

This was published 3 years ago

Call to reform drug driving laws as study shows impairment lasts hours

By Andrew Taylor

Researchers at the University of Sydney say drug driving laws are “out of date” and should reflect the results of a new study that found impairment after taking cannabis lasted about three to 10 hours.

But the NSW government has dismissed those calls and defended its zero tolerance approach to drug driving, with tests that can pick up traces of the drug weeks after consumption.

Drivers who use cannabis can be prosecution on the basis of the presence of THC in their blood or saliva .

Drivers who use cannabis can be prosecution on the basis of the presence of THC in their blood or saliva .Credit: File image / Queensland Police Service

Danielle McCartney, clinical research associate at Sydney University’s Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, said a person could have the intoxicating component of cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), in their body and still be competent to drive.

The research led by Dr McCartney, published in a forthcoming edition of the Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews journal, found cannabis users had a “window of impairment” of between three and 10 hours caused by THC.

“Our study shows that cannabis is unlikely to impair driving for more than five hours when inhaled, or for more than eight hours when taken orally,” she said.

Factors that influenced impairment included how regularly a person used cannabis, how it was consumed (inhalation, oral ingestion) and the amount they used. But Dr McCartney said there was no simple link between levels of THC and impairment, unlike alcohol where 0.05/0.08 BACs were widely accepted cut-offs.

“High concentrations of THC in blood and oral fluid are possible without impairment, just as low concentrations are not always ‘safe’,” she said. “This makes it difficult to determine the point at which impairment typically subsides.”

Dr McCartney said it was “becoming increasingly clear that our drug-driving laws are not only out of date but hugely unreasonable now that we have tens of thousands of Australians using legal, prescribed medical cannabis”.

“Our drug-driving laws should be about enhancing road safety and minimising injury, not about criminalising drivers who have only the mere presence of a drug in their system,” she said.


But Tara McCarthy, deputy secretary for safety, environment and regulation at Transport for NSW, said NSW did not support a levels-based approach to drug driving, which would require blood samples to be taken from alleged offenders.

“Driving with illicit drugs in your system is not only illegal, it’s extremely dangerous and puts your life and the lives of all other road users at risk,” Ms McCarthy said.

In contrast, there are moves in Victoria to overhaul drug driving laws to permit medicinal cannabis users to legally drive.

Data from Transport for NSW shows 12,047 drivers were caught with drugs in their system through the Mobile Drug Testing program in 2020, including 6,812 people who tested positive for THC.

Legal cannabis use, both medical and non-medical, is increasingly common across the world. Dr McCartney said medical cannabis patients in Australia experienced “great anxiety” over whether they could safely drive and use their prescription cannabis.

Iain McGregor, academic director of the Lambert Initiative, said prosecution solely on the basis of the presence of THC in blood or saliva was “manifestly unjust”.

THC can be detected in the body weeks after cannabis consumption while impairment lasts for a much shorter period of time, he said. “Our legal frameworks probably need to catch up with that and, as with alcohol, focus on the interval when users are more of a risk to themselves and others.”


Amie Hayley, senior research fellow at the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University, said there had been a move away from the zero-tolerance drug driving penalties in countries such as Canada and many US states that set an upper limit of five nanograms of THC per millilitre of blood.

“This roughly equates to a blood alcohol content of 0.05 per cent, and provides a benchmark for how to estimate impairment,” she said.

Dr Hayley said mandatory driving hazard warning labels might help users of medicinal cannabis decide whether they should drive, or they could be issued a conditional licence.

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