

This was published 12 years ago

A charter for all ages

By Ian Munro and Jo Chandler

IT MAY be, as some critics contend, a self-regarding indulgence, but at its zenith The Age charter of independence united two men who were for a time Australia's most intractable foes. Labor movement hero Gough Whitlam joined his political nemesis, Malcolm Fraser, more than 20 years ago to defend the newspaper's claim to be free of shareholder influence over its editorial content.

The occasion could hardly be overstated. At a rally in the Treasury Gardens, Whitlam shared a stage with his prime ministerial successor, the man he had famously and contemptuously dismissed as ''Kerr's cur'' following his own dismissal by the governor-general Sir John Kerr.

<i>The Age</i> has had a long and proud history of editorial independence. Pictured is the sub-editors' desk in 1971.

The Age has had a long and proud history of editorial independence. Pictured is the sub-editors' desk in 1971.

It was October 1991, and The Age, and Fairfax, was under siege, facing takeover by a consortium led by Canadian media mogul Conrad Black and Australian Kerry Packer. At the rally organised by The Age Independence Committee, Whitlam moved a motion calling on the Hawke Labor government to do everything possible to prevent further media concentration and foreign ownership. Fraser seconded it.

Australia was faced with the prospect of its media concentrated in the hands of Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer, they warned. ''It would challenge the integrity, the supremacy of Parliament,'' said Fraser. ''Why is it left to a couple of superannuated politicians to raise these issues?''

Former foes Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam join forces at a rally in support of <i>The Age</i>'s editorial independence in 1991.

Former foes Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam join forces at a rally in support of The Age's editorial independence in 1991.Credit: Steven Siewert

To its supporters, The Age charter of independence is a key part of its identity, formalising the notion that its editorial content is free from the commercial interests of its owners and directors.

Its renewed currency results from sharemarket raids by mining magnate Gina Rinehart, who has become Fairfax's biggest shareholder with an 18.67 per cent stake.

Rinehart's plans for the Fairfax group have been a subject of speculation since her business adviser, Hungry Jack's founder Jack Cowin, said the company board should be entitled to shift editorial direction in order to increase profits. Commenting on how that shift might take place, Cowin said Rinehart would have stronger conservative leanings ''than probably the average liberal journalist''.

Mike Smith, a former Age editor and one of the original signatories to the document, says the charter not only captures the flavour and the character of the paper's journalistic traditions, but underwrites its value to shareholders.


''If the charter or the independence that goes with the charter is damaged or destroyed, it destroys the brand and undermines confidence in the product,'' says Smith.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy put it more bluntly. Rinehart is entitled to board representation, he says, but she is not entitled to trash the brand for the other 80 per cent of shareholders.

But to Sydney advertising and media entrepeneur John Singleton the charter is meaningless now, and was only ever a peace offering. Singleton, a former Fairfax board member, has been an enthusiastic supporter of Rinehart's push for multiple directorships with the company. He was on the board when the charter was crafted with the oversight of former governor-general Sir Zelman Cowen.

''[The charter of independence] was just one of those oil-on-troubled-water things that no one understood, Sir Zelman was very proud of and the journalists didn't know how to say no to Sir Zelman, even though they don't know what he's talking about,'' Singleton told ABC radio yesterday. ''If you read it carefully, it's double-Dutch.''

The digital technology eroding modern Fairfax's share value might be revolutionary, but there's nothing new about the tensions of money, power and influence a mighty masthead can provoke.

A trawl through the history of The Age reveals a long narrative of fierce defence - often championed by powerful public figures - of the principles of editorial independence, integrity and Victorian identity.

The newspaper was established on October 17, 1854, by merchant brothers John and Henry Cooke, who were cashed up by the gold rush and sympathetic to the miners' movement fomenting the Eureka Stockade. The Cookes envisaged a paper of the ilk of the great London broadsheets - ''a journal of politics, commerce and philanthropy, dedicated to the record of great movements, the advocacy of free institutions, the diffusion of truth and the advancement of man''.

Noble ideas, but not particularly commercial ones. The new paper was bust by Christmas, only saved when employees cobbled together £25 each and a portion of their wages to keep it afloat.

By June 1856 the paper was sinking again, at which point it was acquired by journalist Ebenezer Syme for £2000. He was joined by his brother, and it was David Syme who would define and shape the paper over 50 years.

''Syme campaigned for land reform, protection for industry, full adult access to voting, Parliament, and reasonable working conditions,'' The Age's history records. ''He became known as the 'king-maker' for his influence over Victorian political life.''

When he upset Spring Street, provoking a withdrawal of government advertising, Syme responded by cutting the newsstand price, building circulation and influence and, ultimately, a lucrative advertising base. After Syme's death in 1908 the newspaper passed into the hands of his sons. The Syme family entered a partnership with John Fairfax and Sons Ltd in 1966, that company ultimately increasing its stake to a takeover in 1973.

In 1987 young Warwick Fairfax took control after the death of his father. His bid to put the company back into family ownership was doomed by the 1987 global sharemarket collapse, when he was unable to repay the debt on his shares.

The seeds of The Age Charter of Editorial Independence - which would be the first document of its type in Australia - were sown in this period, when a spirited grassroots campaign emerged against an attempt by British press tycoon Robert Maxwell (since deceased) to capitalise on young Warwick's situation and take over the paper.

On March 28, 1988, Age employees and readers paid for a banner advertisement declaring that ''The Age must continue to present the news honestly and without fear or favour. It must not become an organ to peddle the views of a person, a political party or an interest group.''

