

This was published 11 months ago

More children shun reading in their free time as libraries also fall out of favour, study shows

By Robyn Grace

One-third of secondary school students do not read at all during their free time, while 13 per cent of students in year 4 “never or almost never” borrow books from a library.

As Australia’s childhood literacy rates continue to decline, two studies show reading could be falling out of favour as a childhood leisure pursuit.

Librarian Tim Cuthell with readers Evie, 5, and Sylvie, 3.

Librarian Tim Cuthell with readers Evie, 5, and Sylvie, 3.Credit: Wayne Taylor

A study of more than 13,000 11 to 18-year-olds led by Deakin University shows 29 per cent don’t read at all outside school work, 17 per cent read less than once a week and only 15 per cent read daily.

And it’s not just books.

More than a third of surveyed students didn’t engage with articles, blogs, magazines, comics or newspapers. Audiobooks also didn’t rate, with only 13 per cent listening in their spare time.

“Book abstainers” were usually male, older and had friends with similar (non) reading habits. Forty-four per cent said they found it difficult to locate appealing books, while 67 per cent expressed a general dislike of reading.

The disconnect from reading may begin to slide at a young age, with analysis of the 2021 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study finding almost 13 per cent of Australian year 4 students “never or almost never” borrow books from a library.

Another 29 per cent of students had only a few books at home and 7 per cent attended schools that didn’t allow children to borrow library books.


Australian Council for Educational Research senior research fellow Kylie Hillman looked at the reading habits of 5487 students across 291 schools.

The research showed that while most students had access to school libraries and were frequently given time to use them, almost half were not regular weekly borrowers.

Seventeen per cent borrowed once or twice a month, 13 per cent a few times a year and another 13 per cent never or almost never borrowed books at all.

The study has prompted calls for urgent investment in Australia’s school libraries.

Trish Hepworth from the Australian Library and Information Association said one of the issues underlying the data was the growing inequity in access to well-resourced school libraries, particularly between public and private schools, and metro and regional and remote areas.


“It’s not because the people aren’t passionate about kids learning to read, but because there hasn’t been the resourcing to have qualified staff to have a well-resourced collection,” she said. “And we think we’re seeing the results of that come through.”

Victoria was the only Australian state or territory to register a statistically significant decline in the 2021 PIRLS test.

The decline was attributed to a drop in the proportion of year 4 students whose results indicated advanced reading abilities for their age, rather than a decline among children in the middle or lower bands of proficiency.

ACER, which ran the test locally, said at the time COVID may have fed into the Victorian result, with students returning from another period of remote learning when they sat the test.

Almost one-third of Australian children across years 3, 5, 7 and 9 failed to meet new proficiency standards for literacy in last year’s NAPLAN tests. In Victoria, with its high levels of advantaged students, that number is one in four.

At local libraries, free wifi, study space and video games have become a gateway back to books.

Some are using TikTok accounts to inspire teen readers, while all Victorian libraries recently offered prizes including a roller-skating party to 16,000 children who joined the Big Summer Read.

Tim Cuthell, from Bunjil Place Library in Narre Warren, said finding a book that interested each child could be “kind of like fishing”.

“It’ll take a little bit of time to find it, but there is something out there for everybody.”

At Bunjil Place, books that had been turned into television series were popular with teen readers. Others were turning towards self-help, with bestseller Atomic Habits a favourite in VCE years. Graphic novels and manga books were still popular.

Cathell said the content was less important than the conditioning.

“If they’re reading a book and it’s a manga instead of perhaps say, a 60-chapter book, it’s not the end of the world,” Cuthell said. “It’s still reading and they’re doing it because they want to.”

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