

This was published 7 months ago

Paul Theroux’s stylish reimagination of Orwell’s Burmese days

By Adrian McKinty

Burma Sahib
Paul Theroux
Hamish Hamilton, $34.99

A few years ago, well after midnight, at a bar during the Sydney Writers Festival, a bunch of us crime writers were pitching high-concept thriller or potential series ideas to one another. “George Orwell: Detective, is a procedural series waiting to happen,” someone said. Orwell’s first job had been as a colonial policeman in Burma for five years and we drunkenly envisaged White Mischief-style sex, violence, corrupt colonial officials and the shooting of elephants.

Fortunately, the hack version of this story never did get written. The good version, however, has just arrived from Paul Theroux, called Burma Sahib.

Paul Theroux reimagines the young George Orwell working as a policeman in Burma.

Paul Theroux reimagines the young George Orwell working as a policeman in Burma.Credit:

Eric Arthur Blair (Orwell is a nom de plume) was born in Bihar, India, where his father was an official in the Opium Department of the Indian Civil Service. Theroux’s book begins on the ship to Rangoon, as a painfully shy 19-year-old, fresh from Eton, embarks on what he hopes might be an adventure right out of the boys’ weeklies. The family can’t afford to send Blair to Oxford, so the tall young man tries out for the Burma Police, daring to dream that perhaps like Kipling he will find material to make poems, stories or even a novel.

Rangoon transfixes young Blair with its heat, exoticism, strange trees and animals. He is sent up country to police school and, always the good scholar, excels in learning the penal code, Burmese and Hindustani. Not wishing to stand out, he hides his contempt for the “whole racket that is the Raj” and actually becomes a good policeman, arresting several murderers and sending a dissident monk to jail.


He reads voraciously, writes detailed letters home, all the while building his literary muscles. Few people are let into Blair’s secret literary ambitions but his Eton classmate, future literary critic Cyril Connolly, sends back the occasional encouraging letter.

Two years into his police career another Eton chum visits and is shocked to find how changed Blair is by his profession. Gone is the bolshie schoolboy and in his place is a ramrod-straight police superintendent, frowning on mixed marriages, kicking disobedient schoolboys, visiting brothels and spouting propaganda about the empire.

For a book such as Burma Sahib to work well, you need three interlocking elements: a skilled writer, who is familiar with the country of Burma (now known as Myanmar) and who is also a bit of an Orwell nerd. Theroux has clearly done his Orwell homework, he has travelled extensively in Burma and he writes charmingly with his usual understated humour. The period details are rich and Theroux’s grasp of 1920s slang, Raj argot and British regional dialects is impressive. The Ulster Scots word “thrawn” (meaning contrary) appears on the same page as bollocking, gadabout, dacoits, topee and a common vulgarism for vagina.


The milieu of the novel is delicious, reminiscent of mid-period Graham Greene but without Greene’s dreary religious posturing. A naive, insecure, Eton swot sceptical of the British Empire goes out to Burma and becomes the – often violent – tip of the spear of that very empire. And indeed the novel would be a mesmerising one if it was all just Bildungsroman and milieu. But it isn’t.

In Paul Theroux’s novel, we see the young George Orwell’s feelings about the Raj change and his evolution into a kind of proto-Winston Smith.

In Paul Theroux’s novel, we see the young George Orwell’s feelings about the Raj change and his evolution into a kind of proto-Winston Smith.Credit:

About 90 pages in, Blair is posted to the Irrawaddy Delta and given a murder case to solve. He promptly mucks it up, but there are more fascinating cases along the way. We visit prisons, border towns, steamy rivers and, in one outstanding chapter, Blair’s relatives who have done the unthinkable and married natives. Blair’s feelings about the Raj change and we see his evolution into a kind of proto-Winston Smith.

There are several new books about Orwell and his world by Anna Funder, Sandra Newman and Dennis Glover to name but a few. So what is it about Orwell that makes him so attractive to contemporary writers?


There’s the prose, of course, especially the essays that remain a model of economy and grace. There’s the dynamism of his life: Eton, Burma, the Spanish Civil War, homeless in Paris and London and isolated on the Isle of Jura. And there’s the politics too. The bien pensant left see Orwell as an anti-colonialist who actually fought against fascism and was gravely wounded for his troubles. The reactionary right endorses Orwell for his warnings about communism (in Animal Farm, Homage to Catalonia) and the surprising number of essays that seem to embrace One Nation Toryism.

Praised by both sides of the political divide, Orwell, often quite a vain man, might have enjoyed this beatification, but he would have drawn the line at full canonisation. “Saints,” he once said of another 20th-century hero, “should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent.”

Theroux has not given us a hagiography. Instead, he has written a thoughtful, fully rounded portrait of a young man coming of age in a baroque, baffling and completely fascinating place and time. At aged 82, Theroux is still a curious, thrawn, uncompromising traveller and writer. Young Eric Blair would have admired that.

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