

This was published 7 months ago

Are you still cooking with gas? It’s a dirty habit

Credit: Matt Golding

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While the saying “cooking with gas” implies that one is on the money and making progress, we need a new catch phrase (“Why the stovetop is the last front in war on household gas”, 18/6). For years gas corporations spruiked that it was clean and quick. Which was true compared to wood-fired cooking, but no longer. We are now enlightened to the hazards of cooking with gas, which is, essentially methane. When burnt, it releases nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, PM 2.5 particles, benzene and formaldehyde into the cooking area – irritants to the respiratory tract as well as cancer-related in some instances. An efficient extractor fan and good ventilation are critical to offset those hazards. Even when the stove is not ignited, methane is often quietly leaking into the kitchen.
However, induction cooking is much safer and quicker. The stovetop is a breeze to clean and the power turns off automatically once the pan is lifted from the surface. Many stores sell induction stove tops that are portable and cheap, for a trial or alternative to full-scale replacement. And then there is the bigger question of climate change to consider.
Jennie Stuart, Balwyn

Slowly roasted
Cooking with gas? Our planet is being fried, boiled, stewed, baked and roasted by gas.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

Switch not so easy
Some may say that “stovetops remain the last hurdle to getting people to disconnect gas” but we replaced our gas cooktop with induction, and it was relatively easy to do (and it is better in almost every way). What has been more difficult is replacing gas for heating and cooling. My home has a neatly integrated ducted system that I had expected could be updated with a single heat pump unit. Unfortunately, there is no such product. For custom adaptations we had quotes of up to $30,000 and no guarantee it would work.
The advice has been to install individual split system air conditioners in each room, and we have done a trial run in one bedroom. This sounds easy until you factor in the cost of installation in each room, coolant pipes in and condensate drains out, indoor and outdoor units on walls and the roof, additional dedicated power lines, and the noise of the units. Surely this is an opportunity for a company to develop a heat pump unit that can easily replace existing units and be compatible with existing ducting.
Greg Walsh, Black Rock

Simply solution
TV advertisements to get checks on gas heaters are a good idea. The main issue is fatal poisoning by odourless carbon monoxide from faulty heaters. However, the ads should also inform us that carbon monoxide alarms are cheap and readily available. We have a battery powered one that needed no installation and has a test function to ensure it’s still working.
Mark Freeman, Macleod

Pots of money
Yes, cooking is what people care about. I am a strong advocate to move away from gas, despite it having been my preferred kitchen energy source for more than 60 years. In that time we have built a substantial inventory of quality pans. About 80 per cent of these, including copper items, must be replaced if we are to move to induction. Maybe the Global Cooksafe Coalition or an imaginative cooktop retailer could present a scheme whereby we could trade in those pans we can no longer use? This would save landfill and reduce the cost of a big investment.
Michael Vanderkelen, Highton

Healthy alternative
Given MasterChef’s recent gas greenwashing saga, it’s excellent to read that many notable chefs are getting behind the push for healthier electric induction cooktops. Cooking with gas is comparable to smoking in the home – terrible for our health. Electric induction cooktops are non-polluting, healthier alternatives that are cheaper to run, efficient, safe, responsive, and easy to clean. In 2024, cooking with induction is in better taste.
Amy Hiller, Kew



Fatal flaws
If 235 men had been convicted of terrorists offences over 10 years the country would be in near lockdown to protect us (“What 70 per cent of men who kill their partners have in common”, 18/6). Is it because women pick their partners so some think it’s their own fault she picked a “lemon”? Or is it because terrorism is seen as attacking our way of life whereas the murder of a woman is only attacking her life? Whatever the reason, reading that many of these deaths were preventable is sickening and highlights literally the fatal flaws in our systems.
Samantha Keir, East Brighton

Threatening behaviour
The behaviour by Chinese officials in deliberately blocking Cheng Lei’s view of Li Qiang was arrogant and obnoxious (“Cheng Lei wanted to do her job. A Chinese embassy official had other ideas,” 18/6). Prime Minister Albanese may love the optics of the visit by a senior Chinese government member, but for thinking Australians, the view is vastly different. Hundreds of the communist regime’s friends gathered outside the parliament to intimidate and overwhelm peaceful protesters – a former innocent victim of the regime was impeded in her work and our national leader continues his fawning approach to the Chinese government. One would be forgiven for thinking a representative of our closest friend had arrived, rather than a visitor from the regime that most threatens our national security.
Peter Curtis, Werribee South

