

This was published 1 year ago

COVID broke our pandemic rule book. What should be in our next plan?

By Aisha Dow

I first experienced the pandemic not as a journalist, but as an interested (and for a time, slightly panicked) observer. I was just nearing the end of maternity leave, and the idea of returning to work as a health journalist, as a new mum with twins, was stressful enough, without the spectre of a likely global disease disaster.

It was mid-March 2020 when things started really getting serious. I remember someone writing on Twitter that it felt like the first 10 minutes of a disaster movie.

Toilet rolls and other basic items were stripped from Australian supermarkets in March 2020.

Toilet rolls and other basic items were stripped from Australian supermarkets in March 2020. Credit: Louise Kennerley

The panic buying was in full flight. I’ll never forget a woman running past us in the street yelling out that the local supermarket had just got a delivery of toilet paper. Some of my friends whose work revolved around public events lost all their income. Australian officials warned of up to 150,000 coronavirus deaths.

But within the first few weeks of my return to work, the situation in Australia was feeling more under control. International borders had closed. A national shutdown was bringing the first wave of cases to heel. For many Australian communities outside the two most populous states, it wouldn’t be until late the following year that they’d encounter the virus again.

It is easy to forget now that it wasn’t expected to play out that way.

COVID-19 broke Australia’s pandemic rule book. Our national plan for such events, the Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza, didn’t envisage anything close to lockdowns or widespread and mandated quarantine for international arrivals.

Professor James McCaw, one of those who helped develop that plan, explains such measures were excluded, not because they wouldn’t work, but rather because no one thought they would have the backing of politicians and society at large.

For better or worse, COVID-19 changed that. So, how should our next pandemic plan be different from the last?


Dangerous diseases

The last plan was focused on an influenza pandemic – in name as well as content. This seems like an oversight now, especially given the world was lucky to avoid another coronavirus pandemic in the early 2000s, with SARS, which also began in China.


One suggestion is that a new plan should have strategies for respiratory diseases with pandemic potential based on levels of severity and infectiousness rather than disease type. In future, it’s possible we might see a virus that’s even more dangerous than COVID-19, or perhaps a milder disease such as the 2009 H1N1 swine flu outbreak, which was closer to the seasonal flu.

Associate Professor James Trauer, head of the epidemiological modelling unit at Monash University, says it would be critical to assess the threat early and choose between trying to keep the virus out altogether (the approach Australia took in 2020 and 2021) or mitigation to slow the spread of the disease.

Bigger responses

Public health and infectious diseases experts say lockdowns and quarantine for international travellers will likely be added to our next pandemic plan as part of the “menu of options” for dangerous diseases with pandemic potential.

Professor Allen Cheng, who held several key pandemic leadership roles, including as a deputy chief health officer in Victoria, says he could imagine future situations where school closures, which were widely criticised in Australia, could be considered again.

Imagine, for example, if a disease similar to polio emerged, Cheng says. Polio killed and paralysed many children in Australia before a vaccine was widely distributed in the 1950s and ’60s. But Cheng says authorities now know much more about the negative impacts of decisions such as school closures than they did in 2020, and this would play into future plans.

Professor Catherine Bennett.

Professor Catherine Bennett.Credit: Justin McManus

Professor Catherine Bennett, one of three independent panellists appointed to lead the federal government’s COVID inquiry, says there should be detailed planning for quarantining international arrivals, from airport arrivals, to quarantine discharge. She says this would help states decide whether they need to keep purpose-built quarantine facilities on standby, or if the facilities could be repurposed in the interim. Bennett is also keen for a future plan to tackle lingering pandemic illness such as long COVID.

A different vaccine strategy

There also seems to be an appetite for changes to our vaccine distribution. This could see some power taken from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), which focuses on risks and benefits to individual patients, and handed to the state’s chief health officers, who can take a bigger picture view.

There’s an argument that this approach would have resulted in less cautious recommendations about which Australians should have had the AstraZeneca vaccine, and could have expedited the vaccine rollout ahead of the deadly Delta wave in 2021. Cheng, who sat on ATAGI through this time, agrees that in future, ideally both ATAGI and the public health officials would be involved in vaccine recommendations.


There are also calls to rethink which communities are prioritised for vaccines, given COVID disproportionately affected disadvantaged metropolitan areas. The late epidemiologist Professor Mary-Louise McLaws was frustrated that in 2021 people in their 40s working from home were being given the Pfizer vaccine before Uber drivers and supermarket workers in their 20s in COVID hotspots.

A misinformation plan

Another lesson from COVID-19 is the threat posed by misinformation. From the earliest days of the pandemic, misinformation surfaced, in claims that consuming hot drinks or taking a bath were cures. Hospital doctors and nurses were heartbroken as they treated rows of gravely ill patients, many of them from migrant communities in Melbourne and Sydney, some sick with a virus they thought was a hoax.

Former Victorian chief health officer Professor Brett Sutton says while misinformation was peddled on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an even scarier prospect for the next pandemic: content created using artificial intelligence. He would like to see a national health misinformation strategy created and referenced in the next pandemic plan.

“During the 2009 [H1N1 pandemic], traditional media was really key. Through the one we’ve just gone through, social media was pre-eminent, and the next one will be the AI chatbot fake video,” Sutton says.

Life As We Knew It: the extraordinary story of Australia’s pandemic by Aisha Dow and Melissa Cunningham was released his week. In an exclusive offer for subscribers, order a copy of the book from Scribe for 30 per cent off the retail price. Click here for details. This offer is available until October 31.

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