

This was published 11 months ago

None of this is acceptable. Think of the children

Andrew Dyson

Andrew DysonCredit: .

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We all grieve for the death of Zomi Frankcom, her other aid worker colleagues and their Palestinian driver. But we grieve, too, for the deaths of all those other aid workers, journalists, medical personnel and more than 30,000 Palestinian civilians, as well as the deaths of the 1200 Israelis on October 7 and the holding of more than 100 hostages still by Hamas. None of this is acceptable.
Isn’t it about time that the wringing of hands ends, and that each country that supported the UN peace resolution sends 10 people to stand united in Gaza so that no more bombing takes place, and somehow that the Israelis and the Palestinians sit down together? Children are dying of starvation in Gaza and words do nothing to prevent this. And our future goes if our children are killed, be they Israeli or Palestinian. Zomi deserves some radical action now from our government.
Peta Colebatch, Hawthorn

Different ratios of tragedy
Anthony Albanese thinks that the death of one Australian aid worker is a ″⁣tragedy″⁣, but the deaths of 30,000 Palestinians is Israel exercising its right to self-defence.
Peter Martina, Warrnambool

Someone must be brought to account
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says that aid worker Zomi Frankcom’s killing by Israeli forces is unacceptable. In reality it is acceptable because like most atrocities there will be huffing and puffing from politicians and officials but eventually no one will be brought to account.
Max Langshaw, Sunbury

Marching in protest in Israel
We are told by Israel and its Defence Force that they are only carrying out precision target bombing. So it was precision target bombing that killed the international aid workers. I think all clear-thinking people know what’s happening in Gaza is Israeli indiscriminate bombardments that have resulted in appalling numbers of civilian deaths. It’s no wonder that even tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv to demand an immediate ceasefire and an immediate election in the hope of kicking PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his far right cronies out of power.
Rajend Naidu, Glenfield, NSW

A new generation will rise
Whatever the eventual outcome of the awful events in Gaza, two things are certain: the relentless bombing of Gaza has ensured another generation of Hamas recruits, and the reservoir of sympathy that Israel’s cause used to enjoy has been destroyed.
Peter Sheehan, Camberwell

The world should unite in outrage
The death of an Australian aid worker in Gaza is tragic for her and her family. But it should not take the death of one Australian for our government to express outrage at Israel’s military assault on Gaza. Thousands of Palestinian civilians, plus health and aid workers and journalists have been killed in Israeli bombardments of Gaza. Israeli claims of ″⁣doing everything to avoid civilian casualties″⁣ have absolutely no credibility whatever. Not just Australia but the US and every country should act to compel Israel to stop this senseless slaughter.
Daniel Cole, St Albans

More apologies required, PM
What about all the Australian Palestinian families who have had family and friends killed by Israel in Gaza strikes? Has Anthony Albanese asked Benjamin Netanyahu to apologise for them, and told Netanyahu of Australia’s anger and outrage.
Jocie Cohen, Melbourne



Teach water safety
A staff member of Life Saving Victoria told me nearly two decades ago that one of the greatest drowning risks in the state were migrants from landlocked countries, or big land masses, with no experience of water – lakes, rivers or the sea.
It seems we are overdue for a focused, migrant adult swimming campaign – if not for the sake of participants, for the sake of
their loved ones.
Alison Fraser, Ascot Vale

Selfish NIMBYs
Your correspondent is wrong (Letters, 2/4). NIMBYs in the desirable inner suburbs she defends are the main reason so many young people and new migrants can only afford to live in the less desirable outer suburbs.
NIMBYs’ selfishness in opposing housing developments in suburbs where they already enjoy spacious treed blocks, excellent public transport and abundant amenities has forced up house prices and condemned generations of first home buyers to living 50 kilometres or more from central Melbourne.
It is sad and somewhat ironic that inner urban residents are usually the first to refer to the houses these economic refugees prefer as “McMansions”.
NIMBYs are the very definition of selfishness.
Greg Hardy, Upper Ferntree Gully

