

This was published 3 years ago


Fool’s gold: Believing the hype, NSW ignored lockdown lessons

When Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews stood before the media on Thursday evening to announce his state would enter a five-day lockdown, much of his language seemed pointed. Specifically, at Sydney, as he gestured towards the most common criticisms of the NSW government.

“I am not prepared to avoid a five-day lockdown now only to find ourselves in a five-week or a five-month lockdown,” he declared. No doubt Andrews phrased this for rhetorical symmetry, but it’s also a neat summary of Sydney’s predicament.

Daniel Andrews ordered Victoria into a snap, five-day lockdown.

Daniel Andrews ordered Victoria into a snap, five-day lockdown.Credit:

Sydney is precisely amidst a five-week lockdown, almost certain to be extended. If all goes badly, it really could last months, even if not five. And, as many critics have now argued, perhaps that all could have been avoided had the NSW government gone to something like a five-day lockdown faster.

Then this, after specifying which businesses can and cannot be open: “It is detailed, absolute clarity.” That addendum highlights the contrast with Gladys Berejiklian’s refusal to state clearly which businesses are essential, thereby leaving the decision up to each retailer.

And then, in his final rallying cry: “Nothing about this virus is fair. Nothing about the fact that this virus has travelled from Sydney is fair. That’s just the reality we face. These cases started in New South Wales, but I’m determined they will end here. We will put this out.”

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on Friday.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on Friday.Credit: James Brickwood

It’s not even subtext, it’s nearly explicit: This is NSW’s fault, and now Victoria will clean up NSW’s mess.

Viewed from Sydney, that perhaps seems a little graceless. Viewed from Melbourne, it more likely seems cathartic.

Federal government ministers have frequently insinuated that the Victorian government is inexcusably quick to lock down because it is too incompetent to contain outbreaks in the way that a gold-standard NSW does.


That kind of narrative ran aground once the current Sydney outbreak got out of control.

It fell into worse disrepair with every NSW stumble: the failed protocols that allowed an unmasked, unvaccinated limousine driver to start this wave; the strange vagueness on essential retail that is multiplying exposure sites; the clear divisions within the government over “living with the virus”; this week’s Fairfield testing debacle.


This meant that Andrews probably had the easiest sell of any lockdown he’s announced. He can point to Sydney and say “this is so we don’t become them”.

He can even blame it on three Sydney removalists who apparently refused to be straight with Victoria’s contact tracers. Andrews comes to this clean, and perhaps even mildly vindicated. His press conference was the sound of tables turning.

To be sure, Andrews is not entitled to be arrogant here. His government’s quarantine and tracing failures last year, which led to Victoria’s horrendous second wave, are in my estimation the worst failure of any Australian government in the pandemic so far.

But he is perfectly entitled to argue that his government has got a lot right since. Too many of Andrews’ defenders gloss over the former. But too many of his detractors deny the latter, which is a problem because it has led many in the NSW and federal governments to draw the wrong lessons from the Victorian experience.

History is clear that Victoria’s problem hasn’t been that it rushes too quickly to lockdown. It has never locked down on a single case as Queensland or Western Australia have. Its worst mistake was to go far too late. Melbourne entered lockdown last year with 191 new daily cases. Then it didn’t lock down hard enough, and reached 671 new daily cases before it moved to its strictest settings.

Along the way, Victoria discovered that lower-socio economic areas where people had insecure work posed a serious risk because people were more likely to decide they couldn’t afford to get tested or isolate, and were therefore infectious in the community. Meanwhile, the Victorian government’s ability to communicate with non-English-speaking communities was found wanting, further raising the risk.

If you had to summarise these lockdown lessons, it would be something like: lock down hard and early, devote massive resources to support those communities that rely on insecure work, and have a well-planned strategy for talking to migrant populations.

And in the past fortnight, as you canvassed the south-western Sydney communities who felt hectored and threatened, or gazed at the endless lines of Fairfield workers waiting hours after shift work to get tested before some simply gave up, which of these lessons, would you say NSW had learnt?

Long queues for the 24-hour COVID testing drive through clinic at Fairfield West, in Sydney.

