

This was published 4 months ago

A right earned to a peaceful and painless death

Andrew Dyson

Andrew DysonCredit: .

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I lost my mother, who was living with Alzheimer’s, in January last year. Mum had a bad fall about six weeks before her death, and post surgery for her broken femur never regained her appetite. She was a strong believer in people like her, 88-years-old, and living with a terminal disease, to have the right to decide when they wanted out. Unfortunately, she did not qualify for Voluntary Assisted Dying due to her neurodegenerative condition, though she was alert, oriented and very capable of making this decision despite her memory deterioration. Although Mum got the outcome she so desperately hoped for, it was a very painful process for all involved to go through, especially the last few days of her life as she entered the actively dying phase. As a psychologist who works with older adults in aged care, I hear from many of my clients that they have lived too long. They, like my beautiful mum, I believe, have earned the right to choose a dignified, peaceful and painless death. I stand in solidarity with Cherryl Barassi’s pleas for us to review and improve upon the VAD laws. No one should have to go through what we still allow so many to endure until they reach the end of their lives. It is cruel and unnecessary and we must do better.
Ruth Berthelsen, Hampton

Let us consider the concept of a completed life
The article on Cherryl Barassi’s horrific personal plight following the loss of her husband Ron (″⁣Cherryl Barassi pleads for choice″⁣, 11/6) has created a tsunami of responses from readers deeply affected by her story. Cherryl has again emphasised the need for immediate legislative reform to broaden Voluntary Assisted Dying eligibility criteria in Victoria’s – not so long ago described as historic and highly lauded – VAD legislation. Her story intensely highlights the critical need to provide equitable access for all those suffering interminably at the end of life and again forces us to consider the concept of a completed life, an issue that the late Dr Rodney Syme intensely pursued.
We cannot for a moment forget the immense courage it has taken Cherryl to so selflessly and stoically publicly reveal such frank and intimate details of her personal life. My admiration for her is inexpressible.
There are many individuals, such as Cherryl, who have advocated for VAD while extremely ill, some right up until the moment of death. They have shared their stories of pain and despair in the knowledge that they themselves would not benefit from legislative change. In my mind, these are today’s true heroes. Their extraordinary selfless actions have, and will, continue to benefit generations of Australians.
Jane Morris, President, Dying with Dignity Victoria

The conversation must be started
Why is there such resistance under Victorian law to doctors initiating assisted dying conversations? Does it come from fulfilling the Hippocratic oath taken by doctors as an ethical statement to do no harm? Yet the oath also states that doctors make a personal commitment to the patient’s best interest and to act with compassion. Surely a lifting of the “gag clause” that prohibits doctors from initiating this conversation with their patients who have a progressive illness, will allow doctors to show respect and consideration for each person to determine their own existence, and to really offer a healing that comes from a place of courage and humility.
Julie Ottobre, Brunswick East

State’s euthanasia laws must be updated
Congratulations Cherryl Barassi for her courage in talking about the right to choose to die, when one’s body is failing, but the person does not meet the criteria of our conservative euthanasia laws. People live on in dire physical and emotional anguish because their illness is not deemed terminal. We must update our euthanasia laws. Maria Prendergast, Kew


Sacrifices are necessary
The editorial (12/6) articulates succinctly the current debate on climate change and emission reductions, except for two aspects. First, the Greens are still the only political party that is offering a more visionary way towards cutting emissions for a truly sustainable future. Second, no government has yet had the courage to discuss the issue of consumption, that is, the way we live our lives, particularly in the rich nations of the world.
It is this continual mantra of economic growth that is having an impact on the ecological resources of the earth. To have a sustainable future, sacrifices are necessary.
Judith Morrison, Nunawading

No doubt about it
Peter Dutton won’t unveil the Coalition’s climate target until after the next election. Clearly, the electorate won’t know what it is. If we take a leaf out of the Coalition’s book, if we won’t know, we must vote No.
Jacqueline Holston, Balwyn North