Imagine this
Your correspondent (Letters, 3/4) says, ″⁣that God can be worshipped in many ways illustrates the diversity and wonder of life″⁣, which is a lovely sentiment.
Unfortunately, it is these different concepts of God and how to worship ″⁣him″⁣ which is at the core of some of the greatest conflicts in history and throughout the world today.
John Lennon hinted at a better world without religion. History suggests he was right.
Julian Guy, Mt Eliza

Powerless promises
Promises to revive the SEC won votes for the Andrews government at the 2022 state election. As it turns out, now there isn’t a parliamentary ″⁣super majority″⁣ in favour of changing the Victorian Constitution to do that.
Who is surprised? There’s talk, too, about exempting the SEC from the financial hurdles of the government’s own long-standing competitive neutrality policy, but that would be to the detriment of powerful private sector interests and seems equally unlikely (″⁣Revived SEC may get levy exclusion″⁣, 3/4).
But what the heck, it’s not the first time empty promises have won an election or kept up false hopes.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

Honour her work
Zomi Frankcom, the Australian aid worker killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza on Tuesday, along with six of her World Central Kitchen colleagues, deserves to be posthumously recognised by the Australian government for her sterling dedication to working as a senior manager at the charity, which took her to such far-flung destinations such as Morocco, Haiti, Pakistan, Turkey and the border of Ukraine.
Eric Palm, Gympie, Qld

Shameful industry
The deaths of 151 Australian cattle on the Brahman Express en route to Indonesia is yet another example of the cruelty and lack of transparency in this trade (″⁣Indonesia in dark on cattle deaths″⁣, 3/4). Imagine the suffering of the cattle and then the pollution caused by the dumping of 151 carcasses into the sea.
This industry is a stain on the reputation of all Australian farmers and damages Australia’s reputation abroad.
Jan Kendall, Mt Martha

Happy memories
I cannot agree with Melissa Singer (Comment, 2/4). As a Baby Boomer growing up in McKinnon, albeit on its eastern fringe, it had everything a boy needed.
Our family of four moved there from a small flat in Elwood to a three-bedroom, brick-veneer house on a quarter acre block in a dead-end street, off Thomas Street, with a small park at one end, where we played cricket and football, if not in the street.
We moved there not to be in the zone of McKinnon High School, but to have room for the next addition to the family. All the kids in the street went to school at Ormond State – with class sizes of 45 – either on their bikes or walked; no parent drop offs in those days.
We were not interested in having a sourdough bakery or a bus to Chadstone, we had the
milk bar that sold a bag of lollies for 20p (20¢) and an icy pole or, better still, an ice-cream in a cone.
Bruce Waxman, Malvern East

Self-reflection needed
Sam Norton’s comment piece (3/4) provides another depressing example of the depths that Australian politics is plumbing. As Opposition Leader Peter Dutton uses opportunities to paint the government as weak on crime and border security, Clare O’Neil insists that they are even tougher.
If that requires playing up to racial prejudice, or using some wretched refugees as political cannon fodder, that’s just politics – avoiding ″⁣the wedge″⁣ is an essential skill.
Australia, a nation of immigrants, has been regarded as the most successful, multicultural nation on Earth. If most Australians are not starting to feel uncomfortable and ashamed at the cruelty practised in our name, then we must redefine the national character, values and self-image.
When our children and grandchildren reflect on this
awful period, they will surely wonder what happened to our
better angels.
Norman Huon, Port Melbourne

False argument
It is a somewhat of a spurious argument to claim that Israel’s continued bombing of civilian buildings in Gaza is somehow legitimate because Hamas militants have “enmeshed and embedded″⁣ themselves in and under the civilian population.
It begs the question – is this what happens when more than
2 million people have been herded and barricaded into an area half the size of Canberra?
Julie Perry, Highton

Not spent well
On money alone, the Voice referendum should have passed (″⁣Yes campaign reaped more in donations″⁣, 3/4). Why didn’t it?
With the benefit of hindsight, the government made mistakes, including not stressing enough that the Voice would be advisory only. The Yes campaign failed to make clear that the referendum was only the first step in a long process to define how the Voice would work.
Too much of the money donated to the Yes campaign was probably spent preaching to the converted. Plus internet posts and some
right-wing media gave prominence to the No case, at low cost to the
No campaign.
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price says the referendum was a waste of time and energy. Perhaps we could have saved the need for donations if politicians had asked the Indigenous community what they wanted? Oh yes, they did.
John Hughes, Mentone

