

This was published 6 months ago


Is apathy the real obstacle to financial success?

In the mainstream personal finance conversation, we talk a lot about things that hold people back from making financial progress.

The cost-of-living crisis, systemic injustices, inflation, unfair tax structures, poor wage growth and so on. These are important issues, no doubt.

There’s one aspect of financial advice that doesn’t get a lot of airtime – and it starts with how you think about money.

There’s one aspect of financial advice that doesn’t get a lot of airtime – and it starts with how you think about money.Credit: Simon Letch

But there is something I noticed we don’t really talk about much. When we do, we might use it as a criticism of younger generations but we don’t have a real conversation about it.

To give some context, I’ve been helping people with their finances for several years now. Early on, I started to notice that the people who made the most progress were not the people I would have necessarily picked – and I discovered a pattern.

I’d talk to people who had everything going for them on paper. They earned good money, they weren’t in financial stress, they were actually financially comfortable.

I knew that all it would take was a few small tweaks, some guidance in the right direction, and they could easily double or triple the financial outcomes they were currently on track for. Sure, it would take a little work, but it wasn’t a huge jump from where they already were.

But years would pass, and they would have made little progress. I’d hear them complain about how complicated it was, but they had taken little action to move themselves forward. In contrast, I worked with people who, I thought, had some hard work in front of them.

Maybe they were living paycheque to paycheque and they were financially stressed. Maybe they came from a background of financial struggle and their parents role modelled some poor financial habits. Or maybe they were starting over after some unexpected life turmoil – a health crisis, separation or a loss in their family.


Somehow, many of these people would make leaps and bounds of progress in months.


They’d pull themselves out of debt, they’d go extra lengths to find the opportunities to save and make a little extra money, they’d do the homework activities (and then do them a second time).

Now, there are many variables here. I don’t want to be guilty of oversimplification. Yet, over time, one thing became evident to me: it became hard not to notice that one obstacle to financial success for some is the apathy bred by comfort.

People who are already financially comfortable often have a hard time really caring. They lack a strong motivating driver or compelling reason to act because things are already okay.

You have a decent job. You make good money. You save a good chunk of it. You top up your super fund. The bills get paid with plenty to spare. Life is comfortable. Life is good, even.

The finances? Sure. You think about it. “Yeah I probably should figure that out eventually. It sounds important. It would be the responsible adult thing to do. I’ll get around to it. But I really can’t be bothered tonight.”

One obstacle to financial success for some is the apathy bred by comfort.

It’s the last thing you want to do. It’s just a chore that keeps finding its way to the bottom of the to-do list, like cleaning out the garage or decluttering the pantry.

It’s hard to find motivation because the truth is, you don’t feel the pain of the consequences in the short term. At the end of the year, another $5,000 or even $10,000 might be fun, but it’s not really going to change your life dramatically one way or another.

This is where the major difference lies. For people who have a strong, compelling reason to act, their finances are not just some chore they’ll get around to one day. It’s a priority.


There is a level of commitment, drive and focus that propels them forward. They are willing to act because the results matter to them. That extra $10,000 isn’t just a slightly fancier annual vacation. It’s life changing.

So, if you’re in that comfort zone where life is good enough to keep ignoring your finances, how do you move past it? You have to recognise that there is a price to apathy and inaction. It’s felt in the long term, and it’s called regret.

It’s that horrible feeling when you realise: if I’d done a few things differently earlier on, my life could have looked very different today.

Maybe you could have retired 10 years earlier, or taken time off to travel the world, or spent more time with your family, or bought the dream home you thought was unreachable.

So, the question isn’t: “Are things going okay, right now?”

The real question is: “Am I willing to trade a significantly more financially successful life in 10 years, for the privilege of apathy and inaction today?”

Paridhi Jain is the founder of SkilledSmart, which helps adults learn to manage, save and invest their money through financial education courses and classes.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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