floods. The VRC wants to erect the stone wall before spending $60 million rebuilding the track, improving roads and building 160 stable boxes and an office. Planning Minister Mary Delahunty likes the plan so much she quashed a bid by two local councils and the City of Melbourne to stop the wall being built.

"Melbourne Water's modelling confirms that provided the compensatory works are in place, there is no increase in risks to people and property in the river valley," Ms Delahunty says.

However, questions have been raised about the VRC's scientific advice and the modelling used to calculate the impact of the wall on flood levels. Two experienced water technology companies and a former Melbourne Water engineer have questioned the analysis done for Melbourne Water and the VRC, raising fears among residents that hundreds of homes face increased risks of flooding.

The Maribyrnong debate has produced a collection of complex technical facts and there's disagreement on the science. Then there is the race to win the hearts and minds of the public. Never one to miss an opportunity, the VRC contacted the media as rain pelted on Wednesday, hoping for a story about the threat of flooding. Its message: this is what we face unless the wall is built.

Opponents maintain the stone and wire mesh wall would prevent flood waters from spilling into a 100-hectare natural storage area - the racecourse - forcing it downstream into housing estates like Kensington Banks, and upstream to the Edgewater estate and even as far away as Maribyrnong Village.

Melbourne Water and the VRC say the removal of an abutment under the Footscray Road bridge and of a road embankment would allow any extra water to flow down the river, alleviating the threat of flooding.

Heritage Victoria confirmed it is considering a request from the VRC to destroy the abutment. Shane Trewin's house is on a corner about 50 metres from the river. During the 1984 floods he had to ask rescue boats to slow down because the waves they generated lapped into his lounge room. Today he leads the protest against the VRC's wall.

He says that since 1984 an astoundingly large amount of development has occurred along the river, further removing natural storage areas and adding to the danger of houses being flooded. "If you keep filling in the flood plain, the water must go somewhere," Mr Trewin says.

He is supported by the City of Melbourne, and Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley councils, and has several hydrological engineers on side.

Geoff Crapper worked for Melbourne Water for 31 years until last year. He says last July Melbourne Water asked him to analyse a technical report by engineering consultants GHD on the scientific models used to determine the Maribyrnong's flood levels. Dr Crapper was critical of the studies which, he says, could lead to uncertainty about flood level estimates. He says Melbourne Water did not address the issues he raised.

A separate report by GHD, reviewed by hydraulics expert Robert Keller, was the basis of Melbourne Water's approval of the flood wall and mitigation works on the river.

But two expert reviews, commissioned by Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley councils, are critical of the GHD/Keller reports. Water Technology Pty Ltd concluded "there are a number of potentially quite serious issues in relation to the modelling work that has been carried out. In particular, it is noted the effects of the flood wall could be greater than predicted by GHD, and the effect of the proposed mitigation measures may be somewhat less than predicted".

Water Technology's director Andrew McCowan recommended further work be conducted to obtain more reliable information. After discussing his findings with GHD, he found "that there is no need for us to alter our original conclusions".

A separate review by WBM Oceanics Australia for Moonee Valley also found shortcomings in the GHD/Keller report. WBM's manager, Dr Mark Jempson, concluded that "the assessment methodology is not appropriate for the proposed development in a highly urbanised area with potential for significant impact".

But Melbourne Water's Bruce Rush says: "We are happy with (the GHD report)." Melbourne Water did not believe the flood wall would have any impact on flood levels. However, it had made building of the wall conditional on the mitigation works being completed.

Dr Keller said the studies undertaken by GHD were "careful and exhaustive". He said the methodology used by GHD was appropriate. GHD manager Peter Wood agreed. "GHD's view is that there will be no increase in the 100-year flood levels," Mr Wood said.

Both GHD and Dr Keller said nothing in Dr Crapper's criticisms would lead them to alter their conclusions.

Maribyrnong River historian John Lack isn't convinced the scientific arguments will ever be resolved. Rather, it is the equity issues that should be examined, he suggests. Everyone moved into the Maribyrnong valley knowing it was prone to flooding. So is it fair that one occupant can build a wall to the disadvantage of its neighbours? Should people on the Footscray side of the river have to stare at a "bloody terrible" wall?

The VRC's Dale Monteith counters by saying the wall will simply replace 1.4 kilometres of fences, walls and hedges. Mr Lack points out that the Spring Racing Carnival has never been disrupted by flooding. "The Cup has been postponed once only, so what is this all about?"

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