

This was published 7 months ago

ASIC warns workers ‘left in the dark’ on poor performing super

By John Collett

Financial advisers and super funds should be doing much more to make sure that those in “choice” super options are not in poorly performing funds that will leave them with less money for retirement.

A review of choice options by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) found investors were at risk of “detriment”, as super funds, financial planners and their employers, the licence holders, are not doing enough to address underperformance.

ASIC’s Simone Constant says super fund members who are using advisers should not be left in the dark if their super investments are underperforming.

ASIC’s Simone Constant says super fund members who are using advisers should not be left in the dark if their super investments are underperforming.Credit: Jeremy Piper

“Members should be informed about their super investments – not left in the dark if their super investments are not performing as expected, and there may be better alternatives,” says ASIC commissioner Simone Constant.

Choice super options are those members choose themselves. MySuper options, by contrast, are often default options chosen by employers for their employees, where the employees do not choose.

Much of the more than $1.1 trillion in choice options is held by those who are advised by financial planners, many of whom are retirees. The options tend to be those offered by retail super funds rather than not-for-profit industry funds.

The retirees will often hold the investments through the administrative platform chosen by the planner’s employer.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), in its latest annual performance test released last year, showed that about one-quarter of multisector choice options available on the administrative platforms used by financial advisers failed performance benchmarks.

By contrast, only one MySuper fund option failed to meet its performance benchmark.


Super funds were required to write to members in failing options informing of the fact by September 23 last year. Options available through allocated pensions, mostly used by retirees, are not included in APRA’s performance test.

ASIC also raised questions in its review about the quality of the vetting of superannuation options by planning firms. Ratings houses are sometimes used by planning firms to help assess which super investment options should be on the planning firms’ “approved” list of investments.


However, ASIC says that ratings houses sometimes give only a small weighting to performance in their assessments of superannuation investment options. Retail super funds say they want to remove underperforming options, but are limited in what they can do.

Spiro Premetis, executive director of policy and advocacy at the Financial Services Council, which represents retail super funds, says ASIC’s findings underline the need to make it easier for super funds to move their members into better performing products.

“Many consumers cannot be moved out of legacy products due to tax and regulatory barriers imposed by the [federal] government,” Premetis says.

He says that super funds “appropriately conclude” that moving members from a legacy to a modern investment option, if it results in members incurring tax obligations, would not be in members’ best financial interests.

The Financial Services Council says it can also be difficult to get consent from individual investors to be moved, particularly from those who have accessed the super option through an administrative platform.

The issue is set to become even more pressing as super fund options that fail APRA’s performance test two years in a row can no longer take new members, turning them, in effect, into “legacy” products.

In light of its review, ASIC is considering a range of regulatory responses where consumers received personal financial advice that resulted in them being in an underperforming investment option.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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