

This was published 2 years ago

Doctors left dying dad ‘spouting blood’ after horror hospital fall

By Carrie Fellner

Warning: distressing content

Just before dawn on a mild January morning in 2021, nurses in Port Macquarie Base Hospital heard an almighty crash.

They bolted to Tony Coulston’s bedside, where he was discovered face down on the floor, a lump already bulging from his forehead.

The fall also left the charismatic retired publican with a black eye, broken nose, shattered teeth, bruising, and bleeding in his brain that would kill him within 48 hours.

But amid everything that went wrong in the hospital that day, it was the wait for hours for a doctor to attend after Coulston started “spouting and vomiting blood” that haunts his daughters Christina and Caroline Coulston the most.

“It was like a water fountain. It was the most full-on, horrific thing we’d ever seen in our lives,” Christina recalled.

There were conflicting opinions within the hospital about whether Coulston’s death should be reported to the coroner, who ultimately declined to investigate.

Tony Coulston after a fall in Port Macquarie Base Hospital that would ultimately kill him.

Tony Coulston after a fall in Port Macquarie Base Hospital that would ultimately kill him. Credit:

The case highlights an apparent lack of external scrutiny of potentially preventable deaths and the system failures underpinning them within the NSW health system.

Of five potentially preventable deaths at hospitals across regional NSW uncovered by a Herald investigation, only one is under investigation by the coroner.


The deaths classed as not reportable to the coroner, or where the coroner declined to investigate, include:

  • the death of Coulston, who fell from his hospital bed after staff failed to carry out a mandatory falls risk assessment
  • the death of a woman with a 15-centimetre tear in her oesophagus after elective surgery for a hernia
  • the death of a man with fatally high potassium levels after hospital staff failed to follow up abnormal pathology results, also administering wrong medications
  • the death of a woman after a blood vessel was punctured during an unnecessary biopsy performed while she was fully conscious
Tony Coulston, pictured with daughter Caroline in 1968, was a gregarious publican from the NSW town of Parkes.

Tony Coulston, pictured with daughter Caroline in 1968, was a gregarious publican from the NSW town of Parkes. Credit:

A group of senior clinicians has told the Herald such tragedies need to be examined at arm’s length by a third party – instead of local health districts leading probes into deaths to which their decisions may have contributed.

Several of the cases underline the strain on doctors and nurses working excessive hours in chronically understaffed environments, which clinicians said created a perfect storm where adverse events and avoidable deaths happened.

“Problems have often occurred under the direction of the same managers charged with the remedy,” said the NSW Medical Staff Executive Council, which represents doctors in the state’s public hospitals, in a submission to a recent parliamentary inquiry into regional health.

The inquiry, sparked by a Herald investigation, found doctors and nurses were operating in a climate of fear, scared to flag patient safety and critical resourcing issues, leading to significantly poorer health outcomes and premature deaths.

Those findings hit close to home for two former senior managers from the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) where Coulston died.

They allege they were bullied and driven out of their jobs after they blew the whistle on a string of mishaps, including a death and an alleged incident where a nurse threatened a patient with a syringe.

The MNCLHD’s chief executive, Stewart Dowrick, said it was committed to providing a workplace with a strong safety culture, and had mechanisms in place for staff to report potential wrongdoing.

The MNCLHD had been working with the Clinical Excellence Commission to implement “significant changes” at Port Macquarie Base Hospital following Coulston’s death, Dowrick said, offering sincere condolences to his family.

The popular publican

Tony Coulston was a gregarious businessman who managed pubs in the NSW regional towns of Parkes and Taree. He enjoyed socialising in his watering holes as much as running them, his daughters recall.

“He enjoyed having a drink, telling a story and having a good laugh,” Christina said.

Tony Coulston and wife Barbara on their wedding day in September 1965. He died after falling from his bed in Port Macquarie Base Hospital.

Tony Coulston and wife Barbara on their wedding day in September 1965. He died after falling from his bed in Port Macquarie Base Hospital. Credit:

In retirement, Coulston gravitated to the ocean, relocating to the holiday town of Port Macquarie on the state’s Mid North Coast.

Coulston developed lung cancer and was experiencing breathing difficulties when he was admitted to Port Macquarie Base Hospital on January 22, 2021.

An internal investigation, known as a serious adverse event review, found the 82-year-old died unexpectedly two days later due to an “unwitnessed fall”.

The review noted a two-hour delay in informing Coulston’s family about the fall while nurses were awaiting a doctor to attend.

A junior doctor working alone on the ward that night was grappling with “urgent competing priorities” and “several high acuity patients”. The review found that was not unusual and presented an improvement opportunity for the hospital.

As Coulston was wheeled out of his room for a CT scan, nearly eight hours after the fall, his condition deteriorated and he began vomiting blood.

Over the next two-and-a-half hours, nurses called for doctors four times, but there was “an inability to engage the medical team”.

The nurses were unable to escalate the situation with a “rapid response” emergency call because of not-for-resuscitation orders in place for Coulston.

The sisters were distraught as they witnessed their father heave up large volumes of blood, which nurses scrambled to clean up.

