

This was published 8 months ago

The true meaning of the British election result

Cathy Wilcox

Cathy WilcoxCredit: .

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Far from the deposing of Boris Johnson being the cause of the Conservatives’ humiliating loss, his behaviour sowed the seeds for the disaster. George Brandis (Comment, 8/7) appears to have listened only to diehard Johnson supporters whose views are far removed from those of most of Britain.
The British public learned that on the very day the Queen attended the funeral of her husband, a party took place at No.10. It provoked a sense of revulsion and a complete collapse of respect for a PM who had won an election a short time earlier.
Then, Johnson’s obfuscation about the definition of a party provoked ridicule. His colleagues recognised that his position was unsupportable. It is indeed ironic that Rishi Sunak, an ultimate successor to Johnson, was an attendee at the party and paid a fine. The public’s respect for its leaders has never fallen so low. This, rather than policy issues, explains last week’s result.
Ian Dunn, North Fitzroy

Johnson’s legacy of destruction
George Brandis postulates that removing former Boris Johnson as prime minister sealed the electoral defeat of the Conservatives last week (Comment, 8/7). Quite the contrary. It was Johnson who handed successive Tory PMs a poisoned chalice overflowing with his conceit, incompetence and buffoonery from which the Tories never recovered.
Johnson’s political legacy has been so destructive that a drover’s dog (as Bill Hayden once said of his own Labor Party) could have led the British Labour party to victory.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris

Other factors were at play in rout
George Brandis is deluding himself that ditching Boris Johnson was the root cause of the massive Tory defeat. The chaos was all due to Johnson’s puerile, arrogant, Tory-toff behaviour during COVID with parties that destroyed his credibility not so much as PM but as a responsible adult and threw the Tories into chaos looking for a replacement.
The number of seats lost is far more to do with their voting system of first past the post and Tory voters going to Reform rather than Labour.
Mike Seward, Port Fairy

Incompetent and unprofessional
Woe betide the British Conservative Party should they take seriously George Brandis’s analysis of the reason they were trounced – their sacking of Boris Johnson. I prefer the view of several Conservative politicians who were publicly and healthily self-critical about their party’s highly incompetent and unprofessional performances over recent years.
Also what does Brandis mean by the word ″⁣socialism″⁣? Socialism is commonly defined as ″⁣economic and political philosophy encompassing diverse economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership″⁣, which is not recognisable in Keir Starmer’s Labour Party’s policies.
No mention by Brandis of the dire poverty and now dysfunctional national health system as some relevant issues the Conservatives failed to resolve?
How heartening to hear Rishi Sunak’s departure speech when he commended Starmer as a decent person and public servant, safe hands for his country, and Starmer’s acknowledgment of the serious challenges Sunak would have experienced as the first Asian-British PM.
I hope Australian politicians will emulate that goodwill essential for strong democracy governance and a cohesive national society.
Jennifer Gerrand, Carlton North


The road to defeat
There is no denying there is a budget crisis in Victoria. Measures must be taken to address the growing deficit. Reducing funding to health services is not the way to do it. Your correspondent (Letters, 9/7) is correct, the premier must have the fortitude to revise budget allocations and put on hold projects like the apparently sacrosanct monument to Daniel Andrews’ legacy, the Suburban Rail Link, and redirect funds to where money is urgently needed.
If government strategists are relying on the election not being until 2026 and a hapless opposition, they are severely underestimating voters’ feelings about declining health services.
Unless they recognise the concern and resentment generated in the community, particularly about health and other important areas such as education, the ground they are losing will escalate and be beyond recovery.
Bill Pimm,

Society’s measure
Do we (the masses) really need an airport rail link when people are sleeping in doorways on freezing nights, and the frail and the sick can’t get an operation.
A civilisation is measured by how it treats its weakest.
Myra Fisher, Brighton East

Transport woes
Stage 1 of the Suburban Rail Loop has to be postponed. I don’t understand the priority over the Melbourne Airport rail link. This is going to be another costly blunder by the government. The numbers just don’t stack up. This will not benefit the vast majority of Victorians, just a few who travel between Box Hill and Monash University.
Anthony McCall, Frankston


