

This was published 3 years ago

Victorian Bar offers up rare apology

By Stephen Brook and Samantha Hutchinson

It’s been a signature week in the legal profession with the rarest of occurrences: an apology from a lawyer. And not just any lawyer, but the Victorian Bar’s governing council, headed by president Christopher Blanden, QC.

On Monday the council sent members an apology relating to its infamous March 5 email about council expenditure.

And this was a big win for former Bar Council president Wendy Harris, QC. Along with many others, Harris was furious about the email, which consisted of a crude list of Bar expenditure. A 2019 dinner for members to meet then attorney-general Christian Porter cost $11,500. A European study tour in early 2020 by Harris and chief executive Katherine Lorenz cost $30,000. An education review by consultants Nous cost $109,000, while an IT review by NTT Data consultants cost $77,100. An Art of Mentoring initiative cost $35,000.

The email noted: “The Bar Council is taking steps to improve the process for the approval of these types of expenditure by it.”

Not the tidiest form of English expression but the implication was clear. Particularly as the email failed to point out all expenditure had been approved by the council.

At the time, CBD noted that Harris was contemplating legal action, and after an exchange of emails the council has apologised.

“We accept that the email has proved to be divisive, which was unintended and is undesirable for all. The contents of the email and its distribution caused hurt and offence, for which we sincerely and unreservedly apologise. Regards, Victorian Bar Council.”

No one wanted to comment, but we understand that’s the end of the matter.

Pav exchange

No one is more excited about the advent of a Trans-Tasman travel bubble than Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce. The indefatigable airline boss reopened Qantas’ Marc Newson-designed international first class lounge on Thursday after a year in mothballs to announce additional services to New Zealand and a new policy allowing run-of-the-mill Qantas Club and Gold members access to the coveted hospitality space.

A gift from Air New Zealand to Qantas.

A gift from Air New Zealand to Qantas.Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Air New Zealand chief executive Greg Foran has also been in party mode since NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern green-lit quarantine-free travel between Australia and New Zealand on April 6. Turns out, he even sent Joyce a thoughtful gift – a pavlova covered in kiwifruit.

Problem was, the well-intentioned sweet treat actually hit a sour note. Joyce is highly allergic to kiwifruit.

“I didn’t know if he was trying to get rid of our airline,” the chief executive said. But the gesture was taken in good humour.

“To repay the compliment, we’re going to send him Neil [Perry’s] passionfruit pavlova across to New Zealand, so he can taste the best ... and the original.”

Perry had his own strong thoughts on including kiwifruit on the Aussie national staple. “Unthinkable,” he said.

Out of office

The Shaw and Partners investment house has a fresh take on working from home - it’s encouraging staff to work from the beach house.

The wealth management and advisory firm has set up a new shopfront far from its Melbourne and Sydney offices in the Sunshine Coast resort town of Noosa. Those inside the office are referring to the new outpost as “Allan Insurance”, given the belief that co-chief executive Allan Zion might harbour ambitions to one day retire to Noosa. Don’t we all, Allan?

And this week Zion’s co-chief executive, Earl Evans, sent the Shaw team an all-staff email telling them clients are already keen to make use of the new beachside outpost. “A list of people a mile long have booked in to use it!! The power of a tax deductable [sic] holiday I suppose!!” Business and pleasure, indeed.

Suited and booted

Among captains of industry, few events are more vital to be seen at than the Business Council of Australia’s annual dinner.

The dinner for the industry group led by Jennifer Westacott and chaired by former MYOB chief executive Tim Reed is a fixture in the corporate diary for attracting some of our heaviest hitters. The Prime Minister is a regular attendee, as are a slew of ministers and top brass including department heads such as Prime Minister and Cabinet secretary Phil Gaetjens.

Among those making the annual trek north to Monday’s event will be Tabcorp chief executive David Attenborough, Telstra chief executive Andy Penn, NAB chief executive Ross McEwan and former Liberal Party federal director Brian Loughnane.

Our favourite? Immigration and Border Protection department secretary Mike Pezzullo. There’s an email now coming your way, boss.

We know all of this courtesy of a technical snafu courtesy of the BCA and NSW parliamentary secretary Gabrielle Upton.

The glitch originated when the BCA calendar invitation listed all the attendees. And Upton mistakenly hit “reply all” when sending her response. The Liberal MP for her part was happy to point the finger. “The BCA tells me that the disclosure of all invitees in their calendar invite is a function of the system they use,” she said. “Of course, the email I created from that diary invite was completely unintended. Lesson learned!”

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