

This was published 4 years ago


Afghanistan war lies reveal a crisis of faith in democracy

Less than a week ago, The Washington Post published a secret government report on the Afghanistan war. Released after protracted court battles, the report, now dubbed the Afghanistan Papers, detailed nearly two decades of government and military analysis that the US war in Afghanistan was not going well – that it may, in fact, be unwinnable.

That analysis stands in sharp contrast with the official government line that the war in Afghanistan was a rolling success, from the unseating of the Taliban to the emergence of new democratic governance. In the US, that rhetoric helped shape Afghanistan's image as "the good war", the noble alternative to the shameful legacy of Iraq, a war predicated on a lie and prosecuted through grotesque conduct like that at the Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib.

An Afghan security policeman carries his injured daughter after an attack near the US Bagram Air Base in Kabul.

An Afghan security policeman carries his injured daughter after an attack near the US Bagram Air Base in Kabul.Credit: AP

All this, the Afghanistan Papers reveal, was a lie. The cost of the war will climb to more than $US2 trillion ($2.9 trillion), more than 22,000 Americans dead or wounded, and more than 38,000 Afghan civilians killed – all for a war that government and military leaders knew, from its earliest days, was not working.

In the US, the news has been greeted with little more than a shrug.

There are reasons for that indifference. The nation is consumed by the impeachment of President Donald Trump and the Democratic presidential primaries. Both parties are to blame for the endless war in Afghanistan, so there are few partisan points to be scored and the war, now in its 18th year, seldom makes the front pages.

Yet the real reason the response has been so muted is that Americans have come to expect their government will lie to them about just about anything. It's an expectation that has fundamentally remade American politics over the past 40 years, one that helped give rise to Trump and one that ensures political turmoil will continue long after he leaves the national stage.

The crisis of faith in the United States began four decades ago, in ways eerily similar to the current state of affairs: a secret government report on a war and the looming impeachment of the president. Just a decade earlier, American faith in institutions like the military, the government and the media had been near all-time highs. But as the tumult of the 1960s gave way to the uneasiness of the 1970s, Americans learned to distrust all these institutions – and for good reason.

The Pentagon Papers, the secret government report on the war in Vietnam, confirmed what many had long suspected: that the US had been losing the war for quite some time. What shocked so many people, however, was that government and military leaders knew this and repeatedly lied to the American people, conscripting their children to fight in a war that they knew was unwinnable.

That blow was followed by Watergate, the impeachment hearings and the resignation of Richard Nixon. And that scandal was followed, just a few months later, by the Church Committee hearings, which revealed the vast web of covert actions, from assassination attempts on foreign leaders to domestic surveillance, carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency.


In the course of just a few years, Americans were buried in evidence that their government was corrupt and untrustworthy.

That loss of faith had dramatic consequences. It fuelled anti-government politics, boosting the careers of everyone from Ronald Reagan to Newt Gingrich to Donald Trump. It pierced Cold War optimism, deflating the sense of moral and political superiority that Americans had claimed since the days of World War II (and arguably, since the days of the country's founding).

And it meant that, when it became clear that the US government lied in order to invade Iraq, people were outraged but not surprised.

Now that it is clear they lied about Afghanistan as well, few Americans can even muster outrage.

The end result of such well-earned distrust is apathy and cynicism – and, ultimately, nihilism. Which is exactly where US politics had landed by 2016, when in a race between two historically unpopular politicians, they chose the one who lied to them most shamelessly and outraged them most entertainingly.

The muted response to the Afghanistan Papers is one manifestation of the loss of faith in government. The current status of the impeachment inquiry is another. A US president has been quite credibly charged with selling off foreign policy for his personal political gain, inviting, once again, foreign interference in an American election. Yet Republican office holders refuse to take seriously their obligation to investigate the president and hold him accountable.

And why should they? That lethal combination of apathy and cynicism means they have little to fear from their base or the American people more broadly for their failure to act. They can treat impeachment like a joke because no one expects anything more of them.

That is a damning indictment not only of US government but of democracy, which is crumbling across the globe. Democratic erosion cannot, however, be blamed solely on Trump or Brexit or rising nationalism: it must also be understood as a consequence of the failures and falsehoods of democratic governments over the past half-century – something for which we are all now paying the price.

Nicole Hemmer is associate research scholar at the Obama Presidency Oral History Project, Columbia University, New York.

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