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From the Archives, 1941: Curtin becomes PM of a nation at war

By Staff Writers

First published in The Age on October 8, 1941


Thorough Survey of Their Tasks

From Our Special Representative CANBERRA, Tuesdays—After the Prime Minister (Mr. Curtin) and his Ministers had been sworn in by the Governor-General (Lord Gowrie) at Government House this morning, a short meeting of Cabinet was held. It was of a formal nature.

John Curtin speaks.

John Curtin speaks.Credit: The Age Archives

Mr. Curtin, accompanied by the former Prime Minister (Mr. Fadden), lift by car for Sydney to open the £100 ,000 ,000 loan in Sydney town hall.

The new Ministers to-day were reluctant to discuss their probable immediate departmental activities or questions of policy. All said they preferred, before announcing policy, to make a thorough survey of the work of their predecessors. All, however, are pledged wholeheartedly to devote their maximum energies towards the successful prosecution of the war.

Winning of the War

The Minister of the Army (Mr. Forde) pledged himself to the utmost effort in organising the defences of Australia to ensure a maximum war effort. “The gallant young men of the A.I.F. deserve the best equipment Australia can give them,” he said, “and the taxpayers are entitled, by improved organisation in the Defence department, to get the best result from the millions of pounds which are being spent. The winning of the war for the democracies and the maintenance of Australia’s security, as an outpost of the Empire, are matters of transcendent importance today.”

Mr. Forde said that having been a member of the War Advisory Council, he was thoroughly familiar with the work of his new department. Mr. Forde will meet the Army chiefs in Melbourne at the weekend, and for some time will spend at least four days a week at army headquarters.

First meeting of the New Labour Cabinet in 1941.

First meeting of the New Labour Cabinet in 1941.Credit: The Age Archives

The Minister of Supply and Development, Mr. Beasley, said “a complete review of the whole of the activities of my department will be undertaken immediately. I will introduce such revised policy, as may be necessary, to provide adequately for Australia’s pressing needs in the war, and for the development and strengthening of internal economics, so that the future of this country will be placed on a secure and stable basis.”

Stepping-Up Munitions

The Minister of the Navy and Minister of Munitions (Mr. Makin) said there would be an immediate effort to step up the output of munitions. Many aspects of policy, particularly regarding the cost plus sys-tem, would be reviewed.

“I will seek to secure greater action,” Mr. Makin said, “and to remove immediately those conditions which have militated against the complete utilisation of Australia’s industrial resources. I will seek to provide with all expedition the equipment and munitions so urgently required by the fighting forces.”

Vigorous Air Policy


The Minister of Air, Mr. Drakeford, said that it was his intention to push ahead with a vigorous air policy for Australia. At present, however, it was impossible for him to make specific announcement of policy. He added:—“I am taking over my new duties with an open mind. which will enable full and effective consultation with my Cabinet colleagues on vital points in the Labor party’s air policy.”


Strong Appeal by Mr. Curtin

The Prime Minister (Mr. Curtin), in an impassioned appeal at the launching of the £100,000,000 War and Conversion Loan in the Sydney town hall tonight, said the people of Australia wanted his Government to get to work at once for Australia. His first duty as Prime Minister was to discharge the obligations imposed upon him as the Leader of the Australian Government to wage the war to the maximum of Australia’s capacity.

The Lord Mayor (Alderman E. S. Crick) announced later that at least one-third of the total amount of the loan had already been subscribed.

Mr. Curtin was frequently interrupted by prolonged bursts of applause, and when he rose to make his appeal the reception was tumultuous. Each Australian man and woman, he affirmed, had a decision to make regarding the future of the country, and the part to be played in what was hoped would be a civilised world.

There was no possibility of any country in the world escaping participation on one side or the other of the gulf that divided the aggressors from those attacked. Their only real security was to be strong in their power, and to enlist to their support those who, like themselves, would be strong.

Mr. Curtin repeated that the Australian people were determined to wage the war to a successful conclusion. The £100,000,000 was required to discharge and meet commitments which the civilian population had already incurred towards the fighting services. The claims of these men and their families were paramount.

“It is total war for total domination by Germany and Italy,” Mr. Curtin declared, “and the only conceivable way in which we can meet so ruthless a nation as Germany, so totalitarian in its Ideals, is by giving what we possibly can.”


What was really at stake, Mr. Curtin added, was the difference between despotic rule and everything they knew to be essential to dignity and decency. Australians would do what they believed to be best for waging the war, so that they may pass on to their sons and daughters the principles of liberty and justice and ordered institutions, and the right to govern themselves in their own way.

He asked the people of Australia to contribute voluntarily, as he wanted always to be able to say, as spokesman for the country, when dealing with the representative leaders of other countries, that Australia was in this war of her own consent, and prosecuting It by the consent of the men and women of the nation, who wanted its resources used towards the accomplishment of victory.

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