

This was published 2 years ago


Super fund still locked up, despite overseas residency

I am aged 52 and an Australian citizen and passport holder, now living in the United States. I have not worked or lived in Oz since 2005. However, I still maintain a postal address there and a bank account. My question relates to the qualifying criteria for the early release of superannuation funds. I wish to liquidate my HostPlus super account, and recently reached out to them enquiring whether the funds could be released before maturity, and if releasing the funds would incur penalties. HostPlus replied with a comprehensive response, but I am still unsure if I am eligible. However, there appears to be some sort of loophole. I work in the US and, upon request, can provide a letter of employment, my postal and residential address, my US resident card (Green card) and social security information.

Superannuation specialist consultant Stuart Forsyth says you are unlikely to be eligible to withdraw your super early under these conditions.

Credit: Simon Letch

The loophole you mention is for people on temporary work visas, and the amounts paid to them are taxed by the super fund when they are paid.

You are an Australian citizen and, therefore, were not a temporary resident holding a visa when you built up your super balance.

You could possibly have applied under the COVID-19 early release rules, but it is too late now.

You must be able to satisfy HostPlus that you have met a condition of release to access your super funds, which may require you to wait until you are aged 60 or 65, depending on your situation at that time.

We are aged in our 40s, own our home outright (valued at $1.75 million), and my wife owns two mortgage-free investment properties, worth $1.2 million. My wife earns $70,000 a year working part-time and makes the maximum salary sacrifice to super. I earn $200,000 and do the same. We aim to retire in 15 years. We have $750,000 in separate, high-growth super funds, and have considered starting a self-managed super fund (SMSF). We have $200,000 in the bank, which is earmarked for renovations, plus $40,000 worth of shares. We have two kids who will eventually go to private high school. What would you recommend to help grow our funds without putting our nest egg at risk?

You are doing well, with an asset base far exceeding what most people of your age has. It also appears spread across residential property and shares, to provide necessary diversification.

I think, at this stage in your life, you should be talking to a good financial adviser to plan a way forward. They could help by mapping out capital-preservation strategies, such as life insurance, income replacement insurance, and estate planning.


If you continue salary sacrificing the maximum to super, and with your strategy of diversification, you should be well-placed for retirement.

However, you need to think carefully about why you would want to start a SMSF.

There are many factors to consider and, based on what you have achieved to date, I cannot really see why you need one.

Any idea when the new income limits for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card will be legislated by the federal government?

From July 1, the income limits were $57,761 a year for a single and $92,416 combined for a couple.

The income used is Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI), plus deemed income from your super. There is no assets test.

During the May 2022 election, both parties promised to increase these limits to $90,000 and $144,000, respectively, but nothing has happened since, to my knowledge.

I guess we all need to wait for the amending legislation to be presented to Parliament – and then be passed.

I am aged 68 and retired and have not made personal super contributions for at least three years. I am hoping to use the catch-up super contributions rules to make a big contribution, and claim a tax deduction this financial year. Am I eligible to make a contribution?

To be eligible to make catch-up contributions, your super balance at June 30, 2022 must be less than $500,000 and, given you are aged over 67, you must be able to pass the work test to make concessional contributions.


I suggest you speak with a financial adviser to work out the best strategy.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Retirement Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. Email:

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