

This was published 3 years ago


Albanese may not inspire hope, but he knows how to hold on to leadership

In terms of his chief immediate objective, which is to hold on as leader, Anthony Albanese is more than likely taking the right course when he says Labor’s failure at a state byelection in NSW said nothing about the federal ALP.

Since he became leader two years ago, Albanese has demonstrated time and again that scoffing at criticisms and questions about the direction of the ALP under his leadership will work. There are few strong personalities in the caucus capable of mounting a counter argument. The frontbench is docile.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese says Labor’s failure at the NSW byelection has nothing to do with the federal party.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese says Labor’s failure at the NSW byelection has nothing to do with the federal party.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

More broadly, the Labor Party is still working out how to cope with the successive blows of making a hash of its time in office between 2007 and 2013, the shock loss to Scott Morrison in 2019 and the incumbency advantage conferred by the pandemic.

The ALP at a national level looks bewildered, shorn of internal dynamism. Leadership struggles are damaging, as the ALP well knows, but leadership stagnation can also be a problem. The last time the federal leader’s position was put to a vote was eight years ago, immediately after the 2013 election loss.

That contest produced an unsatisfying result that foreshadowed Labor’s troubles to come. Until then, the caucus elected and ejected leaders. This was the first time a new process also gave Labor’s rank-and-file party members a vote. They backed Albanese, while the caucus supported Bill Shorten, who prevailed because his margin carried more weight under the rules. Shorten’s authority was undermined from the start and Albanese felt robbed.

There have been no challenges since then. Shorten was re-elected unopposed in 2016. Albanese assumed the leadership unopposed too, in 2019. With 23 years as a parliamentarian behind him, he was 56 – the oldest first-time opposition leader since Arthur Calwell became Labor leader aged 63 in 1960.

It was clear after Albanese lost in 2013 that he saw the leadership as part of his destiny and it’s become a feature of his time as leader that he’s regularly referred in public to his early life, being raised in public housing by a single mother.

Only two weeks ago, he topped and tailed his budget reply, and included a couple more references in between, with his personal tale. It did have some relevance to part of his speech, in which he proposed a social housing spending program, and it’s the sort of empathy play that politicians regularly deploy: the demonstration that they have walked in the shoes of the less well-off.


But framing a budget reply around it seemed odd. The budget reply is a place for an opposition leader to talk about the nation, not themselves.

And yet, it seemed of a piece with the way Albanese’s leadership has run. He’s had things his way. Having concluded that Shorten ran out too much policy too soon, he’s barely overseen a policy rollout. He’s delivered big-ticket programs on aged care and childcare – worthy and necessary policies, but predictable low-hanging fruit for the Labor Party at any time, and not capable of shifting wider electoral sentiment.


On the larger, election-defining issues, such as the economy and climate change, little seems to have shifted under Albanese’s leadership. His strategy is based on waiting until the election is much closer to reveal Labor’s key positions. It is so antithetical to the way Shorten operated, it almost seems to be designed to prove a personal point.

This apparently low-risk approach is itself a risk. There are few encouraging signs for the ALP in any of the published opinion polls. Ignore the confected two-party preferred numbers: Labor trails badly on the economy, national security, leadership and a host of other measures that decide federal elections.

It’s heroic to imagine that a series of policies unveiled close to an election will be enough to leapfrog voters’ existing concerns about Labor and power it to an upset victory later this year or early next year.

If this seems overly pessimistic, consider Albanese’s reaction to the government’s decision to build a gas-fired power plant in the federal Hunter region seat of Paterson, held by Labor’s Meryl Swanson.


Swanson, like her neighbouring Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon, welcomed the power plant. Albanese opposed it, even though Labor favours gas-fired power to firm up renewables. Asked about the contradiction, Albanese said Swanson was being a good local member, cheering on investment in her community, while he was “standing up for the national interest” by opposing it.

Albanese and the frontbenchers who’ve gone along with his reassurances that all will be fine have had two years to align Labor’s position on the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. This episode and the leader’s absurd rationalisation of the situation shows they haven’t even tried. The ALP will pay for this at the election.

But don’t worry, the leader knows how to dismiss the doubters and hold on.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist.

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