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Can you learn how to make conversation? Here are some tips
Recounting a quirky fact you heard on a podcast or offering a compliment are just a couple of ways to kick off a conversation. But how do you keep the chat flowing, and perhaps make a new friend?
This is no surprise to people who know him, but Fraser Lack is clearly a chatty guy. As we speak on the phone he’s constantly breaking off the conversation – always so politely it’s somehow not even vaguely annoying – to say hello to people he’s bumping into on the street as he makes his way to the post office. “Hi Kerrie, how are ya? See ya!” Even the post office worker gets his undivided attention, for a few seconds. “Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Have a great day. Be well. See ya. Be well.”
A little later he laughs, “In the last 19 minutes, I’ve said ‘hey’ to that many people.” It’s an impromptu demonstration of what we have caught up to examine: how Lack, a real estate agent who’s appeared on the reality TV show Survivor, got to be the kind of person who’s naturally comfortable talking to somebody – anybody. And more importantly, what we can learn from him and others blessed with the gift of the gab.
In the next few weeks many of us will find ourselves dragged to one event or another – office parties, end-of-year catch-ups, festive (or not-so-festive) family gatherings – where we’ll be expected to make conversation with strangers or people we might not know very well or people we don’t even particularly like. Some, you might have little in common with. Others may well hold forth with boring yet inflammatory opinions. Others will make zero effort as you try to awkwardly attempt small talk. So how can we get better at it? How can we draw others out of their shells? And how might we be able to expand a few minutes of interaction into a new friendship or a deeper, more meaningful relationship?
Fraser Lack: “I actually want to actively talk as little as possible.”Credit: Penny Stephens. Image has been digitally altered
When did we first start to talk about how we talk?
Over the centuries, some of our greatest thinkers have puzzled over the art – or science – of making successful conversation, with varying results. “What can be more delightful,” asked the Roman philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero, “than to have someone to whom you can say everything with the same absolute confidence as to yourself?”
The Stoic philosopher Epictetus came up with some unsurprisingly austere suggestions – “let silence be your general rule” – and warned against segueing lazily into what were, apparently, that era’s “common subjects”, among them gladiators, horse races, athletes and food and drink (although through today’s lens, they sound pretty compelling – gladiators!).
Philip Stanhope, the fourth Earl of Chesterfield – he of sofa fame – is generally credited with coining the phrase “small talk” some time around 1751 in a letter of advice to his son. “Study to acquire that fashionable kind of small talk or chit-chat, which prevails in all polite assemblies, and which, trifling as it may appear, is of use in mixed companies, and at table,” he drawled.
Many 18th-century writers spoke of the “pleasures (and pains) of conversation”, notes Stephen Miller in his 2006 book Conversation, A History of a Declining Art. Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels) wrote the satirical Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation According to the Most Polite Mode and Method Now Used at Court. Samuel Johnson (he of dictionary fame) reckoned “the happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered but a general effect of pleasing impression”.
‘Of all the accomplishments prized in modern society, that of being agreeable in conversation is the very first.’
In 1887, Irish scholar John Mahaffy published an early self-help guide. “There can be no doubt that of all the accomplishments prized in modern society, that of being agreeable in conversation is the very first,” he ventured. “Many men and many women owe the whole of a great success in life to this and nothing else.” Accordingly, he asked, “Is there any method by which we can improve our conversation? It being the Victorian era, much of Mahaffy’s advice concerns “moral conditions” including sympathy, unselfishness, tact and modesty – although he warns against overdoing the latter. “I need hardly insist that the man or woman who displays modesty by constantly apologising for native ignorance or stupidity injures conversation and can only amuse a company by becoming ridiculous.”
By the middle of the 20th century, such guides were endemic. Dorothy Draper’s Entertaining Is Fun! suggested American women should regularly read one good daily newspaper, one weekly magazine, one monthly magazine, one current novel and one non-fiction book, so they might have something to chat about. In 1961, the British tastemaker and florist Constance Spry advised, in Hostess, “Beware of talking too much of yourself and of what you think and do, avoid boring repetition, loud laughter, senseless giggles, affectation and interruption.”
Probably the best-known contemporary self-help tome, though, is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, first published in 1936 and updated multiple times, including after Carnegie’s death in 1955, selling more than 30 million copies to date. While some of his comments might appear a little dated, it remains an extraordinary work. As well as doing his own exhaustive research, Carnegie hired a researcher “to spend one-and-a-half years in various libraries reading everything I missed”. They scoured countless biographies – including more than 100 about Theodore Roosevelt – and Carnegie interviewed “scores of successful people”, including the inventors Marconi and Edison.
“The rules we have set down here are not mere theories or guesswork,” he writes. “They work like magic.” You’d best read his book if you want his actual advice but here’s one of his tips: “Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain – and most fools do.”
