

This was published 4 years ago


Critics of Victoria's contact tracing system misunderstand some key facts

All Australian states do it the same way, manually, and all use whiteboards.

Contact tracing is bread-and-butter public health for all health departments around Australia – they do it for meningococcal disease, TB, measles and many other infections. It is not rocket science – and they all do it the same way, manually, and all use whiteboards.

Yet this standard practice has become the controversial new flashpoint in the war of words over Victoria's handling of its second wave of COVID-19.

Some critics suggest there are key differences in contact tracing systems between NSW and Victoria, and that the second wave could have been avoided with better contact tracing.

But missing from this analysis is consideration of case numbers and an understanding of just how time intensive contact tracing is and what its limitations are once a pandemic gets out of control. The capacity of any state to trace contacts may be exceeded if case numbers are too high.

With true epidemic diseases case numbers grow exponentially, and as we saw with Victoria, you can go from 50 cases a day to 700 within weeks. The close contacts of those cases are at highest risk for being the next tranche of cases. For every case, there are 10-25 close contacts, which include family, work and friend contacts.

Occasionally, there are also super-spreading events in closed, poorly ventilated settings such as clubs or restaurants – one infected person may infect dozens of others. A contact who becomes infected will incubate the disease first, and will not be infectious for several days – maybe three to five days – but then they become highly infectious, especially in the two days before symptoms start, and in the first day of symptoms.

When it comes to contact tracing all the states use similar systems and all use whiteboards.

When it comes to contact tracing all the states use similar systems and all use whiteboards.Credit: Jason South

We know about 25 per cent of contacts become infected, and each contact will go on to infect another two to three people, causing exponential epidemic growth if not stopped. Identifying all contacts as quickly as possible (ideally within 24 hours) and placing them in quarantine for the incubation period (14 days) will greatly reduce transmission.

Delay in contact tracing will be almost as bad as failing to trace contacts, because you may miss the window in which infected contacts go on to infect others.


Contact tracers must identify all people who are at risk of being infected by the primary case of COVID-19, but they must also try and work out how that case became infected – who did they get it from? This involves painstaking interviews, detailed information on where the person with COVID-19 went while they were infectious, mapping their potential network of contacts and some detailed detective work. It requires human resources, identification of physical space for quarantine (home or elsewhere), testing of high risk contacts, testing of all high risk contacts, a protocol for transferring contacts who develop symptoms or test positive, and trained public health staff to monitor contacts during quarantine every day.


We can take as a given that all jurisdictions know what needs to be done – the only differentiator is the numbers. Contact tracing is feasible in NSW when you have 20 cases a day – that may result in 200 to 500 contacts to trace a day. Even that is a large task, and if you fall behind, you may face a mounting backlog of delayed tracing. However, in Victoria, when there were 700 cases a day, the number of contacts to be traced would have been anywhere from 7000 to 17500 contacts a day. At any one time, there may have been 200,000 people in quarantine that required daily monitoring.

No health workforce in the world, no matter how organised, well-resourced and efficient, can do manual contact tracing successfully when an epidemic becomes too large. Even China had to switch to digital tracing in Wuhan because the human resources capacity was exceeded.

One option to scale up capacity is community volunteers or other paid workers who can be rapidly trained. Another is digital contact tracing, used successfully in many Asian countries. The COVIDSafe App has not worked because not enough people downloaded it, not because there is anything inherently wrong with the technology. You also need a seamless system to test contacts and follow them up after they have been identified.


The requirement for contact tracing will be at least an order of magnitude greater than for case finding – and this alone explains the challenges faced in Victoria. If NSW were facing 700 cases a day, it would be in a similar situation to Victoria.

It is true Victoria is under-resourced and has been for almost 20 years with successive governments on both sides stripping the health system bare. It had fewer people to throw at contact tracing. Such a minimalist system can get by during good times but will be exposed in a pandemic.

NSW, with a better-resourced health system at the outset, has been able to trace and stamp out all the spot fires so far, but is still seeing cases of unknown origin. A small twist of fate and unlucky circumstances could see an epidemic grow silently anywhere and outstrip contact tracing capacity, especially because 80 per cent of infections are mild or asymptomatic.

Australia would do well to invest resources in both manual and digital tracing methods, in every state and territory health department, to be able to rapidly and completely trace and monitor contacts in the event of a large epidemic. Until we have a vaccine, every state will be susceptible to a large epidemic. Inability to trace contacts in a large epidemic will result in the epidemic becoming larger. Conversely, being able to trace completely may prevent the need for a lockdown.

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