Long queues for the 24-hour COVID testing drive through clinic at Fairfield West, in Sydney.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Some five weeks ago, I wrote of the disease of Melbourne exceptionalism. At the time, Melbourne was alone in being in a two-week lockdown and media coverage was awash with arguments about why these things only happened there.

This, I argued, was a dangerous line of thinking. Any dispassionate assessment of the facts would tell you that Melbourne’s May-June outbreak could have happened anywhere. To pretend such outbreaks were just a Melbourne thing – apart from being parochial, sometimes partisan nonsense – was to walk complacently toward disaster.

We’re seeing the consequences manifest now in Sydney. Why would you take lessons from Victoria if, deep down, you think its troubles come down to its government’s unique incompetence and hyper-anxiety? Hence Berejiklian’s comments on the eve of Melbourne’s most recent lockdown: “I fear for Victoria and I worry about what their government may do. I hope we have demonstrated to other states it is possible to manage an outbreak and not shut down a city.″⁣

Of course, Victoria had done this, too. Specifically it managed the Black Rock outbreak over the new year in precisely this way. But because the perception of Victoria’s inability had taken hold, no one seemed to remember. It didn’t fit the established narrative and was therefore purged from much public reckoning.

NSW has had to extend its lockdown after the Delta variant spread through Sydney.

NSW has had to extend its lockdown after the Delta variant spread through Sydney.Credit:

But this Melbourne exceptionalism doesn’t exist in isolation. It sits alongside a NSW exceptionalism that only compounds the danger. We see that most clearly in Berejiklian’s comments, which hold that NSW has shown what is possible, and that it’s for other states to learn from that. This has NSW as an exception to whatever rules seem to apply to other states. And it is this exceptionalism that I suspect has NSW, in the view of just about every expert I’ve asked, moving to lockdown too late, and too lightly.

Too late, I can understand. It’s almost impossible to lock down as early as possible, but only when necessary. But having decided to lock down, doing it lightly is much harder to grasp. It looks like obstinance.

“The virus writes its own rules,” Scott Morrison is wont to say. How strange, then, that we seem so reluctant to follow them. Sure, there is pain – incredible pain – involved in doing so. And sure, there is an understandable frustration at the sense that we thought we’d beaten this thing last year. But here we must surely acknowledge something the rest of the world has known for at least a year. This is a pandemic, and pandemics bring inescapable pain. They create a world in which there are only bad choices available.


We don’t seem to accept this in Australia. We seem to expect close to zero death at little cost. And the mere notion that this is possible when it has eluded everyone else – this Australian exceptionalism – is the chief contradiction behind our angst.

So, we pull ourselves in opposite directions. The federal government, for example, has until recently railed against lockdowns, but also refused to authorise widespread use of the AstraZeneca vaccine on account of a one-in-a-million risk of death.

That decision significantly slows our vaccination program. That doesn’t make it wrong. But it does come with the necessary trade-off of more restrictions for longer. The federal government therefore cannot complain about that, and be reluctant to pay the bills that arise in the meantime as it has been when states have asked for financial support.

But similarly, we should consider the government’s options here. It relies on the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation’s (ATAGI) advice that prefers Pfizer for under-60s in the absence of a serious outbreak. But that advice is based on the risks of the vaccine for each individual, as against that individual’s risk from COVID. It does not consider the cost of delaying our vaccination program on the nation as a whole, because that is not ATAGI’s job. That is, ATAGI does not offer epidemiological advice.

The federal government could easily have decided that, given the urgency of vaccination, and the risks to public health inherent in a pandemic, it will proceed with AstraZeneca anyway.

But consider what would have happened in that case. Eventually someone young would die. Then imagine the ensuing media scrum: “Prime Minister, why did you ignore ATAGI’s advice? What do you say to the family? Do you have blood on your hands?” There’s every chance the public anger would outweigh the frustration we’re seeing now over lockdowns.

We can argue about which of these decisions would be best, just as we can argue about in what circumstances a lockdown might become necessary. But what we cannot do is consider ourselves above such things, impervious both to lockdowns and deaths, entitled to a cost-free path towards normality. The virus affords that to no country on Earth. And on that score, we’re no exception.

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