

This was published 12 years ago

Employees at Coles fashion factory work 'like slaves'

By Adele Horin

WITH great fanfare, Coles announced last year it would be the first supermarket chain in Australia to bring men's and women's fashions to the grocery aisles. Six months after the Mix clothing label went on sale, Coles has suspended buying from a textile factory in Bangladesh after revelations workers have been beaten, fired and imprisoned in a battle over wages and other rights.

The Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, a US organisation, wrote to the Coles managing director, Ian McLeod, last month, outlining the workers' allegations of gross abuses.

Coles' clothing supplier abused factory workers.

Coles' clothing supplier abused factory workers.Credit: Sasha Woolley

These included below minimum pay rates of 16¢ to 22¢ an hour, unpaid overtime and holiday leave, and being forced to work up to 84 hours a week. As well, workers were subjected to ''routine sexual harassment, beatings, mass firing, corporal punishment and imprisonment on false charges''.

Similar letters have been sent to the chiefs of several European retailers, including British Home Stores, which also source clothes from the Rosita and Megatex factories in North Bengal. The factories employ about 5000 workers, supervised by about 70 Chinese managers.

The director of the institute, Charles Kernaghan, told the Herald the workers were treated like slaves. Speaking from Bangladesh this week, he said: ''Every single labour law in Bangladesh is being violated. It seems the Chinese owners are trying to implement Chinese labour practices in Bangladesh but the workers wouldn't allow it.''

Trouble flared at the end of January after 50 workers were fired, workers called a sit-down strike, and the head of the Workers' Welfare Association, Helal Uddin, and other leaders were allegedly beaten after they presented a list of 22 demands to the company; two were hospitalised.

Mr Kernaghan said when workers responded by damaging property, 100 police ''stormed'' the factories. Mr Uddin and other leaders were imprisoned for up to 15 days, hundreds faced false charges, and 291 workers were fired. Further trouble erupted on March 25 after workers were told their piece rates were to be cut. They called a sit-down strike, and police clubbed them and used tear-gas. Many workers went into hiding.

''Anyone buying the Mix label would be completely shocked,'' Mr Kernaghan said.

A spokesman for Coles, Jon Church, said the Rosita plant supplied the company with a ''small number'' of lines. A third-party auditor had independently audited the supplier before Coles had placed orders with it and ''no significant concerns were identified''.


After the institute raised its concerns, Coles arranged for a further audit but had been stymied because management had temporarily closed the factory.

''Coles is not sourcing any further clothing from Rosita and we will not do so until we have completed an independent ethical audit to confirm the status of allegations made about … that site,'' Mr Church said.

Attempts to contact the factory owners in Hong Kong yesterday were unsuccessful.

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