By Leonie Wood
Today, after more than 10 years as a judge, Ron Merkel, 64, will retire from the Federal Court. He will leave the judges' chambers on King Street, with their views of the Flagstaff Gardens, and shift closer to "grass roots". He will return to the Bar as a Queens Counsel advocating on public interest issues such as Aboriginal affairs, immigration, free speech and human rights.
"It is by going outside (the Court), being freed of the constraints of being a judge in institutional Australia, that I can see myself contributing, more than remaining in it," he told The Age.
It's an unorthodox progression for a retiring judge, but very much in keeping with Merkel's lifelong approach. Around the Bar, he is considered courageous, intimidating, sometimes a touch arrogant, but always one to challenge the norm.
Senior barristers say Merkel has always taken on the ragged, the bankrupt and the unpopular cases. He has defended squatters in a Telecom building, the Children of God sect, and licensees of strip bars.
But he has also given counsel to the very rich, including Visy Industries' Richard Pratt, who in his younger days lined up as a tough ruckman for Melbourne's Ajax senior side alongside team captain and ruck-rover Merkel.
"Ajax had a very tough rule that if you didn't turn up to training, you didn't get a game," says longtime friend Justice Alan Goldberg. "There were only two exceptions to that: Richard Pratt and Ron Merkel. They were just so good."
One of the formative events in Merkel's early life was a three-month sojourn in India in 1960 with close friend Ron Castan, now deceased, and Russell Rockman, the late brother of former Melbourne Lord Mayor Irving Rockman. The young law students were granted an audience with then-Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
They also journeyed to the northern Indian town of Dharamsala to meet the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader with whom Merkel has maintained contact. "Here was a man who had recently lost everything - he had lost his culture, lost his heritage, lost his land - (yet) he held no bitterness or anger towards those who were reponsible for what had happened in Tibet."
Merkel joined the Bench in early '96, in the last days of the Keating government. He knew the mood inside Australia's judicial authorities was becoming more conservative. The judges who had internationalised Australia's human rights outlook with a rash of ground-breaking court rulings - on implied human rights, freedom of political expression and, of course, Mabo - were leaving the Bench.
Now he sees an urgent need for someone to help kick-start the broader push for human rights in Australia. Merkel's lifelong friend, Ron Castan, QC, had been a leading advocate for human rights, shepherding the Mabo case all the way to the High Court. His sudden death in 1999 created what Merkel calls a void that he hoped would be filled by other lawyers with a similar passion for dealing with complex human rights issues, but many have moved on to judicial appointments.
Merkel does not blame the Howard government alone for inaction on human rights: he believes both the ALP and the Liberal Party have become "very conservative and cautious ... to me, they are different shades of grey".
"I just see it as cyclical, and I see what Australian governments are doing as largely a reflection of what the Australian electorate wants of them. There are phases where it is more concerned about the hip pocket than human rights."
Now the cycle has to change, he says. He cites the draconian security and anti-terrorism laws adopted in the name of the war on terrorism, the mandatory detention of women and children by the Immigration Department, the detention of Cornelia Rau and unlawful deportation of Australian citizen Vivian Alvarez Solon as factors that triggered change in the public mood.
"That is when people start to realise that maybe government has been given too much power, and maybe the executive government has become too unaccountable," he says.
One of Merkel's abiding interests is indigenous affairs.
He is frustrated by the delays in processing native title cases, and says while native title in itself is not an answer to the enormous and complex problems of indigenous Australia it is important because it "gives people a sense of identity and a sense of worth". In that way, it can be a stepping-stone to social and economic prosperity.
"There is a real problem now that almost 13 years after Mabo, the expectations that were raised are not being realised, the gap between indigenous Australia and the rest of Australia has widened. The 17-year gap in life expectancy is absolutely terrible, and it is growing rather than improving."
Resolutions will only emerge by going into each community and finding a solution for that community's problems, he says, not by unilaterally imposing government policies. It needs "a mixture of understanding and wisdom from outside and leadership and wisdom from inside the communities".
So what makes Merkel act when others tend to sit back? One Melbourne judge says that, unlike many people, Merkel recognises "that if you have got the knowledge and the intelligence and the privileges and the access that he has then you have an obligation to use it, and to use it for others that do not have the same privileges that he has".
Merkel pauses when told this. It's not an obligation, he says finally. It's more like a passion. "I would prefer to say it's just something I want to do."