

This was published 9 years ago

UN lashes Australian 'contempt and hostility' toward asylum seekers

By Michael Gordon

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has delivered a withering critique of Australia's treatment of asylum seekers, saying he is bewildered by the "hostility and contempt" for them, including women and children, that is "so widespread among the country's politicians".

An Indonesian paramedic holds an IV drip while assisting a Rohingya mother.

An Indonesian paramedic holds an IV drip while assisting a Rohingya mother.Credit: Reuters

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein has also backed the Australian Human Rights Commission's view that the treatment of those in detention on Manus Island and Nauru violates the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Speaking at an interactive dialogue on the human rights of migrants during a session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday, Mr Zeid declared: "All of us are aware of the lethal crises regarding rescue at sea in Europe and South-East Asia.

A boat that carried Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants, now abandoned in Kuta Binie, Indonesia.

A boat that carried Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants, now abandoned in Kuta Binie, Indonesia.Credit: Ulet Ifansasti

"Our concerns must extend also to those attempting to enter Australia and the United States, and to the abuses of migrants that are so frequent throughout the world – including many countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council – as well as shocking recent violence in South Africa."

Lamenting that Australia's response to arrivals had set a "poor benchmark" for its regional neighbours, Mr Zeid added: "The authorities have also engaged in turn-arounds and push-backs of boats in international waters."

He complained that "even recognized refugees in urgent need of protection" were not permitted to enter Australia, "which has set up relocation arrangements with countries that may be ill-prepared to offer them any durable solution".

"Such policies should not be considered a model by any country.


"Given that most of today's Australians themselves descend from migrants – and given that the country maintains sizeable regular programs for migration and resettlement – I am bewildered by the hostility and contempt for these women, men and children that is so widespread among the country's politicians."

The comments by Mr Zeid follow his accusation that Australia has committed a "chain of human rights violations" in its treatment of asylum seekers when he became the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights last September. They come after Australia was singled out for stinging criticism in a report by Amnesty International proposing a "paradigm shift" in the response of world leaders to "the worst refugee crisis of our era".

Amnesty International's Secretary General, Salil Shetty, describes the global refugee crisis as one of the defining challenges of the 21st century, but laments that the response of the international community has been "a shameful failure".

Mr Shetty says accuses Australia of setting "a terrible precedent" in the region by embracing a hard-line approach to asylum-seekers that, "under the guise of saving lives", has violated its responsibilities under refugee and human rights law.

The report also accuses Australia, Thailand and other unnamed countries of pursuing policies aimed at pushing "the issue of refugees and migrants out of their jurisdiction and out of sight of the public".

It brands Australia's offshore processing policy as "particularly egregious", finding that "the deliberately harsh, humiliating conditions at the Australian-run detention facility were designed to pressure asylum seekers to return to their country of origin, regardless of whether or not they were refugees".

Called, The Global Refugee Crisis, A Conspiracy of Neglect, the report says the situation across the Asia Pacific region is one where refugees fleeing persecution in countries like Myanmar move along routes also used by economic migrants that are dominated by people smugglers and human traffickers.

"Too often, governments try to avoid their legal obligations to refugees and victims of human trafficking by characterising them all as 'migrants', labelling victims of abuse as 'illegal'," it says.

The report calls for a summit of world leaders to consider:

  • Committing to collectively resettle the one million refugees who currently need resettlement over the next four years.

  • Establishing a global refugee fund that will fulfil all UN humanitarian appeals for refugee crises and provide financial support to countries hosting large numbers of refugees.

  • The global ratification of the UN Refugee Convention.

  • Developing "fair domestic systems to assess refugee claims and guarantee that refugees have access to basic services such as education and healthcare".

"The world can no longer sit and watch while countries like Lebanon and Turkey take on such huge burdens. No country should be left to deal with a massive humanitarian emergency with so little help from others, just because it happens to share a border with a country in conflict," says Mr Shetty.

"Governments across the world have the duty to ensure people do not die while trying to reach safety. It is essential that they offer a safe haven for desperate refugees, establish a global refugee fund and take effective action to prosecute trafficking gangs. Now is the time to step up protection for refugees, anything less will make world leaders accomplices in this preventable tragedy."

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