London: Former Victorian premier John Brumby has warned the outpouring of donations for the bushfire appeals has made it a "tough environment" for charities like the Fred Hollows Foundation trying to combat "killer rates" of avoidable blindness around the world.
By late January, up to $500 million had been donated to charities following Australia's so-called Black Summer, including more than $50 million to an online fundraiser run by comedian Celeste Barber and a $70 million donation from mining magnate and philanthropist Andrew Forrest and his wife, Nicola.
Mr Brumby, who chairs the Fred Hollows Foundation, a not-for-profit devoted to curing and preventing vision impairment, said the government may need to start reversing cuts to the foreign aid budget to meet any shortfall. Lowy Institute figures show a gradual decline in the Australian foreign aid budget from almost 0.5 per cent of gross national income in the mid '70s, to close to 0.2 per cent in the 2018-19 financial year.
Speaking to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in London, Mr Brumby echoed calls made by his former staffer and the former prime minister Julia Gillard, that Australia should follow the lead of the UK in agreeing on a political truce when it came to the aid budget.
"It's a tough environment at the moment," he said.
"The bushfires have been terrible in Australia and people have given very generously but the consequence of that is there will be less for other good causes.
"Whether its eye health, or whether it's cancer research, a lot of money has gone into bushfires and hopefully the government is able to do a little more in some of these places in the future."
When in power, Ms Gillard paused increasing the aid budget, citing the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Former Liberal prime ministers Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison then oversaw swingeing cuts to the aid budget, which is now at its lowest level in history.
By contrast, former Conservative prime minister David Cameron enshrined in law that Britain would spend 0.7 per cent of its gross national income on international development. In 2018, Britain met its target spending £19.4 billion ($28.9 billion).
Australia spends just $4 billion on aid and is ranked 19th of 30 OECD countries based on official development assistance as a percentage of gross national income. Ms Gillard has previously advocated for Australia to adopt a UK approach.
Mr Brumby agreed and said Australia must do more.
"One of the things we and all of the big NGOs would like to see is, over time, this bipartisan commitment to build back up to 0.7 per cent," he said.
"In the medium to longer term, if we're to solve these issues of global blindness and importantly for Australia from a strategic perspective, if we're to build better relations in the Pacific we need to be doing more there and the health is for me the number one priority."
The Fred Hollows Foundation has restored sight to 2.5 million people but Mr Brumby told a London audience that blindness was set to triple to 100 million by 2050 despite four out of five people's blindness being curable.
This is because of population growth, the ageing population and diabetic retinopathy caused by lifestyle changes where people getting richer exchanged "yams for potatoes", "water to Coca-Cola and beer" sending diabetic rates in some countries up to 80 per cent.
"They're knockout rates, they're killer rates," he said.
The Fred Hollows Foundation is trying to eliminate trachoma from Australia and the Pacific and is on course to have Vanuatu declared free of the disease this year.