“It was a really traumatising situation for everyone,” Christina said. “He was unconscious, seriously injured and highly agitated.”

Nurses informed the sisters about the statewide REACH initiative, allowing families to request a review by an admitting doctor within 30 minutes following a worrying change in a patient’s condition.

“They wanted us to escalate it,” Caroline said of the nurses.

The admitting doctor took an hour to arrive after the REACH call.

“It was like we were asking for special treatment, and all we were asking for was the appropriate treatment for our father, so he would be pain-free,” Caroline said.

The review was critical of the lack of a clear treatment plan and timely response to nurses’ concerns following Coulston’s deterioration.

“In hindsight, a rapid response, regardless of the resuscitation order, would have been appropriate,” the review concluded.

When the doctor arrived, Coulston was administered with anti-nausea medication and was heavily sedated to control his pain. He died on January 27.

Delays and dissent

According to medical records seen by the Herald, a junior doctor noted Coulston’s death should be reported to the coroner because it resulted from accident or injury.

They were advised by a colleague to discuss it with the specialist. The cremation certificate noted the death was not reported to the coroner, as per that specialist’s instructions.

“If you were any other occupation and something so disastrous happened, there would be investigations and you’d have to be accountable,” Christina said.

“I feel like with a signature on a piece of paper, this doctor’s been able to say nothing wrong here.”

Chief executive Dowrick clarified that Coulston’s death was ultimately reported to the coroner by a deputy director at the hospital, and the coroner’s office determined it did not warrant further investigation.

The review did not uncover a root cause nor contributing factors to Coulston’s death.

It found a mandatory falls risk assessment was not carried out within 24 hours of Coulston’s admission, but appropriate measures were in place to prevent him falling.

Missing documentation and the lack of a post-fall huddle were “system improvement opportunities”.

The review had to be completed by April 2021, but it was only finished seven months later, after delays were queried by the family.

The covering note said it had been submitted to the Ministry of Health, but another page, labelled “instructions from chief executive or delegate”, said it hadn’t.

Asked about the discrepancy, Dowrick clarified the report had been sent to the ministry. He added that all members of the review team were external to the hospital and one was external to the MNCLHD.

Dowrick said hospital management and clinicians held meetings with Coulston’s family, and the independent Health Care Complaints Commission had referred the matter to its facilitated resolution service.

“Mr Coulston was in his early 80s, had serious and complex medical conditions and was known to the palliative care service,” Dowrick said.

The daughters felt their father was treated as not worth much consideration by the hospital because of his age and illnesses.

“No one should have to suffer like he did,” Caroline said.

‘We don’t forget’

Two senior managers said their careers were destroyed after they blew the whistle on a raft of failings in the same LHD, including the 2014 death of patient Jaimie Byrne, which was the subject of a damning coronial inquiry.

Coroner Jeffrey Linden found it was a “scandal” that staff in Coffs Harbour Hospital’s mental health unit certified that Byrne was alive when he was already dead, due to toxicity from a combination of drugs in his system and medication given to him in hospital.

John Greville, a former detective who became the LHD’s investigations manager, said he was the subject of reprisals from superiors after he raised concerns about Byrne’s death and investigated other alleged misconduct within the mental health unit.

Among his findings was that a nurse threatened a patient with a syringe of pink fluid, believed to be hand sanitiser.

“I exposed it and that’s a huge embarrassment for the health district, you see,” Greville said.

Karen Allen, the former district nurse manager, completed a damning investigation into Byrne’s death, which she said was buried by the LHD.

She said she was then smeared by management, which placed her on a statewide risk register for an act of “aggressive eye-rolling”, rendering her unemployable elsewhere.

Allen said events destroyed her previously unblemished 40-year career, which included a stint as an acting director with the Western Sydney LHD.

“They wanted someone to sit in the position up here and keep their mouth shut,” she said. “As soon as I started to uncover things, it started to fall apart.”

SafeWork NSW undertook an investigation into the pair’s claims.

“During the investigation, the Mid North Coast Local Health District voluntarily made changes to their work processes and met regularly with SafeWork NSW,” a spokesperson for the regulator said.

“No further action was required after the investigation, which concluded 10 February 2021.”

Greville and Allen are now pursuing a class action against the ministry and LHD alongside three other former managers.

“To them, we’re long forgotten, but we don’t forget,” Greville said. “We saw the pain in the patients’ eyes.”

Greville said a recommendation from the parliamentary inquiry for an ombudsman to oversee the NSW Health bureaucracy would only work if they were adequately resourced, truly independent and did not report to the ministry.

Dowrick said NSW Health, the Health Care Complaints Commission, the NSW Ombudsman, SafeWork NSW and the ICAC had all finalised investigations into matters raised by the pair.

“Confidentiality considerations and privacy legislation prevent NSW Health from commenting on individual staff members and patients,” he said.

Dowrick added that action was taken to address concerns about staff conduct at a mental health facility, and the LHD had taken a range of actions to improve patient safety.

“The district has developed robust processes to ensure that recommendations made by the coroner, or as a result of root cause analysis investigation of incidents, are implemented.”

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