

This was published 7 months ago

Labor demands details on donors who support Pesutto’s legal fund

By Annika Smethurst and Broede Carmody

Integrity experts have called for greater transparency around personal donations, as Labor boosts pressure on Opposition Leader John Pesutto to reveal details of who donated to his legal fighting fund against exiled Liberal MP Moira Deeming.

Both Pesutto and Deeming have accepted donations to help fund their costly legal battle ahead of a 10-day defamation trial in September.

Opposition Leader John Pesutto and MP Moira Deeming are headed for a defamation trial in September.

Opposition Leader John Pesutto and MP Moira Deeming are headed for a defamation trial in September.Credit: Jason South, Darrian Traynor

Pesutto has vowed to release the names of everyone who contributes to help cover his legal costs after it was revealed that three former Liberal premiers – Jeff Kennett, Ted Baillieu and Denis Napthine – have privately donated to his fighting fund.

While individual donations to Victorian political parties are capped to a maximum of just over $4000 every four years, there is no limit to how much money politicians can receive as a personal donation, as long as it isn’t spent on an election campaign.

University of Melbourne Law School Professor Joo-Cheong Tham told The Age personal donations represented “a new front” for transparency.

“There’s clearly no limits on the amount people can give if it is for a personal purpose,” Tham said.

Under the Members of Parliament (Standards) Act, all MPs must update their register of interests twice a year: once within 28 days of June 30, and again within 28 days after January 31.

Victorian state MPs must declare to parliament all sources of income, beneficial interests and debts if they total above $2000. While they do not have to detail how much they receive, they must name the source of income and supporting information.


In 2021, then-federal minister Christian Porter resigned from the front bench after refusing to identify the creators of a blind trust that paid his legal fees in a defamation case.


While the donations to Pesutto’s legal fund do not breach Victoria’s strict political donation laws, integrity experts have called for greater transparency around personal donations so that the public can readily access the information.

“Whatever is being disclosed in the register of interests needs to be integrated with the [political] donation disclosures by the Victorian Electoral Commission,” Tham said. “We’re thinking about [the potential for] undue influence and corruption, so it’s linking all these things together.”

The academic, who also serves on the board of the Centre for Public Integrity, said the release of ministerial diaries – one of the first integrity reforms of the Allan government – and the lobbying register should also be brought together in the one, easy-to-use interface.

Professor Joo-Cheong Tham from the University of Melbourne Law School.

Professor Joo-Cheong Tham from the University of Melbourne Law School.

“So knowing where the money comes from, but also following the impact of the money.”

Accountability Round Table chair Lyn Allison, a former Democrats senator, said stronger rules governing MPs’ register of interests were “absolutely” needed.

On Tuesday, Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas, who as leader of the House oversees the smooth running of parliament, demanded Pesutto reveal details about the donations made to his legal fighting fund, and called on the opposition leader to provide more detail about the contributions he had received.

“Mr Pesutto is quick to call out others on matters of transparency, but it’s time he led by example and came clean with the people of Victoria,” Thomas said.

She called on Pesutto to reveal whether he had taken any steps to ensure there were no conflicts of interest and whether he had promised to return any money to donors.

In response, Pesutto said he would declare all contributions to his legal defence and do so by early March, in line with parliamentary rules. He added that those donating to his legal fund had not been promised anything in return.

“I just hope the minister’s response times on hospital waits, on ambulance arrivals, is better than her response time to this,” he said. “The minister should focus on her job.”

Thomas fired back, saying she spent Tuesday morning visiting a pharmacist who was, thanks to a government trial, now able to prescribe treatments for common skin conditions.

“Unfortunately, there is no treatment yet available for thin skin,” she said.


Last year, Pesutto backed a motion to suspend Deeming from the party room for her role in the controversial Let Women Speak rally, which was organised by British anti-trans rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull and gatecrashed by neo-Nazis.

After the suspension passed the party room, Deeming indicated to her parliamentary colleagues that she could take legal action against Pesutto unless he issued a media release making it clear he did not believe her to be associated with neo-Nazis.

That triggered five MPs to put forward a motion seeking her expulsion, which was backed by a majority of Liberal MPs, forcing her to the crossbench.

Several Liberal MPs, speaking to The Age on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal party matters, said on Tuesday they were frustrated by the ongoing distraction caused by last year’s expulsion of Deeming.

While some MPs believe the party room will remain fractured under Pesutto’s leadership, Liberals are determined not to cause a distraction before the crucial March 2 federal byelection for the seat of Dunkley.

“There is definitely dissatisfaction against John, and it hasn’t simmered down,” one MP said.

“While there is great dissatisfaction, there is no credible alternative.”

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