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There has been a recent increase in articles and opinion pieces in The Age focusing on defence (such as the front page yesterday – ″Fears $11b navy boost will leave defence gap″) as we enter an apparently unstable era and our principal ally, the United States, descends into dysfunction, which would no doubt be rapidly exacerbated by the re-election in November of the erratic Donald Trump.
The Albanese government needs a radical rethink, both about our military hardware – which it seems to be doing in some measure – but also about our military personnel. One possibility to increase the manpower of our domestic military forces could be based on the conscription system of Switzerland, where I lived for 23 years. All males from age 18 to 30 participate in military training, which consists of initial service of 18 weeks. Over the next nine years, recruits carry on their normal lives and have six refresher courses of three weeks each. Women are also encouraged to sign on.
This system causes minimum inconvenience and resentment, and helps bind together a diverse nation of four different official languages. Recruits often train in cantons beyond their own linguistic region. The result is nothing like the controversial conscription by lottery imposed on Australian 20-year-olds in the 1960s to fight the Vietnam War.
The Swiss system is widely accepted, even welcomed as a key element of Swiss life which gives young people a sense of discipline and nationhood. But, of course, the major benefit to Switzerland is a large domestic defence force ready to defend the nation in case of invasion. If Australia had a cohort of millions of citizens ready to defend every town and street of our nation, they would be a major deterrent to any possible invader.
Edmund Doogue, Crawley, WA
Climate change is the real enemy
What’s going on? In its October 2022 submission to the Australian government’s defence strategic review, the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group led by Admiral Chris Barrie AC (Retd) and Air Vice-Marshal John Blackburn AO (Retd) and others wrote that “climate change is the greatest security threat facing Australia, requiring a fundamental reframing of security and defence strategy”.
One key finding from the report was “the existential nature of the climate threat requires a fundamental reframing of Australia’s defence and security strategy, away from traditional nation state geopolitics, to focus on unprecedented global co-operation rather than conflict”. The report recommended the removal of subsidies to fossil fuel industries, including the “$42 billion annually in Australia, roughly equivalent to our current defence budget”.
Sadly, it seems the report has been ignored by the current government, which continues to approve coal mines and subsidise the fossil fuel industry. Defence spending on ocean-going vessels of war has ballooned obscenely to include $368 billion for AUKUS subs and now a further $11 billion on a futuristic “combatant fleet” (“Fears $11b navy boost will leave defence gap”, 21/2).
Meanwhile the oceans the vessels will patrol are the hottest on record. So much for science and the wisdom of our elders.
Ray Peck, Hawthorn
Our efforts should be towards peace, not war
It is ludicrous to see that we are acquiring a fleet of drone ships to double the navy’s number of warships as China rapidly expands its military and asserts itself in the South China Sea. If a conflict were to happen, China would overwhelm Australia in one fell swoop along with our warships. The tactics of war are rapidly changing as we now live in a world where missiles and drones are the new weapons of combat. Rather than playing war games and building our out-of-date arsenal, it would be better to use all efforts to work towards a peaceful world.
Julie Ottobre, Brunswick East
Businesses, step up
If inflation is the measure of the increase in prices, and businesses decide the increase in their prices then, QED, businesses are responsible for inflation. Why then does the government and Reserve Bank rely on interest rate rises as the inefficient sledgehammer to force prices lower.
This “solution” has delivered collateral damage to millions of households (anyone with debts – particularly mortgages) who are already financially stretched. It also benefited some key businesses – banks. Consumers were forced to reduce their spending.
Surely pressure should be brought to bear on those companies who have raised their prices the most (insurers), have the most customers (retailers, banks), and have the most input into other product costs (power, resources).
Businesses relied on government assistance during crises that threatened the economy and their viability. They should now be asked to reduce prices to assist the economy and their customers.
Peter Thomson,
Fighting ageism
Lawyer Claire Thurstans writes that serious, harmful inequality and discrimination – such as whether a person can find or stay in employment, or whether a person continues to be accorded the same quality of healthcare – can and does result from letting pass humorous or condescending potshots at those who do not conform to society’s preferred persona, such as each of us once we pass a certain age (“Ageist potshots hurt older people everywhere”, 21/2).
