

This was published 4 months ago


In the modern-day duel, journalists always lose

Hundreds of years ago, nobles and upper-class folk who were publicly insulted would demand satisfaction and attempt to restore their honour by challenging those who wronged them to a duel. Demonstrating a willingness to risk one’s life to restore reputation could, even in defeat, be enough to raise doubts about the truth of claims in the mind of some onlookers.

Don’t be fooled into thinking such duels don’t happen in Australia in 2024. They have simply changed. They are referred to as “defamation proceedings”. The theatre is a courtroom. The weapons: lawyers at 10 paces.

Bruce Lehrmann challenged Lisa Wilkinson to a modern-day version of a duel in the Federal Court, presided over by Justice Michael Lee (centre).

Bruce Lehrmann challenged Lisa Wilkinson to a modern-day version of a duel in the Federal Court, presided over by Justice Michael Lee (centre).

This modern duel remains the domain of the nobility. Few others can afford the legal bills attached to demanding this kind of satisfaction. It is less bloody than doing things the old-fashioned way, but based on recent examples at least, can cause great harm to both parties.

Veteran crime reporter John Silvester, writing about the Bruce Lehrmann case, described defamation as “a giant poker game where you spend a fortune to see the other guy’s cards”.

“The trouble is, the deck is stacked with Jokers that can pop up at the most inopportune times.”


The Bruce Lehrmann “omnishambles” – Justice Michael Lee’s words, not mine – proves Silvester’s point. After being the one to demand satisfaction over claims made on Channel Ten by journalist Lisa Wilkinson that he was guilty of raping Brittany Higgins in Parliament House, Bruce Lehrmann’s reputation was mortally wounded. He will forever carry the scars of being found by the court, on the civil standard of balance of probabilities, to be a dishonest rapist.

“The Lehrmann imbroglio” (Justice Lee again), was a case from which few emerged unscathed, including Wilkinson and her network. As leading defamation lawyer Peter Bartlett – who often acts for The Ageexplained in an opinion piece this week, the team responsible for the Wilkinson broadcast was criticised by the judge for their lack of due diligence, and their defence of qualified privilege – which allows for a defence on the grounds that reporting is in the public interest – failed.

“No surprises there,” writes Bartlett. “The media has basically never succeeded in a defence of qualified privilege because the courts say the media audience is too large and does not have the required interest. Substantial truth is the only real defence for the media.”


That was the defence that saved Wilkinson and the media company from an expensive defeat. Their victory, though, will be pyrrhic. I mean this in respect both to their costs – which Lehrmann will probably find impossible to pay – and the damage to reputations they have endured while defending themselves.

Bartlett and lawyers at his firm, Minter Ellison, acted for The Age when our publication was sued by Ben Roberts-Smith, Australia’s most saluted war hero. Bankrolled by Seven West Media boss Kerry Stokes, Roberts-Smith poured millions of dollars into a case that took years to prosecute and defend. He lost that case when Federal Court judge Anthony Besanko found the former SAS soldier was a war criminal who had murdered unarmed prisoners. Roberts-Smith is appealing the decision.

Ben Roberts-Smith at the Federal Court in Sydney where he sued The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times for defamation.

Ben Roberts-Smith at the Federal Court in Sydney where he sued The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times for defamation.Credit: Getty

Both the Roberts-Smith and Lehrmann cases should prompt reflection from anyone seeking an easy payday or retribution from media outlets like The Age, whose reporting is motivated by fact, not malice. Murderers and rapists in particular, would be well advised to exercise restraint.

On their exterior, such cases may seem like victories for the media. In reality, they are not. They might be victories for the truth, but the outlets defending their work pay an irretrievable toll even when they have done the right thing. And I’m not talking about legal costs.

The stress of such proceedings on the reporters who have conducted their work in good faith is immense. Public attacks on their credibility, which they are forced to endure during the proceedings, can be worse than that of people charged with heinous criminal acts, as those people are afforded a level of protection by restrictions on reports that may affect the outcome of a trial. The reporters, though, are doing important work in the public interest and for the good of society.

Few journalists have ever been subjected to the kind of attacks Nick McKenzie and Chris Masters, the journalists behind the Roberts-Smith story, endured from the cheerleaders of a war criminal before they were vindicated by Justice Besanko’s findings. Beyond the attacks, they devoted countless hours to the legal defence of their work. Hours that could have been spent on new public interest projects, leisure, or time with loved ones.

Chris Masters (left) and Nick McKenzie were subject to attacks on their credibility before Ben Roberts-Smith lost his defamation case.

Chris Masters (left) and Nick McKenzie were subject to attacks on their credibility before Ben Roberts-Smith lost his defamation case.Credit: James Brickwood

Some of our best journalists are tied up with defamation proceedings in this way each year.

“It’s death by a thousand courts,” Masters told The Age’s in-house lawyer, Sam White, in a piece he wrote for the legal journal, Precedent, in which he outlined the massive impact of defamation on media outlets like ours. “It almost drove me out of the game because it almost turned me into a professional witness and defendant.”

In his article White highlighted the disproportionate financial costs borne by media companies, time spent on litigation by media lawyers, editors and journalists and the impact of such cases on confidence in the “reputation and legitimacy of the media as an institution”, which he argues is a danger to democracy. He also refers to the “chilling effect” Australia’s defamation system is having on some reporters and outlets. The need for fearlessness in reporting is one of The Age’s core tenets, but across the media, the chill has set in.


In a time when public interest and investigative journalism is pursued with fervour by precious few, prohibitive costs and time act as major disincentives to public interest reporting. What that means is that large mainstream publications like The Age, owned by large companies like Nine, are the only ones able to consider pursuing stories like the Roberts-Smith war crimes. Telling the truth about powerful people with wealthy backers is not as easy as it should be.

This reality is felt most profoundly by small and independently owned media, which are hugely important to the country’s media ecosystem. I spent a large part of my career at small regional newspapers and radio stations that did not have in-house lawyers at all, let alone those with the skill and experience of White and his adroit legal colleagues like Larina Alick. I can understand the reluctance of those small-town editors deciding whether to challenge the corrupt and powerful. But every time a regional paper declines an opportunity to scrutinise potentially corrupt behaviour in a local government or business, the perpetrators of that behaviour become further emboldened. When they do investigate and publish, however, it has a deterrent effect on others contemplating bad behaviour.

There should always be recourse for people targeted with intentionally malicious and untrue claims that damage their credibility. The bar now, however, is set far too low. Journalists who have gone to great lengths to seek the truth about a contentious topic and publications seeking only to inform readers can be caught in the snare of defamation law. Noble intentions and high ethical standards are not enough to avoid the trap.

The status quo is bad for democracy and bad for those who expect ethical behaviour from society’s most powerful. It is not just bad for journalists.

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