

This was published 5 years ago

Loyalty is a mug's game according to the banks

By The Canberra Times

Australia's major banks seem determined to leave no stone unturned when it comes to upsetting the millions of taxpayers who stumped up the money behind the cash guarantees that ensured their survival during the Global Financial Crisis a decade ago.

How else does one explain an unusually damning report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission which slammed the ANZ, Commonwealth, NAB, Westpac and Macquarie for taking their most loyal customers for granted in the worst possible way.

It claims many borrowers with "average mortgages" could save as much as $850 a year just by shopping around for a lower interest rate elsewhere.

This is because while all the big banks use honeymoon rates, discretionary discounts, fee waivers and the like to attract new business or to woo customers away from their competitors, they adopt a set and forget approach to the punters they already have in the bag.

The situation is eerily similar to what was happening in the energy sector when the then treasurer, Scott Morrison, urged power consumers to shop around with the result some were able to cut their bills by up to 25 per cent.


While it is well recognised competition is always good for the breed, most of us don't stop to consider what that means in an open energy or banking market.

The clear takeaway from the ACCC report is that borrowers, particularly those with secure incomes and significant equity, don't have to be price takers.

If you are not happy with what you are paying, either in terms of the interest rate or the fees and charges, your first port of call after researching what is on offer elsewhere should be your local banker.


In the unlikely event he or she won't come to the party in order to keep the business on their loan book go elsewhere.

This is becoming easier following fierce criticism of the ways in which the majors have apparently previously colluded to make it very hard for customers to move from one lender to another.

Coming on the back of revelations about unethical conduct, a reluctance to refund monies obtained unlawfully and charges levied against dead investors, the report adds weight to the picture of Australian banks as predatory, greedy and unscrupulous money making machines that put profits ahead of customers and staff.

In addition to noting loyal customers were never rewarded with the interest rate reductions or other benefits routinely trotted out to woo new borrowers, the ACCC report suggested the big four had colluded during last year's out of cycle interest rate hike.

When the ANZ increased its rates to residential borrowers the other majors soon followed.

"Together the big four banks estimated revenue gains of over $1.1 billion for their 2018 financial year primary as a result of these mid-2017 interest rate increases," the regulator found.

Thanks to the work of the Royal Commission they are learning the confidence of your customers is a priceless asset which, once lost, is very hard to regain.

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