Social progress on ageism and other discriminations will be very much linked to education, which enables deeper and wider understanding by all of society of the equal human rights of everyone, and of the valuing, rather than the fearing, of human diversity in all its forms. New understanding would eventually bring new legislation, because, as stated by aged care royal commissioner Tony Pagone, rights are of no use unless they are enforced in law.
Ruth Farr, Blackburn South
Colonial question
Pro-Palestinian activists make out that the Palestinians are the indigenous people of the region known as the modern state of Israel, whereas the Jews are merely colonialists. But to be a colonialist you need an empire to own the colony. So if Jews are colonialists and not indigenous to the region, then to which land are Jews indigenous?
Henry Herzog, St Kilda East
Crisis in the making
Those in the Israeli government proposing the ludicrous idea that 1.4 million Palestinians can be safely and humanely evacuated from Rafah by March 10 need to know that they would be initiating the worst humanitarian crisis in living memory.
Matthew Hamilton, Kew
Hamas does not care
Does Hamas really care about Palestinian statehood and Palestinians? Hamas pretends to want Palestinian statehood, but that surely cannot be its end game. Hamas attacked Israeli civilians in a depraved, horrendous, barbarous manner. Hamas knew Israel would go to war to retrieve its hostages and clearly did not care about the consequences for Palestinian civilians. As the war has raged, and the appalling toll on Gaza mounts, Hamas knows the war it started could be stopped immediately if the hostages were released and Hamas surrendered. If Hamas truly cared about Palestinians it would stop this war now.
Louise Kloot, Doncaster
Follow their lead
What a great example of hospitality was shown by the original owners of Pender and Beagle bays in Western Australia to the recent arrival of the asylum seekers, as distinct from the cruel and secretive methods endorsed by both major political parties in handling asylum requests.
Kerry McInerney, Mornington
Wilcox on the money
The Cathy Wilcox cartoon in Tuesday’s Age eloquently captures the dual threat facing the democratic West. A dictator of a fake democracy, becoming increasingly more repressive and aggressive towards the West, giving advice on how to gain power to a would-be “dictator” in the world’s largest democracy, depicted as a willing pupil. Trump is trying his best to undermine the democratic foundations of his country, and is eager to learn. Putin’s ruthlessness and cruelty and Trump’s narcissism and ambition are there for all to see. He admires Putin and has encourages him to “do what he wants” to America’s unfinancial NATO allies. If Trump regains the US presidency – a distinct and frightening possibility – it will be a disaster for the US and the world.
Bob Malseed, Hawthorn
Putin’s tentacles
Now that Alexei Navalny’s widow Yulia Navalnaya has made known her intention of opposing the tyranny of Vladimir Putin (“Navalny’s widow vows to fight on”, 21/2), could she be the next victim of “sudden death syndrome”, an “accidental” fall from a tall building, or a mysterious poisoning in Russia or wherever she may happen to be?
The tentacles of Putin stretch a very long way.
Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin, ACT
A negative factor
The analysis ″One million homes left vacant? It’s not the case″ (20/2) clarifies that the best long-term way to unlock housing supply is by providing more houses rather than by any fiscal fiddling. Columnist Ross Gittins adds further weight (Comment, 21/2) to the argument that modifying negative gearing would free up access to housing for those who need it most.
What connects these two ideas is the artificial restraint that negative gearing places on access to vacant rental accommodation. If 10.8 per cent of the 1,043,776 homes unoccupied on census night were empty rentals, that’s a lot of lazy negative gearing waiting to be put to better use.
Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale
Unearned reward
Ross Gittins provided a clear analysis of negative gearing (“Why fixing negative gearing would be a positive for our kids”, 21/2). Australia is one of the few countries that rewards this kind of unearned income and it clearly stymies housing ownership for young people.