The other side
Premier Li Qiang’s visit could be a catalyst for a critical review of all our relationships, including that with the US. Their foreign policy appears to be based on several planks, including preservation of US global hegemony and paranoid opposition to socialism and communism. The US system is supposedly based on democratic and capitalist values. These values helped produce the global financial crisis, a dysfunctional parliamentary system, gross inequality and a chronically divided society. The best presidential candidates they can come up with are Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Tragically and dangerously for Australia, we are told that we share US values and that they underpin initiatives like AUKUS. Chinese human rights abuses are appropriately condemned, albeit with a touch of hypocrisy from former colonial powers. However, the despised Chinese system has lifted 800 million citizens out of poverty in just 40 years.
Norman Huon, Port Melbourne

Fix the rules
Annika Smethurst has pointed out how clubs with pokies game the system by spending money on themselves rather than on the community (“Pokies clubs are meant to use a tax break for good. But this is what they spent $242m on”, 17/6). It is time that the rules changed so that communities benefit from the tax breaks, rather than the host organisations.
Irwin Faris, Torquay

Motivated for change
David Crowe alerts us to the fact that there is a falling sense of urgency when it comes to climate change (“Most voters back Labor’s 2030 climate target – but only just”, 18/6). Why should this be so when the disastrous effects of climate change are increasing all around us. The answer may be disaster fatigue. Every day we are bombarded with news of disasters around the world, headlined by the wars in Gaza and Ukraine. Back home we are hit with the cost of living crisis, housing affordability, youth suicide and mental health and environmental issues such as fracking and coastal gas exploration. Is this disaster overload leading to feelings of helplessness?
Graeme Lechte, Brunswick West

Base load challenges
Having introduced solar photovoltaics in the 1970s to power outback telecommunications, I am a huge fan of renewables, but we should bear in mind that a move to 100 per cent renewables is not feasible due to the intermittent nature of the generated power. Use batteries to fill the gaps, they will say, but the required size of these would be enormous. The use of pumped hydro or hydrogen generation, other forms of energy storage, would also present huge challenges. We will always require some form of “base load” power generation, over which we have full control to supply the troughs and smooth the peaks of power from renewables. Currently this is done via coal and gas-fired power plants, with their inherent greenhouse emission issues. Although relatively expensive and historically unpopular, the use of nuclear power for the supply of “base load” power would address the greenhouse emissions. Sure, it has its drawbacks, but we may have to just “bite the bullet”.
Mike Mack, Kew

Curb your enthusiasm
Reports that foreign funders are abandoning Santos’ climate-wrecking Barossa gas project (“Major foreign banks cuts ties with Santos gas project”, 17/6) chime well with Caitlin Fitzsimmons’ clarion call for direct cuts in emissions rather than reliance on dubious carbon offset schemes (“The accounting trick at the heart of climate targets”, 17/6). The welcome prospect of a reduction in Australia’s methane and carbon emissions, however, is dimmed by a recent study from The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis forecasting a looming global glut of liquefied natural gas. This is not good news for the planet, except for the fact that one reason for this projected oversupply is lessening demand as power generation shifts from gas to renewables. Proponents of the Albanese government’s Future Gas Strategy would be wise to curb their enthusiasm for Australia’s gas polluters.
Tom Knowles, Parkville

True costs
Have those voters who think cost of living is more important than climate action not yet worked out that fires, floods, wind-storms and drought contribute to shortages of food and goods and increase the cost of living for all of us?
Julia Thornton, Surrey Hills