Go underground
Melbourne is about to become the laughing stock of the world by building its airport railway station above ground.
Whether you’ve stepped off a flight from halfway around the world, or just halfway across the country, being forced out of the terminals to navigate your way up to the train station will be a welcome no one wants.
Don’t believe me? Give it a go during winter at Coburg Station or any of the new skyrail stations with blasting icy Antarctic wind and rain belting down. Or try it in summer with baking concrete, relentless heat and little platform shade.
We are a rich city and a rich state. We can afford an underground airport line.
Andrew Heslop, Albert Park

God bless the dog
Maybe it’s not so ridiculous to believe that relationships with our dogs give us spiritual nourishment. They show us that we’re just one of a dazzling array of creatures on our planet. We give our dogs care and compassion that is not prompted by wealth or fame. Being outside in nature with them can be a simple communion where there is no need to talk, just contemplate.
Of course, there’s the sniffing, poo bags, barking at others and pulling your arm out on the lead. Inside, there’s pinching food off the bench, chewing shoes and running away with socks. All test our faith and fortitude in trying times. Yes, these are indeed spiritual tasks for those who spell god backwards.
Glenda Johnston, Queenscliff

Lucky us
Your correspondent (Letters, 9/7) suggests religion asks the perplexing existential questions: Where did we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Science has answered all of these questions beyond a shadow of a doubt. A quirk of our species is that we are arrogant enough to believe that the happy coincidence of our existence on this one of trillions of planets in the known universe at this point in time, is that we want to believe that it has all been laid on for us.
Julian Guy, Mt Eliza

The moral imperative
As a lapsed churchgoer, it is impossible not to agree with Charlotte Mortlock (Comment, 8/7) who says that ″⁣stuff″⁣ like community, connection, ritual and puppy love can be found in both religious institutions and the dog park. However, the most important ″⁣stuff″⁣, ethics and morals based on love for each other, needs to be taught to children. Without some religious exposure, such teaching is left to stressed parents and over-worked school teachers. This maybe why we are seeing so much youth crime these days. An ethics and morals lesson once a week at school, like the scripture lessons of the past, would help.
Harley Powell, Elsternwick

A lemon of a decision
Your correspondent (Letters, 9/7) claims that in hindsight Daniel Andrews made the right decision to cancel the Commonwealth Games. Let’s not rewrite history to reflect this “courage”; it was always a lemon and shouldn’t have been bid for from the start.
David Metcalfe, Newtown

Shift in power balance
France’s hung parliament gives me hope for our next federal election. While our two major parties remain committed to fossil fuels that are destroying our planet, community independents who genuinely represent their communities and hold the balance of power in a hung parliament are our only hope for our increasingly fragile democracy.
Sarah Russell, Mt Martha

Trump’s back to the future

If Donald Trump wins the presidential election he will make the McCarthy years in the US and activities look soft in comparison. Terrifying implications for freedom.
Campbell Laughlin, Berwick

We are all one
I can’t help but react to your correspondent (Letters, 9/7) who stated that Australia should not bear the brunt of conflict in other countries because it had nothing to do with us.
The fact that we are all part of the human race means that conflict anywhere affects all of us. The attitude that domestic issues are more in Australia’s interest shows a lack of understanding about how as human beings we are all connected. So what hurts and affects one part hurts and affects the whole.
Julie Ottobre, Brunswick East

A senator’s stance
Senators represent their state or territory and, if not independent, the party to which they belong. Political parties need to have internal debate and reach consensus within and not spill their differences into the public sphere otherwise much of their true purpose is eroded.
If a member’s views can’t be reconciled with those of the party and it becomes intolerable for them, member and party no longer belong together and they need to separate rather than debate their differences in public. Open debate can take place after separation, and that can be illuminating because it more easily stays focused on the matter at hand rather than becomes distorted by political allegiance.
There is therefore some justification for allowing a newly independent senator to retain their place in parliament until if and when elected in their own right – except that six years seems far too long.
Emma Borghesi, Rye

