This was published 11 months ago
The girl boss is dead, and I’m not going to the wake
Julia Baird
Journalist, broadcaster, historian and authorOn International Women’s Day, as we reckon with the mountains, ridges, gates and fences women have clambered over for centuries in our fight for equal rights, it’s important to remind ourselves that the suffragettes called for “Bread, and Roses too”.
The origin of this slogan is important. In 1910, a campaigner for women called Helen Todd went on an automobile tour around southern Illinois, in an attempt to convince rural dwellers that women should be given the vote. As recounted by Rebecca Solnit in her splendid book Orwell’s Roses, Todd stayed on a farm where a young “hired girl”, Maggie, went to a women’s rights rally one night. The next morning Maggie reported: “What I liked best of all in the whole meetin’ … was the women votin’ so’s everybody would have bread and flowers too.”
Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:
Todd wrote a report for The American Magazine in which she argued that women’s votes would lead to a time “when life’s Bread, which is home, shelter and security, and the Roses of life, music, education, nature and books, shall be the heritage of every child that is born in the country, in the government of which she has a voice … there shall be ‘Bread for all, and Roses too’.”
In 1911, poet James Oppenheim picked up this theme, writing: “Yes, it is Bread we fight for – but we fight for Roses, too”. The phrase gathered momentum, and trickled into more and more speeches and campaigns, in the women’s and labour movements, which frequently overlapped. In 1912, Polish-born American labour union leader Rose Schneiderman argued: “What the woman who labours wants is the right to live, not simply exist – the right to life as the rich woman has the right to life, and the sun and music and art.”
Today, the inequality gap is growing, worsened by the cost-of-living crisis, inflation, the alarming rental housing shortage, the wildly inflated housing market, the chasm between educational resources at public and private schools, the ongoing consequences of discrimination and of intergenerational trauma. Bread is lacking and unevenly distributed. This work continues.
But we need to stop sometimes, too, and talk about the roses. About sun and music and leisure and art, the sources of our sanity.
Women are still underpaid, underrepresented and overworked. In this country, even if they are the primary earner, women spend nine hours more each week on unpaid work and care.
So today, my advice on International Women’s Day is to lean out, or lie down. As the widely shared tweet by media company founder Daisy Alioto reads: “The girl boss is dead, long live the girl moss (lying on the floor of the forest and being absorbed back into nature).”
We must give ourselves time for rest. Not as a distraction from the wars and horrors of the world, but a way of ensuring we have the strength to counter them, to fight for peace, and for equality. Have a break, toss aside arm-length to-do lists for a moment, flip the bird to multitasking. Sit and stare at the ocean. March down to your local park, lie down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the birds for an hour or three. Watch ants carry crumbs across dust.
And do this by saying “no”, something I am personally pretty bad at. A new study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology finds one of the reasons we struggle to say no is we “overestimate the negative ramifications that arise in the eyes of inviters following an invitation decline”.
In a preliminary pilot study, the researchers, from the University of West Virginia and the New York Institute of Technology, found that 77 per cent of respondents accepted invitations to events they did not want to go to, for fear of angering or upsetting the person who invited them, with the additional consequences of having their own invitations declined or not being asked to anything again. But, in short, their research found inviters much less upset than invitees imagined they might be.
So consider this a license.
We’ve got so much work to do, the Sisyphean mounds of domestic chores, the overstretched budgets, the anxiety about climate change, the wounds to heal, the kids to raise, the jobs to do.
And we’re tired. Women are 1.5 times more likely to wake up tired than men are. Studies show overall, women are more fatigued than men, especially women with financially fewer resources. Mothers of young children (and, actually, mothers of all kids under 18) generally get a shabbier night’s sleep than fathers. But, as the BBC reports, even if they don’t have kids, women just get less sleep than men.
Women also report being more stressed, and “strongly agree” that no one can understand how stressed they are. Which is why the “tech-bro” tips for hyperproductivity – ice baths at 4am and absurdly expensive smoothies – are so often laughable because they rarely take into account the responsibilities of parents, the inflexibility of workplaces and the strain of lower pay. And they seem to imply we could all zip around with more energy if we lost more sleep and piled up a blender with powders.
So today, fight the tyranny of this self-punishing culture and raise the girl moss. Sit in front of art you love, listen to the music that thrills or comforts you, read books without guilt.
Sink into the earth. Honour the natural world. Listen to it, even.
Remember American author Rachel Carson, who wrote Silent Spring, the superb analysis of the destruction that pesticides were wreaking on American soil and wildlife in 1962, which was instrumental in kick-starting the modern environmental movement? She wrote, with wisdom, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
Reserves of strength. Tap into them. Dig your toes into the dirt. Float on your back in the ocean. Plant some flowers. Lie down, close your eyes and remember we fight for roses, too.
Julia Baird is a journalist, author and regular columnist. Her latest book is Bright Shining: how grace changes everything.