Reckless opposition
Thank you for your editorial expressing opposition to the Liberal Party’s proposal to abolish the current greenhouse gas reduction target of 43 per cent by 2030. The opposition’s announcement is reckless in the extreme, as were its energy policies when in government.
One wonders, given Liberal losses in the last federal election, who would support the return of uncertainty for investment in clean energy technology that the opposition has unleashed, other than the fossil fuel lobby.
Jenny Henty, Canterbury


Playing politics
Climate change action is urgent. Just because we may fall short of achieving the 43 per cent reduction by 2030 is all the more reason to enhance our efforts. The Paris conference on climate change expects participating nations to increase their targets but Peter Dutton does not address this.
This will require stronger leadership from all levels of government bodies. The approval and building of new energy infrastructure needs to increase, and more assistance needs to be given to industry, and increased rebates to householders to make the switch to electricity. It is a disgrace that Dutton is playing politics with an issue so important to our future and that of our children and grandchildren.
Jan Marshall, Brighton

Thank you Cherryl Barassi
Thanks to Cherryl Barassi for her plea for the granting of autonomy to sane sufferers who justifiably want to end their lives (″⁣Cherryl Barassi pleads for choice″⁣, 11/6). This is a major human right, gradually becoming recognised as such. Victoria led the nation in legislating for assisted dying but had to proceed “softly softly”. Now it’s time to update the conditions, recognising that cases of unbearable suffering still exist yet do not qualify for merciful release on the sufferer’s own request. It’s time we led the nation again.
Anne Riddell, Mornington

Outstanding example
All of us wanting to choose when we die can find our arguments for changing the law in Cherryl Barassi’s example. Beloved animals are not forced to live in pain until they die. But a human with a painful terminal illness must suffer until specific conditions are met. For me, the prospect of going into aged care is a nightmare. I want to say goodbye to my family and friends and then legally end the happy life that I have lived to the full. Thank you for going public Cherryl. You have started the process of changing the law.
Elizabeth Sprigg, Glen Iris

The time is now
Cherryl Barassi speaks for many frail oldies who can no longer do the things they enjoy but do not want to end their days as a bag of bones in an aged care bed. It’s high time government listened and allowed those who can speak for themselves to leave their lives at a time and place of their own choosing without implicating their loved ones in breaking the law.
Wendy Baker, Lilydale

Choice should be mine
I am 78 years old and have always been active and enjoyed exercise (walking) but in the past two years, my ability to walk has diminished and I now have a walker and a mobility scooter; writing is also extremely difficult and I am concerned there is more to this than just getting old. I agree with Cherryl Barassi. I would like to determine the timing of my demise not by outdated church beliefs and bureaucracy.
Ross Martin,

The wrong path
At times of greatest vulnerability, there is an extreme imbalance of power in a doctor-patient relationship and so many await guidance of a physician.
For too many, the shift in thinking will be fundamental if so-called assisted dying is suggested by a doctor. It would be abandonment of the most vulnerable, in perhaps their loneliest hour, to allow doctors to suggest euthanasia or assisted suicide. The minimal and absolutely essential legislative safeguard should not be discarded.
Former Prime Minister Paul Keating spoke out when Victoria’s legislation was debated in 2017, critical that ″⁣it assumed rules would never be bent by doctors and families when it becomes more convenient for carers or financial beneficiaries to see a gravely ill person die sooner″⁣.
Keating also hit the nail on the head condemning ″⁣the parlous state of geriatric and palliative care in Australia, which he said was where the real priority ought to lie″⁣.
Sadly, our legislators took the path of assisted dying rather than improving patient care.
Peter Beriman, Glen Iris

E-bike solution, NY style
I have just returned from New York and noticed that it has a much more progressive and orderly approach to the e-scooter problem than we have in Melbourne, where we are continually tripping over them on the footpath.
In New York, e-bikes have a dedicated collection area on the side of the road.
Those hiring the e-bikes collect and return them to these well-placed and orderly collection areas that are scattered throughout the city. There is no bike mess on the footpath where pedestrians can trip over them. A much better solution.
Steven Cramer, Malvern East