Why couldn’t we look at examples of how other countries, which do not have such a housing crisis, manage their ownership and taxes? I lived in Switzerland for many decades, where owners could deduct the cost of mortgage and maintenance outgoings on their places of residence from their tax. Investors did not have this advantage.
It beggars belief that in Australia workers’ hard-earned income is still taxed but passively gained wealth from housing is rewarded.
Judith Hudson, Elwood
The pluses of a negative
Negative gearing at the average mum and dad level of investment actually saves the government money. The two properties I bought via negative gearing are now valued at enough that I do not receive a cent in government pension, which eventually will far outweigh the amount of tax I would have saved. So the argument shouldn’t be to abolish negative gearing, but to limit the number of properties that one individual can buy with its assistance. Also, negative gearing helped encourage me to invest in property in the first place, thus providing two extra houses on the rental market.
Neil Gilbee, Werribee
Thanks to mums and dads
Thank you Noel Whittaker (Comment, 21/2) for outlining the long-term benefits of those who are in a position to buy rental property.
Given the state government has been lacking in its building of community housing, it’s refreshing to see the positive long-term effects of mum and dad investors buying housing for rental. We personally do not own rental properties, but have in the past and know that this is providing housing for those within our community that are not fortunate enough to be able to buy their own. Given the governments poor record on providing and increasing its public housing stock, the landlords not being able to access the aged pension is a double bonus for them. I agree that fiddling with negative gearing tax is a no-brainer.
Vicki Hertaeg, Jan Juc
False strategy
Noel Whittaker asks the wrong question – “why would anyone want to stop negative gearing?” If the primary motive of hypothetical pair Jack and Jill’s investment strategy is to have sufficient funds on retirement that they won’t need a pension, why subsidise that strategy with tax incentives? Surely being able to afford to finance an investment property should be a reward in itself?
John Varley, Abbotsford
Wrong targets
Your correspondent (Letters, 21/2) is right when he says that “Assange should not be likened to the staunch, moral Navalny who, in dying with epic fortitude for his convictions, has become one the greatest of his people”. But neither should we readily dismiss the similarity of the disproportionate reaction of the two countries to critics of their actions. Assange and Navalny might have had different motives for their criticism, but in the end it is the revelations of immoral and criminal behaviour of the two state actors that may cost the critics their lives.
Jerry Koliha, South Melbourne
AI may be onto something
Has anyone ever thought that humans are just the AI inventions of other beings and that those other beings have a warped sense of humour or have poor intelligence?
Greg Tuck, Warragul
As ever, it will be a great day when schools are properly funded and the navy has to run a cake stall to buy new rope.
Bryan Lewis, St Helena
Peter Dutton’s attacks on the current performance of Border Force is certainly the pot calling the kettle black.
Peter Randles, Pascoe Vale South
A few positives from Peter Dutton wouldn’t go astray. He was in government for nine years and did nothing. The former Liberal government is being called to account.
Christine Hammett, Richmond
It’s good to see local government focusing on the local issues. With the skills they’ve used to fix homelessness, begging and graffiti, I’m sure they’ll be able to get peace in Palestine, too.
David Barry, Mitcham
We are in a housing crisis with huge numbers of people homeless. This is not the time to knock down perfectly inhabitable public housing towers, even when they are outdated and the developers are queueing up. Stop it.
Ralph Böhmer, St Kilda West
When will our military chiefs and our politicians realise what Ukraine has shown us – that drones are the irresistible force of the future, both airborne and underwater.
John Walsh, Watsonia
Nowadays AFL players have to be “match fit”, not just fit (they may carry “niggles”), and they participate in “match simulations” not practice matches.
Greg Curtin, Nunawading
Let’s hope that mankini-riding Olympian Shane Rose hasn’t given Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez ideas for how they can appear in public wearing even fewer clothes.
Heather D’Cruz, Geelong West
With the invention of the robot lawn mower and now the apparent immaculate conception of Charlotte the stingray (21/2), is the obsolescence of the male of the species almost complete.
Judy Kevill, Ringwood
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