Enthralled by the sight of more than 20,000 singing Christians, Treasurer Peter Costello was only too happy to mix his brand of politics with religion.
Mr Costello was not alone on Monday night in trying to curry favour with Australia's thriving Pentecostal Assemblies of God movement at the annual conference of Hillsong, Australia's largest congregation. Cabinet colleagues Alexander Downer, Helen Coonan and Kevin Andrews were in the audience at Sydney's SuperDome; on stage were Costello - who also attended last year - and, earlier, NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr.
But Hillsong's brand of prosperous Christianity and the evangelical style of its pastor, Brian Houston, have invited suggestions that Hillsong has more than a little in common with the powerful religious right that dominates US politics. Is this fair?
No, according to Mr Costello's brother Tim, an ordained minister in the Baptist Church.
Critical of Hillsong in the past for its emphasis on linking a belief in Jesus to financial prosperity, Tim Costello now defends the role Hillsong plays in helping young people.
"I'm actually very positive about their music, their attraction of young people, and I pay Pastor Brian Houston credit for recognising that to link a belief in Jesus to financial gain was a distortion of the gospel," Tim Costello said.
He rejects any link to the US religious right movement. "If you look at Hillsong and the Pentecostal movement here, then I would say it is more Democrat than Republican, more left than right.
"In contrast to the US religious right, they are very much in favour of gun control. Nor are Australian evangelical Christians as militantly anti-abortion as their US counterparts. Another touchstone issue for evangelical Christians in the US is their opposition to socialised medicine. That just would never happen here."
As for the mixture of religion and politics, constitutional law professor George Williams of the University of NSW says there is nothing in the constitution that prevents political leaders from involving themselves in religion.
"Governments are not allowed to establish a national religion, or use religion as a test for employment, but the Commonwealth is able to provide funding for religious schools, which is not allowed in the United States," he said.
Peter Costello's appearance at Hillsong has by no means offended his traditional political opponents. Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley sent a message of support to the conference, Victorian Premier Steve Bracks had no problem with any of it, and Victorian Labor MP Michael Danby said the ALP might learn something from Hillsong.
■ Founded 1983 in Baulkham Hills, north-west Sydney, with a congregation of 70. Now averages 18,000 a weekend in several services
■ International profile through highly successful music ministry, including several top-selling CDs
■ Member church of Assemblies of God. Pastor Brian Houston is AoG national president
■ Ultra-conservative evangelical theology – Bible as literal word of God, including creation account in Genesis, salvation in Christ alone, church’s task to make converts
■ Teaches prosperity gospel, that God wants Christians to prosper. Houston, author of You Need More Money, says this is not about greed but personal effectiveness. Church sponsors 2600 children in Uganda, and has variety of welfare programs.
■ Runs annual interdenominational convention, with more than 28,000 attending this year from 80 countries
■ About 20 federal MPs came to 2005 opening session on Monday, including Peter Costello, Alexander Downer, Kevin Andrews, Peter Dutton, Ron Boswell, Helen Coonan, Bruce Baird and two who are members of Hillsong, Louise Markus and Alan Cadman. NSW Premier Bob Carr came to first session