While Stephen Miller observes “there are far more books on improving one’s sex life than on improving one’s ‘conversation life’” the genre nevertheless seems to be flourishing. Among the recent offerings: Patrick King’s Better Small Talk (“Talk to Anyone, Avoid Awkwardness, Generate Deep Conversations, and Make Real Friends”), Paula Marantz Cohen’s essay Talking Cure (which we must credit for some of our historical touchpoints) and Hello Stranger, by British anthropologist Will Buckingham.
“Interested in opening the door a little wider and finding ways of reconnecting,” Buckingham seeks out “ways to free ourselves from the big, unwieldy problems of isolation and xenophobia … because if these problems can seem unmanageably vast, human ingenuity is bottomless, and sometimes the solutions we seek can be found in surprising places.”
Oscar Wilde and friends. “The bond of all companionship is conversation,” he said.Credit: Artwork Matt Davidson
Why are some people better at conversation than others?
Oscar Wilde, “was a spontaneous wit”, writes Matthew Sturgis in The Irish Times, “a happy conversationalist (with that gift for making his interlocutor feel almost equally brilliant) and a compelling storyteller.”
It’s a high bar. But probably more essential than having great anecdotes or lively opinions is being a genuinely engaged listener. “I actually want to actively talk as little as possible,” says Fraser Lack. “If I can leave the conversation having said nothing and learning everything about the person in front of them, that’s a great conversation.”
Says Labor MP Andrew Leigh, well-practised at both talking with complete strangers and handling differences of opinion, “A good conversation starts with wanting to learn from the other person – asking questions, keeping it light and being interested in what you can learn from the other person … just as a bad conversation is, essentially, a lecture which is ignoring the other person’s views.”
Another useful trait is the ability to understand who you’re talking to, whether that’s great aunt Edna or a South-East Asian dignitary – something Nicholas Coppel had to largely learn on the job as a career diplomat. When you’re talking to foreign ministers one day and villagers the next, he says, “obviously, the content of the conversations can be very different, but also the style of delivery and the choice of language”. “The key is to be able to understand your audience, understand their culture and the way they feel, and adapt your style to it. You can’t really have a template or a rule book which tells you what to do. You need to make judgments about what’s going to work and what isn’t.”
‘You wander around looking for some other lost soul. But you just have to break through and make those connections.’
Coppel, now an adjunct associate professor at Monash University, spent nearly four years as Australia’s ambassador to Myanmar from 2015. In some countries, he notes, “It’s really important to let the other person speak. We [Australians] have a to-and-fro conversation style. You’ll say something, I’ll say something, we bounce off each other, and sometimes interrupt each other to jump on a point. [Elsewhere], you have your turn, you speak, say everything you need to say. And then you leave it to the other person to have their turn, and they might speak for a long time as well.“
In diplomatic circles, obviously, a gift for small talk is helpful, particularly when you’re starting out in a new country, says Coppel. “The hardest part of a diplomatic assignment is those first few months. You turn up at receptions, often in a ballroom of a five-star hotel with hundreds of people, you walk in, you know nobody. So you wander around looking for some other lost soul. But you just have to break through and make those connections.”
Debrett’s Rupert Wesson (with Tilly, left, and Bert): “Small talk allows rapport to be built before more serious subjects are tackled.”
Can you train yourself to be a better conversationalist?
Until about the 1700s, people were routinely taught how to talk to each other, based on the ancient Greek principles of rhetoric. This training “was tantamount to installing the operating system for adult social life”, writes John Bowe, author of I Have Something to Say: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in an Age of Disconnection.
Today, not only has the art of skilled debate foundered, but small talk, too, is “fading”, says Rupert Wesson, director at British coaching company and etiquette guru Debrett’s. “The point of small talk is that it allows rapport to be built before more serious subjects are tackled. Small talk might seem trivial, unimportant to some, but it is a way of making a personal connection with someone before tackling something that might be complex or even controversial.”
In the absence of formal schooling, you could probably do worse than delving into the library of self-help books that promise to make you a Wilde-esque raconteur. In How to Talk to Anyone, for example, Leil Lowndes promises “92 little tricks for big success in relationships”, among them: the “killer compliment” (“What exquisite eyes you have!” ) and a technique called “parroting” – repeating the last two or three words your companion says “in a sympathetic, questioning tone”. Our favourite: “Hello, old friend.” When meeting someone, she writes, imagine they are an old friend with whom you’re being reunited at this party. “The joyful experience starts a remarkable chain reaction in your body from the subconscious softening of your eyebrows to the positioning of your toes – and everything between.”
‘If we already think it’s boring, we’re probably not putting ourselves in the best space to be authentic. We need to show up, really putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes.’