US politics on trial
The guilty verdict handed down to Hunter Biden should have absolutely no bearing on the outcome of the presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but the Republicans will try to milk it for all it’s worth. The upcoming election is a referendum on the character of the two elderly men, not the guilt or otherwise of any of their children.
If Hunter had not been a Biden, he would never have faced these charges.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris

Rendered speechless
So, Joe Biden’s son’s legal difficulties may affect Biden’s re-election chances, but his opponent for one of the most powerful positions on the planet is a convicted felon – which enhances his chances. I’m speechless.
David Raymond, Doncaster East

History lesson needed
I am saddened by the ignorance of vandals. George V personally oversaw the elevation of John Monash to the rank of general, despite the objections of many other commanders.
It was Monash’s meticulous planning of operations that saved hundreds if not thousands of Australian lives on the battle field. So rather than pillory George he should be thanked for his insight into the talents and care of a great Australian general at a time when such were rare.
Please check your history before vandalising our monuments.
Robin Anderson, Mentone

Wrong priorities
I don’t feel sorry for investors, if their departure enables more people to buy their own homes (“So long investors, hello homebodies, 12/6). Surely, the primary role of housing is to provide shelter. The alternative, prevailing view that it is a great way to make money reflects badly on society’s values.
Investors should be encouraged to put their money into productive assets, rather than property, and that’s where our tax system can help. The fact that the current system makes it easier for someone to buy their second property than for a young family to buy their first home is surely unjust.
Ian Penrose, Kew

Burnout principle
For generations teachers and principals have worked in a little changed system – their remuneration starts on a rather low classified rate of pay, which is increased incrementally until they reach 10 years’ experience. The way to increase the remuneration is to apply for leadership eventually gaining principal status where the remuneration is tied to the number of students in the school.
Unfortunately teachers are not trained in finance or commerce; their passion is education which is more of a vocation than track to financial reward. The stress principals are under will not change unless the system changes, as is obvious by the current lack of interest in applications for principal positions.
Owen Holleran (″⁣Why a principal who loved his job will never do it again″⁣, 12/6) is not unlike many who have left education or any other profession that they loved working in but called time on career spanning 40 or more years. For schools to be managed efficiently, they need to have two leaders – a principal for education and a principal for management both on the same level.
Margaret Raffle,
Keilor East

A friend lost
My wife aptly described the passing of Michael Mosley as “like losing a friend”.
Paul Jurkovsky, Ferntree Gully


I expect the next policy announcement by Peter Dutton will be regarding dinosaurs.
Chris Rodier, Glen Waverley

Mid-season, and Peter Dutton hasn’t just dropped the climate ball, he has deflated it and put it in the too-hard basket.
Greg Curtin, Nunawading

Nationals’ leader David Littleproud says that the nuclear reactors will be in Nationals seats. Has he asked the constituents?
Reg Murray, Glen Iris

Undoubtedly, nuclear power plants will be on time and budget, like so many other great Australian civil projects. For example, Snowy 2.0?
Peter Thomas, Pascoe Vale

Peter Dutton ditching short-term climate goals has obviously never heard the expression ″⁣look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves″⁣.
David Cayzer, Clifton Hill

A target to achieve something by 2050, when you have no short-term target at all, is not a target. It is a hollow political promise.
Robert Brown, Camberwell

It’s perfectly logical that Peter Dutton won’t set a target for emissions reduction by 2030. If you are going to rely on nuclear energy you are going to need coal for a long while. So coal-fired generators will be operating until 2040 or longer.
John Walsh, Watsonia

Universal, affordable, quality childcare – good for children, families and the economy.
Long overdue and preferably community controlled (″⁣Proposal for $10-a-day childcare″⁣, 12/6).
Anne Sgro, Coburg North

There could be more homes built if so many weren’t twice as large as they need be.
Malcolm McDonald, Burwood

Bit surprised to read that Melbourne’s ″⁣mojo″⁣ (″⁣So long investors, hello homebodies″⁣, 12/6) was so dependent on unaffordable housing.
Janet Wickerson, Thornbury

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