Signatories to the letter encompassed a broad, influential cross-section of the Victorian community: business leaders (Bob Ansett, Sir James Balderstone), political figures (Senator John Button, Sir Rupert Hamer, Ian MacPhee), academics (Professor Manning Clark, Sir Gustav Nossal), civic leaders (Mick Miller, Dame Phyllis Frost), legal figures (Frank Costigan, QC) and venerable elders (Sir Weary Dunlop, Bruce Ruxton).

Donations were invited from readers to continue the campaign, and money flowed in to support a campaign that helped to persuade the federal government to thwart the Maxwell threat.

A committee of journalists drafted a charter that sought to reflect and protect the ''prevailing ethos of editorial independence at The Age'', as committee member Claude Forell later remembered.

It won the endorsement of staff and was eventually endorsed by the Fairfax board. It later inspired a similar charter for The Sydney Morning Herald and other Fairfax publications.

In 1990, when Fairfax went into receivership, a campaign began to ensure than any new proprietor would be obliged to honour its principles.

Working with the Sydney-based ''Friends of Fairfax'', key members of The Age committee - led by the late associate editor David Wilson - lobbied politicians, public leaders and potential bidders.

The campaign encompassed not just issues of independence, but of media diversity and maintaining a strong Victorian character and connection.

Age readers were invited to clip out coupons pledging their support. Wilson and his committee were soon deluged with envelopes containing cheques for $5 and $10 donated by rusted-on readers.

The campaign culminated in the rally that brought together Whitlam and Fraser.

''The campaign may have helped to persuade Kerry Packer to withdraw from the Tourang bid headed by Conrad Black, but could not prevent Tourang winning control of Fairfax in December 1991,'' Forell observed in his history of the charter.

While Black (who would later be disgraced and jailed for fraud and obstruction of justice) was ''scornful'' of the notion of editorial independence, the campaign had built enough momentum that he asked the company chairman, Sir Zelman Cowen, to go back to the Independence Committee and renegotiate the charter.

A revised charter emerged and was formally adopted by the Fairfax board in March 1992.

Subsequent chief executives and editors have declared their continued support for the charter.

Fifteen years down the track, although anecdotally the charter was recognised as an enduring document, the question of whether it needed to be updated in the context of new media, and then presented to the board and re-endorsed, was tentatively explored by The Age committee in 2007.

''I have given an undertaking to editors and staff and demonstrated publicly my respect and their freedom to carry out their duties without intervention,'' former Fairfax chairman Ron Walker said in correspondence to the committee.

''Under my watch as chairman, I have made it very clear on many occasions that our journalists are our most treasured asset and I respect their total independence.''

AT ITS most basic, if that view holds true, it seems commercially counter-productive for a major investor with aspirations for board representation to refuse to commit to the charter. It awards independence to the editors, but the editors are still appointed by owners or their managers, Smith points out.

''[Gina Rinehart] would be crazy not to sign the charter,'' Smith says. ''It would be a huge blow to the credibility of the paper because it would undermine that history of independence which has been one of the prime assets of [The Age] for building credibility with readers. But the fact is she can sign the charter and still have a huge impact on the editorial direction.

''Not even the most fiercely independent journalists or editors deny the right of an owner to appoint management and, through management, editors. What the charter does is once management is there, protects the editor from interference on editorial content matters, but nobody has ever denied the right of owners to get rid of editors they don't like.''

State Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews said a diverse and independent media was essential for democracy. It was incomprehensible why any director would not endorse the charter.

One of his predecessors as Victorian Labor leader, former premier John Cain said the revelations about the extent of News Corp's involvement in British politics sounded a warning over assertive media owners.

''If anyone is in any doubt where this can lead just take a look at Britain where the Rebekah Brookses of this world become puppet masters of politicians,'' says Cain. ''The way Murdoch has been able to get into the inner workings of government are there for all to see. For business figures to be seeking to institutionalise that approach reflects badly on corporate Australia.''

A professor of journalism at the University of Canberra, Matthew Ricketson says the principles of the charter are woven into the fabric of the Fairfax group, having grown out of the threat to its independence from owners or prospective owners like Conrad Black or Robert Maxwell.

While the charter was a key element of The Age's identity, this did not mean all papers should have one, says Ricketson, who assisted Ray Finkelstein, QC, on the federal government's media inquiry last year.

''[Such charters] grow organically from the company's proprietors, its editors, and its journalists,'' he says.

''They are rare, if not non-existent at News Corporation and its local offshoot, News Ltd. A charter of editorial independence would not have prevented News from all the problems it is facing in the United Kingdom, but it may have provided at least some brake on the corruption of the executive and journalistic cultures that has so clearly developed there.''

He says individual journalists would have their own ''line in the sand'' should Rinehart seek to exert influence over Fairfax. Readers, too might need to consider whether a Rinehart-controlled Fairfax would continue to provide the kind of journalism to which they were accustomed.

The Age and Sunday Age charter

1. The board of directors and its appointed management affirms their commitment to the principle of editorial independence.

2. The board of directors, the management, the editors and members of staff of The Age and The Sunday Age agree to uphold the Australian Journalists' Association code of ethics and the principles declared by the Australian Press Council.

3. The board of directors acknowledges the responsibility of journalists, artists and photographers to report and comment on the affairs of the city, state, nation and the world fairly and accurately and regardless of any commercial, personal or political interests including those of any shareholder, manager, editor or staff member.

4. The right to appoint or dismiss the editors resides with the board of directors and its appointed management. Subject to this, full editorial control of the newspapers within agreed budgets shall be vested in the editors. They alone shall determine editorial content and appoint, dismiss, deploy and direct editorial staff.

5. The editors shall be directly responsible to the appointed management and shall at all times carry out their duties in a way that will preserve and ensure the independence and integrity of The Age and The Sunday Age in accordance with this charter.

Ian Munro and Jo Chandler are senior writers. Chandler is serving chairwoman of The Age Independence Committee.

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