Donna Henson, an associate professor at Bond University, steers us towards the “social penetration” theory formulated by US psychologists Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor in the early 1970s. In a nutshell, Henson says, the theory frames how “self-disclosure becomes our primary means of achieving intimacy with another human being”. “So if we want to escalate a relationship in any way, it’s really about talk, it’s about revealing ourselves.”
Like Wesson she, too, places stock in idle chatter. “I would say that small talk functions almost like an audition for friendship.” Do avoid what she calls “conversational narcissism”, the fault of being overly concerned with yourself. “A real conversation is a dialogue, almost without sides – that reciprocal give and take.”
And be positive, says Jessica Gopalan, director of marketing at training group Dale Carnegie Australia. “What’s our intention for the conversation? Do we want to be here? Because if we already think it’s boring, we’re probably not putting ourselves in the best space to be authentic. We need to show up, really putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes.”
Ultimately, says Henson, conversation is a skill that takes practice. Lack agrees. “It is something that you have to make an effort in,” he says. “It doesn’t come naturally to everyone. It’s something that’s practised. I’ll have a conversation with the postman. I’ll have a conversation with the girl on the checkout at Coles. I’ll be in line behind someone at the grocer around the corner from my place … and say: ‘I love that ice-cream – great choice’.”
Constance Spry: “Avoid affectation and interruption.”Credit: Getty Images, digitally altered
OK, so you’re at the party. What now?
Hopefully, your host, if there is one, has the nous to make thoughtful introductions: “Angus, do you know Jerry? I believe he shares your interest in aardvarks.”
Stone-cold is harder. Fraser Lack has the confidence to carry off a (sincere) compliment. “I love menswear. I love clothing ... And, you know, I love to leave people smiling or leave people feeling good about themselves, and starting with a compliment is a really great place to start. ‘Hey, I love your shoes. Where did you get them from?’” Or he might mention something odd he learnt from a podcast: “That’s a really good starting point.”
Coppel, who had to work many a room and get to the right people – who were often holed up in their little groups – would stroll over and gently touch them on the elbow. “That will usually cause somebody to turn to you,” and you can say, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, so-and-so said I should speak to you.”
Once you have a foot in the door, it’s question time. In 2017, a team led by Karen Huang from Harvard University identified “a robust and consistent relationship between question-asking and liking”. They concluded: “People spend most of their time during conversations talking about their own viewpoints and tend to self-promote when meeting people for the first time. In contrast, high question-askers – those that probe for information from others – are perceived as more responsive and are better liked.”
‘Ask, What do you spend most of your time doing?rather than the usual and possibly awkward, What do you do for a crust?’
Questions can keep a conversation rolling – as long as they’re not intrusive, interrogative or what the researchers described as simply “rude”. Keep your queries open-ended, suggests Jodie Bache-McLean, managing director of the June Dally-Watkins organisation, founded in 1950 by the woman known as Australia’s Queen of Etiquette. “That’s conversation 101 – people will have to elaborate and not give just a yes or no answer.” One tip: ask, “What do you spend most of your time doing?” rather than the usual and possibly awkward, “What do you do for a crust?” Don’t give them 20 questions in a row either, says Bache-McLean – this is a conversation, not a Q&A session.
Before just wading in, especially with people you don’t know well, suggests Wesson, it can be useful to deploy a phrase seeking permission to ask a question in the first place. “Such as, ‘Would it be OK if I asked you about …?’ and make it a genuine question. Us Brits use this sort of indirect language quite a lot. Australians, at the risk of generalisation, tend to have a more direct style, but the principle is still a good one.”
Don’t necessarily ask about somebody’s family unless you know them a little already – they might be recently bereaved or divorced and feel uncomfortable talking about it. “I don’t have children, so that sometimes invites an awkward conversation,” says Henson. “If people ask you, ‘Do you have kids?’, OK, well, what are my options here? At least in anticipating it, I’m prepared for that possibility.” In a similar vein, says Bache-McLean, “Be mindful of giving unsolicited advice.”
And when you’re asked the inevitable dull question, such as “where are you from?” never give just a one-sentence response, writes Lowndes. “Give the hungry communicator something to conversationally nibble on. All it takes is an extra sentence or two about your city – some interesting fact, some witty observation – to hook the asker into the conversation.”
Dale Carnegie: “Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain – and most fools do.”Credit: Getty Images, digitally altered
How important is body language?
“I definitely make a conscious effort with how I present myself,” says Lack. “So in terms of using very positive, open and inviting, welcoming body language, right, rather than being closed off. Negative stance, crossing your arms – these are things that I never do. You have to make an effort but, slowly, it just becomes learned behaviour.” Ditto smiling. “A couple of years ago, I realised that I wasn’t a smiler,” he says. “I realised I had quite a stern face. I actually had to make an effort to smile.”
