

This was published 6 years ago

Super funds at the top of league have two things in common

By Caitlin Fitzsimmons

Super funds and investment funds often trumpet their stellar one-year returns or market-beating five-year average returns.

But it’s the 10-year performance that matters most.

There are a few reasons for this. First, events such as the global financial crisis or lesser market shocks come around every decade or so. It’s easy to make money in a bull market, but for a long-term investment such as super you need to know if your fund can perform when the bears come out to play as well.

In the superannuation race, it's 10-year returns that matter.

In the superannuation race, it's 10-year returns that matter.Credit: John Shakespeare

This increases in importance the closer you are to retirement, because of what’s known as sequencing risk.

If you're early in your working life, then the long-term average counts because you have many years ahead of you for any bumpiness to even out. But the nearer you are to making withdrawals from your fund rather than letting compound growth run its course, the more the sequence of returns matters.

If you’re forced to start selling shares when markets are weak, you’ll burn through your money faster than if you get the benefit of good returns in the early years of retirement to make up for any withdrawals.

That’s because once you sell a share, it doesn’t matter if its performance is better next year. You can only sell it once. The longer you go before you hit a weak patch, the more compound growth you’ll get for your super balance overall before you take a hit.

Second, there’s the “mulligan rule” of investment.

Analysis published in The Economist looked specifically at investment funds. Over the 10 years to December 2017, only a handful of British and European equity funds beat the market index – less than one in four for sterling-denominated funds and less than 15 per cent for euro-denominated funds.


Yet, the annualised return of UK equity funds was 7.27 per cent, while the index return (S&P’s broad market index) was 6.48 per cent. So while most funds didn’t beat the market, the average fund did.


You won't be surprised to know there's some sleight of hand. As The Economist explains, the 10-year performance returns are for funds that have survived 10 years. But only about two out of five UK equity funds that were being operated at the start of 2008 were still going at the end of 2017. The ones that closed were the underperformers, while the survivors had a pretty good track record. Managers can advertise funds with strong performance because if they have a bad fund, they can just close it and start again.

A few days ago the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) released its annual report on the performance of superannuation funds. The figures in the report are whole-of-fund returns, rather than performances for the individual investment options of conservative, balanced, growth and so on. In the table you’ll see I’ve ranked the top funds by their 10-year returns, for the reasons I've explained. I’ve excluded funds that are not open to the general public such as schemes run for the employees of large corporates.

You’ll notice the top funds have a few things in common.

First, they’re all not-for-profit funds, either industry funds or public sector schemes, rather than retail funds run for profit by banks and other financial services companies.

The best-performing for-profit fund is Perpetual WealthFocus Superannuation Fund, which is ranked 27th on the list overall. It delivered an average 10-year return of 4 per cent.


Two for-profit funds crack the top 10 if you go by five-year returns: Perpetual again with an average return of 10.1 per cent and Australian Ethical Retail with 10 per cent.

The second point about the best-performing funds is they’re all large. The median fund in the APRA report has about $3 billion in total assets. Among the 12 funds in my table, the median is about $33 billion.

The smallest by funds under management is Building Unions Superannuation Scheme (Queensland), better known as BUSSQ, which has total assets of $4.34 billion.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is Money editor. Find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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