

This was published 22 years ago

Bob Hawke on his loves, legacies and life after politics

Bob Hawke has something special planned to celebrate the 60th birthday of his second wife (and biographer) Blanche d'Alpuget next January: he is taking her to Antarctica.

After flying to South America, the couple will make the trip in an ex-Russian ice-breaker and spend a night camping in a tent on the Antarctic ice. "It'll be a bit chilly," says the man who became prime minister 20 years ago next Wednesday. "But exciting."

The adventure will have a special significance for Hawke because he counts saving the Antarctic, a place he has never been, as one of his proudest achievements - "and it really was mine".

Hawke recalls the mood of resignation in his cabinet when the issue was raised in 1989. It was a lost cause, he was told. An agreement had already been reached to open up the entire area to mining exploration and drilling. Dismantling the agreement would invite international ridicule and hostility.

Hawke disagreed and recruited his friend Jacques Cousteau, the underwater explorer and environmentalist, to help him forge an alliance with the French that saw the entire area protected as a nature reserve and land of science. "We saved the Antarctic in its pristine condition."


Hawke insists he is not a retrospective man by nature. "I genuinely in my life have not been one who looks back," he explains. "I take the next challenge and the conditions I'm dealing with and look to the present and the future."

Nor is he someone who suffers from limelight deprivation syndrome, an affliction that tends to strike retired politicians. "That seems to have been much more a Gareth-centred malady," he says, in reference to his former foreign minister, Gareth Evans.

But the 20th anniversary of his coming to power is an occasion for some reflection and Hawke, who from an early age considered himself destined to lead the nation, agrees there are a number of things to say.

The event will be celebrated at dinners in Canberra (on Wednesday), Sydney (on Thursday) and Melbourne (on March 15). While Hawke may not command quite the same level of affection and excitement as Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating from Labor's "true believers", the view of those who served under him is emphatic and generous.

"I think it's a very strange view that someone who led us to election wins in '83, '84, '87 and '90 isn't as highly regarded," says Michael Duffy, who was Hawke's first minister for communications. "I mean, Hawke was a great prime minister and no one can rewrite history to take that away from him."

Maybe, Duffy suggests, the explanation is to be found in Labor's attachment to martyrs and the fact that Hawke was never beaten in a general election. "Maybe we won too easily. Maybe we weren't used to winning. That might have been something they had a bit of difficulty coping with as well. Who knows?"

John Dawkins, finance minister in the first Hawke ministry, has another explanation. "In the early years, we did have to do a lot of things which some people in the party thought were a bit offensive. But what those decisions led to was lower interest rates and higher employment than would have been the case if we had proceeded to spend like the Whitlam government did or had failed to deal with the structural adjustments that the Fraser-Howard government happily ignored for eight years."

Graham Richardson was the Labor kingmaker instrumental in the rise and fall of Hawke, who became Labor leader on February 3, 1983, the same day Malcolm Fraser called a March 5 election, and was defeated by Keating in a second caucus ballot on December 19, 1991.

Richardson credits Hawke with dragging Australia "kicking and screaming" into the modern world and says the partnership with Keating, which lasted until June 1991, was "spectacularly successful - always testy, always difficult".

"A lot of people waste their time wondering how history will record them, because history won't bother. But Hawke will be recorded for a lot of things."

Hawke nominates five broad areas during an expansive interview in the Sydney office block he shares with Whitlam. Not surprisingly, the first is the economic legacy.

"I'm very pleased that the general consensus of the economists in this country and abroad is that the present strength of the Australian economy owes a great deal - in fact is based upon - the reforms that we brought about in the 1980s," he says.

"When we came to office the Australian economy was in a sclerotic condition. We were no longer the lucky country, where the world was just buying our wool and our wheat and our meat and our minerals. It was much tougher and we were not going to be able to compete in that world if we didn't change the economy pretty basically - and we did."

The floating of the dollar, entry of foreign banks, massive reductions in protection all served to open and modernise the Australian economy, and not before time.

As Keating puts it, the aim was for the government to "steer the boat, not row the boat", by allowing the exchange rate to find its own value and interest rates to be set in the market. If the economy was allowed to grow faster, more could be spent on education and social security while total spending declined as a proportion of gross domestic product. "It required some tough decisions and it involved some pain," Hawke says.

The second area Hawke nominates is bringing Australians together after the Fraser years. "People tend to forget what a riven country Australia was in 1983. You still had the political overhang of the events of 1975. You had a confrontationalist government under Fraser where you had employers pitted against unions, city against country, group against group."

The third area is international relations which, like the economy, had been one of perceived weakness for Labor. "We never said we are Asian because, by definition, we're not Asian," Hawke says. "But it was quite clear to me when I came to power that Australia's economic future was going to be predominantly determined by the quality and extent of our relationships with Asia."

Hawke was prime minister when Australia committed forces to the last Gulf War, but he insists the circumstances are very different this time. He says the Howard Government has committed Australia to a "wrong and unnecessary" action that could result in thousands of casualties, weaken the war on terrorism and destabilise the region.

The fourth area is what he calls a "massive contribution to egalitarianism" by increasing year 12 school retention rates from around 33 to 75 per cent through targeted, means-tested measures and reforming the social security system.

Finally there is the environment, where the area of Australia recognised as World Heritage was massively increased, particularly in Tasmania and in the wet tropics of north Queensland - and, of course, the Antarctic was saved.

Hawke is proud of the changes that have become entrenched and laments those he says have been undone by the Howard Government, such as the increase in spending on research and development. He describes as a national tragedy the fact that the reconciliation process he initiated has not been carried through.

But there are also regrets for mistakes made and actions not taken, the biggest of which must be the failure to prevent or at least soften the recession, with its million-plus unemployment. "Obviously, any person who claims they didn't get anything wrong is an idiot. Of course, there were some things we got wrong."

He insists he bears no grudges over the manner in which the leadership was taken from him, not even to Keating, who will be overseas during the dinners in the next week.

"I don't think he carries any great bitterness over that period," says Richardson.

When he left politics in 1991, there was a clear expectation that Hawke would embark on a "dash for cash" and pursue the sort of wealth he felt had been denied him during a career at the ACTU and in politics.

But while Hawke says his business consultancies, especially those aimed at creating opportunities in China, have been financially rewarding, he insists "the excitement of doing these things is as important as the financial reward".

He has been instrumental in establishing an Asian equivalent to the Davos forum called Boao, which will have its second meeting in May in Boao, a resort town in south China's Hainan province. He remains in demand on the international speaking circuit and is supporting the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, set up by the University of South Australia to encourage research into areas that have been of interest to Hawke during his public life.

He remains a "happy agnostic", a keen punter, a fiercely competitive golfer and a passionate believer in the Labor cause. The key challenge he sees for Labor, and Simon Crean, is to focus on the areas where the Government has "failed abysmally" - Hawke nominates education, health, research and development and international relations - and to spell out Labor's alternative.

Life after politics, he says, has been "extraordinarily interesting and fulfilling", an assessment endorsed by Richardson, who once served as his driver.

"The good thing is that he's out, he's intact, he's healthy and he's shown how successful he can be outside of politics," says Richardson. "He's not a one-trick pony."

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