Be colour blind
I was surprised in reading (Letters, 8/7) your correspondent’s definition of Senator Fatima Payman as ″⁣a person of colour″⁣. I see Senator Payman as an Australian who happens to wear a hijab sending a signal that she follows the Islamic faith. But why do we have to be defining people by the colour of their skin? Who has the right to define any man or woman as a person of colour?
Is there a colour chart against which everyone must be assessed? Do we have subdivisions of colour, perhaps ranging from light tan, dark tan, through to coffee, then and finally black? Let’s assess people by their character, not the colour of their skin.
Lance Sterling, Nunawading

Energy own goals
On these cold winter mornings, talk of gas shortages strikes icy fear into Melburnians’ hearts. How could this happen to a state so geared towards gas heating and hot water, in a country that is a major gas producer?
Faced with many curious assertions around the current ″⁣energy debate″⁣ – including opening more gas reserves and/or adopting nuclear power – it’s important to remind ourselves exactly how we got to this point. The Rudd and Gillard governments committed to ridiculously generous contracts to China, South Korea and Japan, but at least they pinned the price to global oil prices.
It was actually John Howard in 2002 who proclaimed the largest export deal ever at the time: gas supply to China locked in perpetuity to historically low prices. Howard’s self-described ″⁣gold medal″⁣ performance was, in fact, the worst own goal ever; an Olympic podium-topping legend of economic mismanagement. It now appears that Peter Dutton seeks to emulate this achievement.
Clive Shepherd, Glen Huntly

A glance in time
Recently, The Age in its Explainer series referenced remembering a long-ago glance (“Does such a skill exist in real life?“) Years ago, I was in Kyiv, at Hotel Dnipro. While waiting for a table at dinner, I heard a man laughing loudly at a table. My gaze turned to him. He was holding court with young people. His salt and pepper long hair flowed over his shoulders. My glance lasted perhaps some 10 seconds.
Two years later after checking in at Treetops Hotel in Kenya, I sat down for a coffee in their dining room. Across the room, sitting at a table and holding court, was a man with long salt and pepper hair. I walked over to him and asked if he had stayed at Hotel Dnipro in Kyiv two years earlier. He was visibly shocked. His words: “Who are you? Are you CIA?” I learnt his name. He was from California. No credit redounds to me, any more than I chose to be right-handed.
Ken Feldman, Sandringham


Biden v Trump
The problem is not that Joe Biden looks quite shaky now at 81, it’s what he’ll look like when he’s 85.
Mick Webster, Chiltern

Looks like the US may have to choose between one candidate who horrifies when he vocalises his thoughts and one who horrifies when he can’t.
Gerry Lonergan, Reservoir

Some of us have egg on our faces. We have thought that Trump was unelectable. But Biden’s collapse now makes a Trump victory look ineluctable.
Tony Haydon, Springvale

Saying that eight of Peter Dutton’s personal staff once worked for Tony Abbott is hardly a ringing endorsement for him. Perhaps, if he becomes PM, they will suggest making a knight of Prince William.
Alan Inchley, Frankston

Why don’t we get the extra $3billion required to build the railway to the airport (which everybody wants) from the $33billion budget for the SRL from Cheltenham to Box Hill (that nobody really cares about)?
Peter Venn, East Bentleigh

How many elective surgery lists will be put under the knife to fund the airport rail link?
Tony Danino, Wheelers Hill

Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally lost. Mon dieu. That was close.
Jenny Bone, Surrey Hills

When are we going to declare Russia a terrorist state? The missile attack on a hospital in Kyiv is sickening and shows indiscriminate targeting of civilians.
Vera Lubczenko, Geelong West

Is the opposition ready for an early election? One detailed and costed policy would be a start, not just announcements on the run.
Ross Hosking, Blackwood, SA

″⁣My dad tried to kill us.″⁣ This heart-breaking statement is the saddest utterance I have heard in my 77 years. I wept.
Helena Andrews, Essendon

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