

This was published 18 years ago

Convicted, but lawyer to underworld goes free

By Stephen Moynihan

IT IS usually her clients who congratulate solicitor Zarah Garde-Wilson after a successful court appearance.

But yesterday it was Garde-Wilson the defendant who wiped away tears and patted her lawyer, Gerard Nash, QC, on the back.

She had escaped a jail term but received a conviction for contempt of court after refusing to testify against two men later found guilty of murdering her boyfriend, Lewis Caine.

But with the Law Institute reviewing her case the jury is still out on whether Garde-Wilson will be able to continue practising as a solicitor .

In the Supreme Court yesterday, Justice David Harper said that no punishment beyond a conviction was warranted given the exceptional circumstances of the case.


He began his sentencing remarks saying: "Zarah Garde-Wilson, you are a solicitor who, on the evidence available to me, is intelligent, hard-working and determined to represent your clients to the best of your ability."

Justice Harper said they were valuable attributes for any lawyer and in combination resulted in sound judgement.

"None of us get the combination exactly right all the time. On some occasions, the results of our failures are more damaging than on others."

Garde-Wilson's failure was her refusal to testify against Keith Faure and Evangelos Goussis, who were found guilty this month of Caine's murder. His body was found in a Brunswick lane last May.

According to evidence given last week, Garde-Wilson has not overcome her grief and remains deeply in love with Caine.

She named her law firm Garde-Wilson & Caine after her dead boyfriend and has plans to have his child using sperm taken after his death.

On October 7, Garde-Wilson was charged with contempt for refusing to testify. A week later she told the Supreme Court she was in fear of her life from Faure and refused to give evidence "so I don't get my head blown off".

Justice Harper acknowledged that she was in "genuine fear" for her safety but said she had "done her duty" by providing a statement to police after Caine's death.

She had unsuccessfully applied to enter the witness protection program and Justice Harper said: "By doing so, you committed yourself not only to giving evidence if the application were granted, but also to drastic changes in the normal course of your life.

"These changes would have demanded sacrifices which the vast majority of us would be most reluctant to make."

Justice Harper said three psychological reports revealed Garde-Wilson was under "an unusual degree of stress", a factor he considered when imposing the conviction.

When he said he had considered an immediate jail term, Garde-Wilson began to cry. Justice Harper said she had interfered with the administration of justice and it was only with hindsight that it could be said that her refusal had not affected the verdicts recorded against Goussis and Faure.

"In my opinion, you had no right to refuse to answer any questions," Justice Harper said.

After the sentencing hearing, Garde-Wilson walked past waiting media representatives and into the Court of Appeal to fulfil her duties as a solicitor to a major underworld figure.

In the space of 10 minutes, the defendant returned to her role as an advocate and another chapter in Melbourne's gangland saga drew to a close.

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