We’ve all experienced somebody we’re trying to talk to peering over our shoulder or around the room, perhaps hoping to find somebody more interesting than us. Says Henson: “We talk about these things as though they’re separate, what we say and our body movement, our non-verbals. But really, in most situations, it’s this holistic package of signals.”
Indeed, in its conversational ratings scale, the US National Communication Association scores talkers on 25 elements that cover speaking rate, vocal confidence and volume as well as nine non-verbal cues, such as posture, “shaking or nervous twitches” and “nodding of head”.
‘All that is needed is to consciously relax (our hands, our feet, our face), make sure you smile and don’t forget eye contact.’
Clenching fists, fidgeting or slouching are all things most humans do when bored or stressed. Open palms and relaxed shoulders show the other person we’re engaged, making them feel respected and confident. Avoid the mixed signal. Says Gopalan: “The subject I’m talking about, the words are all positive but if I’ve got my arms folded, eyes looking down – you’re probably not going to trust what I’m saying. Our body language needs to match our message. We need to be congruent and not ignore the impact of our body language.”
While there’s a whole science behind non-verbal communication, Wesson boils it down to this: “All that is needed is to consciously relax (our hands, our feet, our face), make sure you smile and don’t forget eye contact. Put simply, it turns out that by doing these things we put ourselves and others at ease.”
Jodie Bache-McLean: “People are really quick to pick up on pre-rehearsed dialogue.” Credit: Dan Peled. Image digitally altered
Should you rehearse ahead of a social event?
Ahead of time, should you think up some conversational gambits, or answers to the inevitable questions you’ll be asked during the festive season: How are things? How’s work? How’s the family? Glad to see the back of that year, eh?
Probably not, says Lack. “I honestly just try to be myself in absolutely everything I do. Because no one can keep up the facade for too long. It’s exhausting. And you will burn out. It’s inauthentic and people will see through that. Someone might leave a conversation or engagement with someone and go, I don’t know what it was. I can’t put my finger on it. But something about that person just isn’t right.“ Bache-McLean is also wary. “People are really quick to pick up on pre-rehearsed dialogue.”
‘Whenever Roosevelt expected a visitor, he sat up late the night before, reading up on the subject in which he knew his guest was particularly interested.’
Dale Carnegie’s Gopalan says a repertoire can actually be useful sometimes, “particularly where we’re in conversations or situations with people that we’re not very familiar with, people that we don’t know that well, maybe people we’ve had a conflict with in the past. We may be forced to sit around a table for a couple of hours with people we don’t know or have that much in common with. So having in the back of our heads a framework, or some planned questions or topic ideas can really give us that kind of ease and security going into it.”
Dale Carnegie himself noted a pro tip from US president Theodore Roosevelt: “Everyone who was ever a guest of Theodore Roosevelt was astonished at the range and diversity of his knowledge. Whether his visitor was a cowboy or a Rough Rider, a New York politician or a diplomat, Roosevelt knew what to say. And how was it done? The answer was simple. Whenever Roosevelt expected a visitor, he sat up late the night before, reading up on the subject in which he knew his guest was particularly interested.”
What to do when the conversation flags or – worse – takes an unpleasant turn with, say, a strong and unwelcome opinion being voiced? “In figuring out how to live together, we have to negotiate differences,” says Andrew Leigh. “So when you’re speaking with someone who disagrees with you, that’s a good thing. That’s what I remind myself when I’m chatting with a friend or a relative who disagrees. It’s about negotiating difference. Or there may be instances in which you choose not to have that conversation and then set some clear boundaries around areas you’re willing to explore and areas you’re not willing to explore.”
He suggests instead of necessarily taking issue with somebody’s views, finding out more about why they hold them, “whether you’re talking about the Middle East or whether you’re talking about economic policy, ‘Why do you hold that view here? Tell me a little bit more about it. Tell me about how you came to those views.’ And then you can move beyond the sort of shouting points that might be downloaded from the internet into getting into something a little bit more personal.”
If it gets too much, try a simple, “I might leave that for another time”, says Bache-McLean, or head for the bathroom.
If, despite your best efforts, the conversation continually falls flat - how do you exit gracefully? Bache-McLean suggests: “I’m going to go and chat to the host to see if she needs any help in the kitchen.” And if you’re sitting next to somebody at the table, says Coppel, “There’s no point making them feel more uncomfortable and awkward. And there’s always a person on either side and there are people across the table. You have options.” At a stand-up affair, he says, you can always employ the old standby, “Can I get you a drink?” And you go off and never come back. It’s a big room, you could get lost on the way back. It’s not rude. It’s understandable.”
With Annie Holland
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