Badgered by business
What is happening to business culture in Australia? To find a solution to a health concern, my GP referred me to a relevant clinic. The receptionist did not wait for me to phone and make an appointment but phoned me, asking me many questions that did not relate to my problem. Obviously, she had not read my GP’s referral.
A couple of days later the clinic phoned again to offer me an appointment for a totally unrelated test at no cost to me as it would be “covered by Medicare”. This sounded like blatant upselling and I decided to seek support elsewhere.
Secondly, a service company who installed an appliance for us in 2017, emailed that it was time for our yearly service — “required by law”. My husband emailed back, inquiring about such legislation. The email reply said it was “recommended” — clearly not legally binding.
Thirdly, after an annual mid-year check-up at my hearing-aid provider, I had phone calls or texts every couple of weeks encouraging me to purchase new hearing aids. I said that the cost of the new aids was prohibitive — $9000. They suggested I could pay them off for $9 weekly. “What if I die?” I enquired. “That’s OK, the remainder can come out of your estate” was the reply! The phone calls then changed to telling me that it was time for my yearly check-up. It wasn’t. The receptionist said this “badgering” has become a problem as many older clients get confused and rush to make an unnecessary appointment.
Searching for business is one thing but this degree of badgering and misrepresentation is surely a step too far. What is happening to companies in the pursuit of clients?
Sandra Ashton, Beaumaris

Misleading data
Your correspondent is partially correct in saying that both major parties “pursue pro-growth policies” (“Major failing on biggest measure”, 18/6). The reality is they are terrified by the definition of a recession as “two quarters of negative growth as measured by GDP”. Governments can will claim to be good economic managers with an immigration-driven boost to GDP even though the average Australians may be getting poorer. The relevant measure for commentators should be “per capita GDP” to make governments focus on the objective of improving the welfare of Australians.
Gerry O’Reilly, Camberwell

Dream crushed
We too are victims of the Actura collapse (“Parents left thousands of dollars out of pocket after school NASA trips cancelled”, 18/7), left more than $12,000 out of pocket. We fell for the “limited time incentive” Actura offered, which they inferred came from the parent group at our school. My daughter has been diligently working at a part-time job to pay for the trip of a lifetime that will never happen. Our hearts are broken for our daughter but also for the many hundreds of children affected.
Denise Batchelor, Highett

Stable solution
I never thought I would enjoy a George Brandis column. But to read his analysis of the forthcoming British election was pure joy (Comment, 17/6). Despite the increase of support for right-wing minority parties in Europe, the leftist British Labour Party is heading for a massive victory and Brexit may well be revisited and reversed. However, the closing paragraph suggests Brandis does not understand that a strong Labour Party in power for two terms could be the kind of political stability most Western nations would envy.
Daniel Cole, Albans

Back to the future
George Brandis finishes his column with a jibe that Keir Starmer “seeks to return Britain to the 1970s”. As I was reading it, a radio caller made the point that when he was young and starting a family, a single income was enough to buy a house, send your children to school and to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Starmer may be onto something.
David Brophy, Beaumaris


Credit: Matt Golding

China visit
Beijing (mistakenly) believes Australia can be bought off and silenced by the loan of two cuddly pandas.
Tim Nolan, Brighton

Panda diplomacy? More like pander diplomacy!
Gail Larkins, Moonee Ponds

China’s a bit like having an unpleasant neighbour who only talks to you when they want something.
Ron Mather, Melbourne

With the Chinese charm offensive in this region and the offer of two hopefully passionate pandas, I’m reminded of a story I once heard – something about a Trojan horse.
Daryl Binning, Bull Creek, WA

Your correspondent believes Dutton wants to keep us “safe and secure”. How safe is it to push nuclear power that cannot be set in place for decades? No nation will want to trade with us as we will be a pariah for dishonouring our commitment to the Paris accord. Neither safe nor secure.
Jan Marshall, Brighton

This fuss about who is the preferred PM does not worry me. I’ll vote for the leader who will enable my family to keep warm this winter by setting the thermostat at 20 without fear of bankruptcy.
Jim Lamborn, Doncaster

Presumably those voters who now prefer Dutton as preferred PM and received greater tax cuts because of Labor’s changes to the Coalition’s stage 3 tax plans will hand the money back.
Phil Alexander, Eltham

Recent polls indicate that Trump is preferred to Biden and Dutton to Albanese. This is a worrying trend in our democracies if voters are going to vote the wrong way.
Tony O’Brien, South Melbourne

Gillon McLachlan moves on to a high-paying gig with a betting company? What were the odds?
Peter McGill, Lancefield

A new word to learn every day: “the most dirigiste British government since the 1970s”. George Brandis hasn’t lost his man-of-the-people touch.
Peter Price, Southbank

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