Keep to original route
It’s not about the trees. I doubt that residents could even name any of the invasive, exotic and ugly weedlike species that have invaded either of the corridors between Glen Huntly and Caulfield (″⁣Residents arc up over new option for bicycle path″⁣, 2/4).
The trail should go along its originally planned route,
complete with a new bio-corridor of native vegetation that will
look much better than the overgrown wasteland that currently invades that space.
David Blom, Nunawading

Must rethink exams
Cheating is driven by supply and demand (″⁣Universities face tangled web of cheating services″⁣, 3/4). Demand includes ″⁣taking the easy way out″⁣. Not all students have the necessary ability or work ethic. Poor English skills and the need to eat and pay the rent are also factors. Whenever there is a demand, suppliers will appear.
The universal adoption of ″⁣multiple choice″⁣ exams is an expedient to save staff time, but producing a series of wrong but plausible alternatives is also time consuming. And what do they measure? Is it trivia, or is it ability to distinguish fine degrees of semantic ambiguity?
We have little choice but to resume sit-down essay type exams under supervision. Marking them is boring and time-consuming, let alone struggling with illegible handwriting.
Occasionally, I came across an exam booklet reeking of perfume, but I never found a $50 note
tucked in.
Oral exams are another possibility. Within minutes, an examiner knows whether a student knows his or her stuff.
The remaining time is mainly to prove fairness.
University staff are in a bind. They are under pressure to improve their research productivity, which is where the real prestige lies. There are no simple answers.
James Goding, Emeritus Professor,
Monash University

AFL not for the fans
Victorians make up 63 per cent of total football club membership (AFL 2023 official numbers) yet are treated with contempt by the AFL. Last year, it introduced the so-called “Gather Round” where all 18 clubs play in South Australia. This year’s round will see three games involving six Victorian teams that would normally have been played in Victoria, depriving nearly 500,000 Victorian club members plus thousands of “pay-on-the-day” supporters from seeing their team play.
South Australia is a traditional, usually parochial, Australian rules state so the playing of a whole round there cannot be to convert non-AFL followers to the game.
This year, they added an Opening Round which also featured no games played in Victoria. It seems it’s all
about money and the fans come
a distant last.
David Parker, Geelong West


With so much collateral damage, the Israeli Defence Force and Benjamin Netanyahu have run out of collateral.
Alan Inchley, Frankston

An Australian charity worker killed by an Israeli air strike. Time for Australia to withdraw its aid and support.
John Cain, McCrae

Israeli Defence Force independent inquiry – the very definition of an oxymoron.
Malcolm Fraser, Oakleigh South

Didn’t Anthony Albanese remember Peter Dutton’s “forgotten people″⁣ when he chopped up the Coalition’s tax cuts for the rich?
Bernd Rieve, Brighton

Many barely survive on $361 a week, others are provided with perks, such as a piece of steak.
Annie Wilson, Inverloch

My heart bleeds for those being ″⁣forced″⁣ to sell their third property. Instead of being mostly empty, people may end up living in them. The horror!
Paula O’Brien, St Kilda

Only a mule-headed donkey would invest in Donald Trump’s mismanaged assets (Business Age, 3/4).
Greg Curtin, Nunawading

The Yes campaign might have had more money behind it but the No campaign had the loudest, most strident voices. Noise trumped cash.
Marie Nash, Balwyn

Daylight saving goes on too long. Winter will be here soon and we’ll be getting up in the dark then. We don’t need to practice in autumn.
Belinda Burke, Hawthorn

Bipartisan support for salary increase one understands, but bipartisan support for salary decreases? Who would believe it?
Gary Bryfman, Brighton

Returning control of electricity supply to public control would indicate that profit does not come before people.
Tony Haydon, Springvale

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