

This was published 18 years ago

$300,000 'Boger' fluid prize not on the nose

BOGER fluid might sound like something that drips from a nose.

But it has revolutionised the aluminium industry and last night won Melbourne University chemical engineer David Boger the Prime Minister's $300,000 science prize.

A boger fluid is a "visco-elastic" liquid — one that is elastic, meaning it can be stretched into strings, but also flows predictably like a liquid.

In the late-1970s, Professor Boger (pictured) put large molecule polymers into corn syrup to produce a thick, stringy fluid whose flowing behaviour could be predicted.

Aluminium giant Alcoa was excited by the development because it wanted to find a better way to dispose of by-products which are usually poured into huge tailings dams with millions of litres of water.


Based on Professor Boger's fluid mechanics work, Alcoa devised a way to concentrate its waste into a thick matter that could still flow down pipes and chutes without clogging them as tomato sauce clogs the neck of the bottle.

This cut out the risk of tailings dams bursting, producing environmental calamity, Professor Boger said.

"Some of those disasters are just mind boggling and they are what give the industry a bad name," he said.

"You get rid of risk of that, you recover the water, you reduce the footprint and you're moving towards more sustainable practice."

Instead of leaving vast lagoons of caustic red bauxite mud, Alcoa is now looking at recycling its waste for other uses.

Professor Boger said he was surprised by his win because his work was not easily understood by non-scientists.

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