

This was published 2 years ago


COVID messages confound you? Don’t be confused, be nimble

By Tony Blakely and Samantha Howe

There are many recipes to make chocolate brownies. Some ingredients, such as cocoa, are mandatory. Others, such as walnuts, are optional. So it is with flattening the curve in COVID-19 surges.

We are going through another wave right now. As a society, we have decided we are going to live with this virus, and get on with life as best as possible. Good. But there is a limit. And that limit is what the health services can cope with. And now they are under severe and growing stress, so we need to flatten the curve. In other words, slow the spread so the peak is not as high.

Mask rules have been eased in NSW but remain mandatory on public transport.

Mask rules have been eased in NSW but remain mandatory on public transport. Credit: Kate Geraghty

How do we do that? There are ingredients to choose from. Each state and territory may use a slightly different recipe. Which is fine – so long as it works for that state to flatten its curve.

There is a hullabaloo about whether masks should be mandatory in schools, workplaces, supermarkets and the like. The nation’s chief medical officer is “strongly encouraging” wider mask use, but ultimately this is a state-level responsibility to mandate or encourage. At that state level, politicians are loath to make mandates to wear masks more widely but are strongly encouraging it. Hence the confusion.

While this may not be black and white, welcome to the pandemic in 2022. (And likely 2023 and beyond. This virus has further to run.)

We are now in the “nimble” policy phase. When times are “good” (that is, only a couple of hundred people in hospital in NSW, Victoria and Queensland), we can relax. Relaxed looks like masks required in health facilities and aged care and public transport, but personal choice beyond that. Free movement. Moshpit dancing at your local rage.


But the virus will surge back, again and again. And when a surge is threatening to overwhelm health services, as it is now, we toughen and tighten up. This requires relatively simple actions from citizens. For those of us not up to date with vaccines, go out and get the next shot you are eligible for. Keeping up to date with vaccines will not only reduce your risk of hospitalisation, but also help reduce transmission in the community.

The same goes for working from home if you can. WFH is no longer the “big” disruptive change it was for many in 2020, and for a large portion of the workforce it is an easy shift to make to reduce transmission. For those going to work, get up to date with vaccines, keep socially distanced where practicable, and mask up when indoors and close to others.


Mandates should only be issued if proportionate to the crisis at hand. In 2020, before vaccines arrived and we were going for zero-COVID, the threshold for mandatory measures was lower than it is now. Now is the time for good citizens to step up and contribute to the health of society, while protecting their own health. It is not much to ask of citizens to wear masks more often, particularly on public transport and in shopping centre and supermarkets, where we have become somewhat lax.

Changing our behaviour when the virus surges needs to become second nature as we persevere through the third year of the pandemic.


It is only if the proverbial hits the fan, and it looks as though we’ll see hospitals overflowing, that extending mask mandates may be necessary. For the next week, encouraging citizens to do the right thing voluntarily is the way to go. If that doesn’t work, then mandatory measures may be reasonable.

This doesn’t mean federal and state authorities don’t have a role to play to reduce the impact of this wave. For example, the new availability of anti-viral treatments reduces the risk of serious illness and death in those infected. The Chief Medical Officer’s advice for those eligible to have a plan ready with their GP for such treatment is sensible. If you are 70 or older, or 50 or older with two or more risk factors such as chronic disease, determine whether you would be eligible for these lifesaving treatments if you got COVID (go to And perhaps discuss with your primary care provider how you will activate a plan to get antivirals quickly if you are infected.

Back to the wretched decisions that decision-makers are confronting right now. Spare them a thought – it is not easy. Clear messaging, and some cohesion between advice from the government and medical professionals, helps greatly. But when messaging is a choice between “mandatory masks everywhere” or “no need for masks outside hospitals and public transport”, then we have lost the plot. The pandemic now is more about nimble responses.

This may look a bit different between states. That’s fine so long as each state – and importantly, its citizens – finds a path to flattening the curve.

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